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一名犹太人布尔什维克中断了复活节的午夜服务。 伊利亚·格拉祖诺夫(Ilya Glazunov)的大型纪念画的细节
一名犹太人布尔什维克中断了复活节的午夜服务。 伊利亚·格拉祖诺夫(Ilya Glazunov)的大型纪念画的细节

1. 简介

大多数人都知道,但很少有人愿意谴责媒体上严格的禁忌,即使用该术语批评犹太人作为一个群体。 即使犹太人应得的钱,也不能批评一小部分犹太人,只占犹太人口的一小部分。

显然,这是一种运行出版物的荒谬方式,该出版物的目的是了解真相,所以我写这篇文章是为了解释为什么从现在起, 俄罗斯内幕 我们将公开接受公正,诚实地讲解犹太精英影响力的文章,包括指出什么时候是恶毒的(通常是恶意的),并试图理解和解释它,而对任何人都没有恶意。

我已经确信,除非我们打破这一禁忌,否则在地缘政治中不断发展的人类灾难中,任何事情都不会得到改善。 在过去的30年中,数以百万计的人死亡,如果我们希望它停止下来,并避免发生似乎不可避免地发生的大灾难,我们必须拥有批评那些责任者的自由。 我和其他许多人一样,很明显,对此感到内的是犹太人的压力组织,尤其是媒体。

伊利亚·格拉祖诺夫(Ilya Glazunov)的巨著《伟大的实验》(The Great Experiment)(1990)的细节,其中提到了犹太人在俄罗斯革命中的作用
伊利亚·格拉祖诺夫(Ilya Glazunov)的巨著《伟大的实验》(The Great Experiment)(1990)的细节,其中提到了犹太人在俄罗斯革命中的作用


我是媒体界的新手,三年前,我出乎意料地强迫他担任这本广为阅读的出版物的所有者,出版者和编辑。 经验丰富的受众群体每月在我们所有平台上的访问量约为10万,并且我们广泛地受到所谓的“影响者”的关注。 我们在短时间内取得了巨大的成就,我们通过说出别人不愿说的话来做到这一点。 我们在主要平台上第一个谈论的许多主题现在已经成为主流。

俄罗斯内幕 是一种草根现象,有时它更像是一场政治运动,就像它与出版物一样。 我们的存在完全是因为读者的小额捐赠。 我们没有从主要捐助者那里获得资金,更不用说政府、基金会或其他有组织的团体了。 都是私人的。 过去一年,我们最大的一笔捐款是 5000 美元,捐赠的中位数是 30 美元。 去年我们筹集了大约 80,000 美元。 这让我们可以自由地说出我们想要的东西,这对于很少的出版物来说是这样的,即使是在另类媒体领域,其中大多数人都对大捐助者表示感谢。

我每天看到通过解决或忽略某些主题如何影响公共议程。 确实可以有所作为,据我所知,我试图产生积极的影响。 即使是相对较小的媒体,它在媒体的力量方面也是一次了不起的教育 俄罗斯内幕.

但是,这种禁忌是一个很大的例外。 意识到您几乎可以发布任何东西,这确实非常非同寻常, 。 正如我所说,几乎每个人都知道禁忌,在我以前的商业生涯中我也做过禁忌,但这完全是另一回事。 执行 直到最近我才感到 被迫 去做,去做你的鼻子 每天都在尝试了解世界大事。


有些人试图用委婉语来避开禁忌。 名副其实的家庭手工业已经出现,发明了新的手工业,的确,这是替代媒体的新趋势。 我们听到很多关于“犹太复国主义者”,“精英”,“全球精英”,“全球主义者”,“新保守主义者”,“自由干预主义者”,“战争党”,“以色列游说者”,“深层国家”,“银行家”,“新世界秩序”(我从不了解实际上是什么),“ Bilderbergers”-听起来像是中欧童话中的一个好人。 我的朋友Saker和“ Anglozionists”一起。

但是这些术语都不起作用,对吗? 他们都掩盖了这个问题,实际上增强了禁忌的固有欺骗性。

犹太复国主义者? 真的吗? 我从未听说过有人用这种方式形容自己,甚至从未有人形容他们-“您遇到了马克斯吗?他是一个热情的犹太复国主义者!” 我从未见过有人提到它对社交媒体资料感兴趣(也许Facebook应该将其作为表情符号)。 也许雷切尔·马多(Rachel Maddow)是犹太复国主义者,据我所知,尽管据我所知,犹太复国主义是一场政治运动,一旦以色列国步入正轨,它就失去了紧迫性。 精英? 好吧,不,我想很多犹太人都是精英,但更多的犹太人不是精英,更多的精英是非犹太人,所以不,这是行不通的。 反正你懂这个意思。 这些都是试图越过热心的检查员的尝试,它们有助于保持混乱和欺骗。

不,这些人的唯一共同特征是犹太人的遗产。 有些是自由主义者,有些是保守派。 有些是宗教的,有些则不是。 有些是犹太人的混合遗产,有些则不是。 有些人在乎以色列,有些则不在乎。 一些人支持以色列,另一些人批评她。 他们是政客,新闻工作者,学者,喜剧演员,演员或商人。 有些来自西欧,有些来自东欧,而其他则来自中东。


俄罗斯内幕她的任务是解释和描述俄罗斯及其在世界上的作用。 一旦您开始研究其他国家与俄罗斯的关系以及俄罗斯的历史,就会很明显地看到,对普京俄罗斯的不合理敌视,特别是来自美国和英国的敌对,是一种犹太现象,并且一直是个世纪。


媒体上最挑剔,痴迷俄罗斯的新闻工作者大多是犹太人。 最有力地推动着这些作家的出版物都是犹太人所有的,作为出版商,我非常清楚,这就是金钱的来源。

在政策方面,新保守主义运动是俄罗斯最严酷的敌人,它是由犹太人设想,领导和主要由犹太人组成的。 而且他们的麻烦制造远远超出了俄罗斯-他们是过去20年美国在中东灾难性灾难的原因-他们的罪行恰好由一个国家(俄罗斯)阻止。 精神病患者反抗俄罗斯最近的联合国大使Nikki Haley和Samantha Power被放置在以色列游说团那里,并给出了独立的简报,换句话说,他们对总统的回答不是对总统的回答,而是对犹太提案国的回答。

在国会中,最大的俄罗斯-盖特王朝的重击者是犹太人-希夫(Schiff),舒默(Schumer),布卢门撒尔(Blumenthal),弗兰肯(Franken)(尽管不像媒体那样压倒性)。 以色列的游说组织例行执行对俄罗斯不利的立法。 比尔·布劳德(Bill Browder)受到Magnitsky制裁-是犹太人。


但是,让我们来谈谈媒体–因为这才是真正的力量所在。 当涉及到真正的政治影响力时,政府的所有其他杠杆和分支机构相形见pale。

该国的两家主要报纸 “纽约时报”“华盛顿邮报”拥有所有权,编辑和工作人员的犹太人,一直在对普京的俄罗斯发动全面的圣战,并且犯下了最怪诞的不诚实,诽谤和新闻不当行为-由最权威和最受尊敬的资深新闻工作者之一详尽地列出在美国,罗伯特·帕里(Robert Parry)是波尔克奖(Polk Award)的获得者,并获得了其他荣誉。 您可以看到他的非凡著作的档案馆,批评了这两个出版物,尤其是与俄罗斯有关的出版物, 此处.

PBS代表着杰作剧院(Masterpiece Theatre)和其他高调产品,其百合般的白色形象完全取决于有钱的犹太人的捐款。 就像一些向哈维·温斯坦(Harvey Weinstein)提交的外星新星一样,该电视台已被允许使用,它不停地播放着最荒谬的反普京宣传,如果这在白发的,非白人的,不那么有效的宣传中,那将是很有趣的。美国的天桥居民以及他们的精装书。 一家深深的犹太公司CNN像宗教一样将俄罗斯门推向了自己的品牌遭受严重损害的地步。

全国最受欢迎,影响最大的自由派政治节目主持人雷切尔·马多(Rachel Maddow)是犹太人。 她在妖魔化俄罗斯和推动Russiagate方面表现得过高,以至于她已经成为一个有趣的人物。 在印刷方面,名单是相同的-大声尖叫的人大多是犹太人,而且女性比例过高-而且那里也有一个重要的教训–玛莎·格森(Masha Gessen),安妮·阿普尔鲍姆(Anne Applebaum)和茱莉亚·洛夫(Julia loffe),仅举几例。

男性合唱团的克制同样令人生畏。 David Remnick,David Frum,Bill Kristol和Charles Krauthammer。 甚至喜剧新闻也讨厌俄罗斯-约翰·奥利弗(John Oliver),乔恩·斯图尔特(Jon Stewart,以前是乔恩·斯图尔特(Jon Stewart),比尔·马希尔(Bill Maher)和所有犹太人)都做出了巨大的努力,说服美国人说普京的俄罗斯确实是字面上的意思,而且这个词经常被用做“希特勒”。

犹太人拥有的高眉头杂志一直在领导对普京的指控-纽豪斯的小说 纽约客是, 纽约书评 (这本古老杂志的管理着迷于该主题)。 “新共和”, “新闻周刊”, 大西洋,而罗斯柴尔德(Rothschild)拥有 经济学家 在一场妖魔化俄罗斯和普京的大规模运动中,一个又一个地讲出一个只能讲谎言的故事。

耶鲁大学历史学家蒂莫西·斯奈德(Timothy Snyder)和Neocon消防品牌迈克尔·魏斯(Michael Weiss)的网站, 口译由流亡的犹太寡头米哈伊尔·霍多尔科夫斯基(Mikhail Khodorkovsky)资助,是该现象的另外两个著名人物。

“经济学家” 特别值得一提的是埃德·卢卡斯(Ed Lucas)领导的指控(他是查尔斯·波特(Portal)的侄子,查尔斯·波特(Portal)是英国的犹太元帅,他是轰炸德国平民的坚决拥护者,被认为是德累斯顿大火的追随者。 本·犹大和他的父亲蒂姆的著作同样带有讽刺意味。

但是要引起所有这些注意,或者调查他们的事情是否存在 犹太 简单地说,这使他们对俄罗斯如此敌对。 人们不可避免地指出,当我指出这种巨大的种族不平衡时,许多批评犹太人对俄罗斯的敌对行为的批评者呢? –令人钦佩的格伦·格林瓦尔德(Glenn Greenwald)是一个突出的例子,还有许多其他例子。 答案是,趋势的例外并不能反驳它,并且常常可以掩盖它。


事实是,在一个疯狂地为自己的国家信条奉献“言论自由”,并不断地对他人讲授有关该主题的话题的国家中,在这个至关重要的,威胁世界的问题上,言论实际上并不是自由的主题,这是一个显着且危险的状况。 我不会因为发表这篇文章而被判入狱,但是这种禁忌就像是一种魅力,可以使这个话题不被公开讨论。 当您可以让人们进行自我审查时,谁需要压制性法律? 在欧洲这个主要国家的德国和其他欧洲国家,我可能会被锁死,这对于德国的这个儿子来说是另一个令人震惊的想法。

犹太人对俄罗斯的抨击现象比我在短短几段中所能表达的要广泛得多,我敦促有人以更系统的方式做到这一点。 我很乐意出版。



许多逃离革命的白人俄国人认为,这主要是犹太人发动的政变,由纽约和伦敦的富裕银行家资助,他们是基督教沙皇的敌人。 确实,有确凿的证据表明这是事实。 这种观点认为,内战期间及其后的恐怖袭击一直持续到斯大林时代,因为他也无法真正控制它,这是犹太人的恐怖活动。 有经验的证据也表明,情况确实如此,这不仅是因为布尔什维克领导层中有很大一部分是犹太人,特别是托洛茨基,而且还有许多其他恶性人物,尤其是在秘密警察中,这些恐怖分子使俄罗斯人民感到恐惧。

亨利·福特(Henry Ford)受这一观点的影响很大,他从俄罗斯酋长国那里听到了这一观点,从而增强了他的反犹太主义, 充分证明 自由主义主流历史学家认为,德国国民社会主义运动从根本上反犹太主义,以回应这种解释,他们的采纳是受到大量白人俄国人在欧洲避难的涌入的影响。 但是,在主流历史文章中,甚至没有揭穿它,人们都没有听到过这样的耳语,大概是因为有人的“感情”可能受到伤害。

这一切都回荡到今天。 在当今的乌克兰,顽强而根深蒂固的反犹太主义是这种白俄观点的直接继承者。 这是因为纳粹拥有由乌克兰和波罗的海境内的白人俄罗斯盟友实施的长期颠覆计划,这些人在种族上属于德国人。 30年代的饥荒增加了人们的情绪。 希特勒入侵时,这项工作取得了丰硕的成果,乌克兰西部地区热情地欢迎他并与他的军队作战,就像波罗的海地区的许多人一样。 战后,德国情报部门以宽大为代价,将这个网络交换给了CIA,CIA继续执行旨在破坏苏联稳定的计划,这些计划在整个冷战期间一直持续到今天,代表着重要的财政和机构支持。 。

2014年乌克兰发生的事件有100年的来历,并且与所谓的犹太人对这场革命的罪过有着千丝万缕的联系。 但是,尽管在2014年的事件中溅出了所有加仑的墨水,但即使在替代媒体中,这一至关重要的背景也很少受到讨论(我所有人都可以证明这一点)。


遗漏的巨大之处令人难以置信。 革命后的几十年中,俄罗斯人民遭受的苦难是非同寻常的-在这里几乎没有达成共识-现代修正主义者坚持认为,这场革命及其后果可能造成2万受害者,其他人则认为这场灾难已经达到了上千万人。 这不仅是人数,而且是行动的方式–家庭破裂,父亲在半夜被拖走,教堂被炸毁,祭司遭受酷刑折磨,遭到仪式性谋杀,虚假的供词被无辜者殴打,未经审判即决处决,强硬的窃贼文化,数百万人被送往奴隶劳工营地-一个国家数十年来一直处于恐怖之中,至今仍受创伤。 如果甚至丝毫怀疑这本质上是针对俄罗斯族裔的犹太大屠杀,那当然值得进行公开审查。


我们试穿 俄罗斯内幕 对此事件的观点进行曝光,我认为值得听证-我还没有足够的专家来说这是否正确-但禁忌是如此有效,以致几乎没有质量可言。 俄语方面有大量工作要做,其中大部分是自共产主义垮台以来编写的。与西方相反,这是俄罗斯内部广泛讨论的观点,因此繁重的工作已经完成了,只是需要翻译成英文。


在RI,我们要做的一件事是扫描替代媒体,寻找我们认为是关于俄罗斯最好的文章,然后重新发布这些文章,并附上原著的链接。 我们还密切关注我们认为最不诚实的文章,并对其进行批判,正是通过对作家和出版物的全面调查,我才对犹太人的敌意有了如此深刻的了解。 随便的读者对它的认识可能是轶事–我可以向您保证,它比人们意识到的更为明显。 当您每天8小时阅读,分类,分析,跟踪和评论这条思想河时,它就会变得显而易见。

我经常和令人惊讶的是,在替代媒体中,关于俄罗斯左右,中部的精彩著述令人惊讶,这些人物来自最令人印象深刻的人物角色,其中大部分与地缘政治有关。 智力和学术水平非凡。 得益于这种出色的能力,我们对俄罗斯相关事务的分析比我们的预算高20倍的新闻机构更深入,更透彻。



可悲的是,他们写的很多东西毫无意义,几乎等于专业上的渎职行为,因为到目前为止,犹太人推动与俄罗斯对抗的努力是最重要的因素。 从地缘政治的讨论中排除它是无视大象,不是在角落,而是在房间中间跳舞马祖卡的大象。 我们不应忘记故意遗漏是一种谎言,在法院已被承认为这种谎言,这种情况也没有什么不同。

遗漏是一种误导,并造成了无休止的混乱,因为它迫使作家将责任归咎于它并不真正属于的地方–罪魁祸首是无止境的:“民主主义者”,“自由主义者”,有时是“美国这样做”或“美国人”做到了”,或者是特朗普,奥巴马,希拉里,雷克斯·蒂勒森或约翰·麦凯恩,或者是“军事工业园区,深层国家,情报界等等。” 是的,这些人是同谋(除了“美国”,这是一个荒谬的观念,即我们有350亿人集体同意任何事情),但最重要的不是他们的无私背叛,而是在美国政治和媒体中有实力的犹太人他们很容易强迫他们跳舞。


Alt-Right知识渊博,可帮助您理解俄罗斯,并撰写了大量有关俄罗斯和俄罗斯关系的出色文章,其中很多都是随处可见的。 我们关注Alt-Right媒体并重新发布了偶尔的文章,它们在以下网站上总是非常受欢迎 俄罗斯内幕 –我认为,主要是因为他们提出了新的观点,并谈论了其他人拒绝解决的至关重要的问题。

Alt-Right是一个青年运动。 它的领导者大多在30多岁,而据一些估计,这种名列前茅的确确实很大,据估计,其全球范围已经达到了几千万人,似乎主要是从十几岁到10多岁。 许多Alt-Right公司已经完全摒弃了这一禁忌,并轻蔑地摒弃了这一禁忌,确实践踏了这一禁忌,就像年轻人对每个时代的繁琐和荒谬的习俗一样。

我认为,青年人造福社会的一种方式是,他们质疑老人在说什么,–改变一点,让他们审视自己的假设,这是不言而喻的。 并非偶然, 皇帝不穿衣服 孩子们的故事,是一个孩子指出了显而易见的事实:大人拼命看不见的东西, 因为这会损害他们的物质健康.


如果您对此表示怀疑,那么我强烈建议您听一些最流行的Alt-Right播客中的几集,例如 追逐民族或理查德·斯宾塞(Richard Spencer)的 右派政治,可通过智能手机轻松访问。 这 追逐民族 主持人是两名百老汇政策狂热者,听起来像他们是20多岁或30多岁,他们每个星期都花几个小时谈论政治。 他们在分析中指出了相关性,而不是夸大其词,指出了犹太人的利益在发挥作用,政治人物,记者,说客,出版商,出版物,基金会或其主要出资者,盟友,配偶和支持者是何时犹太人该团伙在 右派政治 一样。 很明显,直观上显而易见的是–抹去对此的提述会妨碍任何认真的讨论。

(对于《 Fash the Nation》,我建议与Marcus Halberstram一起插播, 像这个,和 Alt Right政治是, 年度回顾情节 是一个好人。 这 追逐民族 主持人在演出中会表现出ob亵,这很可惜损害了他们的公信力,但不要被它所拖延,要让它变得年轻无知-他们值得一听。)

通过吹散这种禁忌,Alt-Right使自己变得重要,而那些坚持这一禁忌的人则无关紧要。 禁忌只有在普遍观察到的情况下才有效-如果相当多的人开始忽略它,那么其他人开始显得越来越荒谬。 自由主义者花费大量的时间为“右派权利”苦苦挣扎。 通过拒绝公开和公正地讨论犹太人的影响力,他们正在赋予他们强大的竞争优势。

Alt-Right通过解决迫切需要阳光的问题,提供网站和播客的生态系统来为社会提供服务,在该系统中,作者可以被发表和批评,观点可以来回争论。 关于“另类权利”中犹太人影响的讨论大部分是学术性的,公正的和平衡的,即 凯文麦克唐纳 or 迈克尔·霍夫曼.

我相信,“另类权利”将继续受到关注,因为他们聪明地讨论了两头神圣的母牛-犹太问题,并且与之紧密相关的是种族平等的能力和对混合种族社会的渴望。 只要他们解决了这两个关键问题,而且没有其他一个,它们就会增长。


禁忌的另一个有害影响是,它们可能导致愤怒的爆发。 如果不解决问题,它们往往会恶化和恶化,直到变得无法忍受,然后有时会发生突然而猛烈的反应。 您可以在关于犹太精英的恶意影响的公开讨论中看到这种动态。 当某些人最终意识到它的影响力和伤害时,被他们敬佩和信任的人误导了,他们大发雷霆-这是当您发现自己对某些至关重要的事情被欺骗时的一种普遍反应。 我认为,这是尽快摆脱这种禁忌的另一个原因-它可以使事情变得更糟。

显然,进行这一讨论时,不应对整个犹太人产生任何仇恨或愤怒。 造成麻烦的犹太人-处于政治和媒体势力顶峰的犹太人确实是一小群。 和我一样,与犹太人一起长大并非常了解犹太人的人都知道他们就像世界各地的人们一样,基本上是体面的,这是我压倒性的个人经历。 正是出于某些原因,他们的精英机构显然是恶毒的,这需要公开审查,至少犹太人自己要这样做。



持续不断的性丑闻似乎使我们的头版大增,这似乎是对此现象的感叹。 从好莱坞到娱乐业再到媒体再到华盛顿,从一线狂暴的暴民召唤出来的可怜的草皮趋向于某种种族,更不用说眼镜中的领头羊了。 尽管这部戏正在引起人们的种种谈论,嘲弄和嘲笑,但在Alt-Right之外,没有人提到这一明显的事实,因为这是不礼貌的。

当犹太人进入势力范围时,即当他们加入可怕的“精英”时,似乎就会出现问题。 然后,由于某种原因,无论他们的政治同情或其他特殊情况如何,他们都无济于事–某些事情严重地出了问题。 也许强大的犹太机构–媒体,银行,电影制片厂,音乐产业等,掌握在堕落的人手中,他们要求不良行为作为门票的价格,然后加以实施。 我真的不知道,但是显然这个问题是值得商examination的,因为证据确实表明,大多数由犹太人统治和塑造的人类事业是无底洞,充满了对淫荡和犬儒主义的偏爱,对基督教和基督教徒的敌意。价值观,在地缘政治中,显然是嗜好。

好莱坞和电视剧? 一个完全由犹太人统治的行业,以及堕落和玩世不恭的毫无生气的螺旋式上升,而且这种情况只会逐年恶化。 金融市场? –同上–只是看电影 大短 or 华尔街之狼 以获得特别生动的插图。 流行音乐和说唱噩梦? –同上。 以色列国及其对巴勒斯坦人的待遇? –更多相同。 美国外交政策? –在过去30年中,这场无情的灾难造成数百万人丧生,浪费了数万亿欧元。


在每种情况下,人们都会看到不诚实的趋势。 确实,整个“假新闻”现象从根本上讲都是犹太人的。 犹太人拥有的美国和欧洲媒体制造了数量惊人的谎言。


是的,在愤怒的罗马人将希伯来部落分散到四风之后的1900年,“ JQ”仍然是一个巨大的,混乱的,尚未解决的问题,在我们这个时代,它正面临另一场危机。 我只能以我所熟知的任何专业知识发言。 西方对俄罗斯的外交政策,俄罗斯的历史以及犹太人的影响,对整个地球都构成了灭绝的威胁。 我确信中东政治专家会证实类似的观点。

所有这些都需要学术研究和认真的调查,才能最终弄清这场持续不断的悲剧,无论是犹太人还是外邦人的悲剧。 一些作家已经取得了重要进展,例如凯文·麦克唐纳(Kevin MacDonald),但是要理解这个问题,还需要做更多的工作。

一位严肃的作家迈克尔·霍夫曼(Michael Hoffman)在他的书中 犹太教的奇异之神,他认为问题在于现代犹太教,它已从旧约的宗教发生了根本性的改变,被各种犹太教派有效地劫持,例如新约时代的法利赛人,这些教派启发了精英中的人类行为。 我真的不能说,但是正是我们需要弄清楚这种查询,因为我们的总统喜欢说“到底发生了什么”。


我知道alt媒体和alt lite中的许多作家和编辑都私下同意我在这里写的内容,但是我们不应该期望他们中的许多人很快就会打破这种禁忌。 原因是他们几乎没有财务能力,并且通常只靠微薄的工资工作,而编辑政策的任何此类变化都会淘汰他们的部分资金(更不用说一些更好的作者了),使他们的财务状况难以维持。 有些人看中会寻求支持的基金会或政府。 需要的知识性工作将在支持基础可以忍受的少数平台上完成,而这些平台大部分都在Alt-Right或可以逆潮流的出版物上,例如 俄罗斯内幕.


对于RI的同事,员工和专栏作家,我在这里表达了强烈的反抗。 我已经与许多人进行了详尽的讨论。 该网站上的一些最好的作家,以及一些对美国对俄罗斯无能为力的政策的批评家,都是犹太人。 有些人私下同意我的意见,但说公开这样做会损害他们的职业,以至于他们不能。 有些人不同意。

俄罗斯内幕 很大程度上取决于读者的贡献,我想这会减少一些读者的捐款,因此,如果您同意本文​​,那么现在是单击“捐赠”按钮的好时机。

讨论犹太人的问题(这里“问题”是正确的词)显然不会成为讨论的重点。 俄罗斯内幕 –我们试图主要针对俄罗斯,但我愿意为这个问题提供空间,而不仅仅是与俄罗斯有关。 我邀请所有作家(包括Alt-Right作家)直接与我联系 [电子邮件保护] 关于文章的想法,建议或其他任何内容,是的,我们将发布使用(((echoes)))的文章。

令我感到遗憾的是,我们无法为文章付费给作者。 如果有人阅读此书可以帮助向作家支付这一重要主题的资金,那将是有帮助的,因为它立即提高了写作的质量和深度。 如果您有兴趣,请直接与我联系。

归根结底,我不在乎其他人是否同意我的观点,我是否失去或获得作者,捐款,流量或影响力,或者大型科技平台是否试图使我们兴高采烈(他们是已经积极地这样做了)。 我于2014年秋天启动了这个网站,以宣扬可怕的罪行,媒体大肆报道这一谎言,犹太人在极具影响力的犹太人拥有的出版物中大声疾呼,(安德鲁·克雷默(Andrew Kramer)和《纽约时报》编辑部是关于乌克兰冲突的典型例子。 那时,我不认为这是犹太人的问题–我只是知道那不是事实。 我当时对犹太人的影响知之甚少。 但是经过三年的政治分析和媒体批评,这是事实。

俄罗斯内幕 通过尽最大努力讲真话并在媒体中大肆宣扬不诚实行为而赢得尊重。


(从重新发布 俄罗斯内幕 经作者或代表的许可)
忽略评论者...跟随Endorsed Only
  1. Harryslide 说:

    Great piece! It is true that nothing very constructive will really happen ’til this taboo is broken. When it is, there will be a wonderful flood that sweeps over the land, calming and soothing the nerves that have been too long stressed and frayed. That won’t be soon. Right now, publications such as this one and a very few others seem to me to be in reality rubber bands with spit wads against machine guns and very large bombs. The Jews’ power is immense; almost immeasurable. It has been consolidated courtesy of hoaxes and lies that have brought them sympathy and pity from a people whose brains have been fried by unending entertainment, which entertainment itself has been comprised of clever lies and absurdities. Nonetheless, all we can do is to do all we can. Thanks again for a great source of info, and a platform for expression.
    Harry Hagan

    • 回复: @Twodees Partain
  2. Anonymous [AKA "Jewie Jewison"] 说:


    • 巨魔: Che Guava
  3. Aylok 说:


  4. Anonymous [又名“莫迪伯杰”] 说:

    事实:我是犹太复国主义者。 现在你知道一个
    事实:Rachel Maddow 不是犹太人。

    • 哈哈: Z-man
  5. Anonymous [又名“罗伯特·沃尔德曼”] 说: • 您的网站

    如果你真的认为反对普京主要是犹太人的现象,那你就大错特错了。 普京受到所有宗教人士(以及不可知论者和无神论者)的广泛憎恶。

    从我的姓应该可以看出,我是外邦人,我深深鄙视他。 绝大多数对普京有任何看法的非俄罗斯人都认为他是一个可怕的人。 大多数人也觉得他很荒谬(但我们害怕他的武器,即使他看起来是个小丑)。



    我假设您不会觉得这个评论令人愉快,但最好面对不便的事实。 很多人憎恨俄罗斯总统。 他们中的一小部分是犹太人。



  6. Anonymous [又名“罗伯特·弗里德曼”] 说:


  7. Anonymous [AKA "Christianna Roberts"] 说:




    • 回复: @Wally
    , @Wade
    , @Carroll Price
  8. Seraphim 说:

    All the Waldmanns I’ve met were Jews.

    • 回复: @Karl
  9. Joseph 说:

    她至少有 1/4 的犹太人血统,这往往足以让犹太人对所有俄罗斯事物产生狂热的仇恨。

    • 回复: @Carroll Price
  10. Seraphim 说:



  11. Talha 说:

    牧师就像; “嘿伙计,这些女人必须戴头巾——别绊倒,带着你的狗带着najasah离开这里——我们正在崇拜这个!苏卡!”

    Anybody know what pistol that is? Looks like a modified Luger or Mauser or something…


    • 哈哈: iffen
    • 回复: @iffen
    , @Talha
  12. FYI: Jeff Bezos, owner of Washington Post, ain’t a Jew, so that makes you look kinda ridiculous

    • 回复: @Art
    , @Anon
  13. Dan Hayes 说:


    The Glazunov tableaus are evocatively poignant!


  14. Well this is a refreshing article and I promise to frequent your web site more often than I already do. I will also contribute some funds to your efforts. Bravo for such a brave stance, and I wish you every success in this effort.


    You are about to be pelted by the forces of Israeli online hasbara. Good luck and Godspeed!

    • 同意: Rurik, Carroll Price, yurivku
  15. Anonymous [AKA "Aylok (again)"] 说:

    从字面上看,我在互联网上唯一能找到声称 Portal 是犹太人的地方是 2010 年的 Stormfront 线程。嘿,Ron,Unz Review 何时会放弃中间人,直接发布 Stormfront 文章?

    • 回复: @Wally
    , @Anonymous
  16. @Anonymous


    Who exactly? Is he detested in China, or India, or Latin America, or even in the Muslim world where everyone who is not a goatfucker is a fan of him?

    Or in Europe among the remaining “conservative”, that is to say, normal decent people?
    Or in North America among the same people?


    These two sound kind of contradictory. Your last name is certainly not that of an Ukrainian or Baltic diaspora so it’s interesting what kind of people do you live among that everyone hates Putin.

  17. 我不得不说不。 这篇文章也没有了。 发动针对犹太人的宣传战是没有意义的。

    问题是,每个美国人从出生起就有一种根深蒂固的观念,即美国是第一。 自然地,这种反射被犹太复国主义全球主义犹太人用于自己的目的。

    但事情现在已经解体了。 朝鲜事件的结果将是美国民众意识到,我是第一的傲慢不再是公理。

    我们应该意识到,到目前为止,特朗普与我们在一起。 他说对他来说,美国人民的福利是优先考虑的,而不是战争,这就是为什么犹太复国主义全球主义者全心全意地恨他。

  18. Anonymous [又名“卢记事本”] 说:


    Without the guilt from the Holocaust, Europeans and Americans simply wouldnt stand for the jewish lobby interfering in international or national affairs. It will be interesting to see if China, once it’s a world power, forces the Jewish elite to breed with their elite, give them protected minority status in return for their capital, or outright exile them.

    • 回复: @Wade
    , @Wally
  19. Biff 说:

    Putin is the best Statesman on the planet.

    • 回复: @anon
  20. Mark Green 说:





    幸运的是,Russia Insider 和 UNZ 敢于违反这一禁忌。




    令人难以置信的是,有组织的犹太人(ADL、SPLC、AIPAC、WJC 等)正在带头将“仇恨言论”定为犯罪,而他们的同族则策划向主权国家发射炸弹和导弹,扰乱以色列。这些亲以色列的犯罪集团必须被击败。

  21. Thomm 说:

    我觉得很搞笑的是,那些自认为足够精明的人能够发现其他人看不到的犹太阴谋(其中 99% 都是他们想象中的虚构),但仍然使用 Ron Unz 的网站,并且无法看到 Ron Unz 是如何熟练地将这些阴谋捆绑在一起的。整个 WN 都陷入了困境,而他们相信他是 WN 的盟友。

    It is superb.


  22. That’s right. Let’s drop the taboo. Besides attempting to provoke a war with a nuclear-armed Russia, there are other major crimes that need to be addressed (see below). Bravo to Ron Unz, Russia Insider, and Bonnie Faulkner!

  23. 我只是浏览了一下这篇文章。
    We should realize that to a large extent jews are the victims of their own identity ‘forever innocently persecuted’, to a large extent true.

  24. @Anonymous


    • 回复: @anon
  25. Heros 说:

    我在 Open Thead 2018/3 的 Moon of Alabama 的评论部分发布了这篇《犹太人禁忌》文章的 URL。它在评论中引起了长时间、激烈的讨论,所有评论均在近两天后被 b (bernhard) 删除。

    It was quite fascinating how certain parties used the most foul language in ad-hominems against me and Charles Bausman, even though they clearly never even bothered to read the article.

    我认为这些令人讨厌的评论者是犹太人。我认为他们使用这种语言和人身攻击来让其他人做出同样的回应,然后他们给版主写电子邮件,坚持要求删除评论并禁止作者。这或多或少就是发生在我身上的事情,我在 MoA 的 Heros 下发帖。



    • 回复: @Digital Samizdat
  26. Anonymous [又名“自然吸气”] 说:

    Dear Robert Waldmann,

    你写的垃圾只是基于你有限和狭隘的观点。普京在西方受到许多人的高度评价。也许区别在于,那些喜欢他的人都了解情况,而那些不喜欢他的人则被 MSM 的宣传或像你这样的付费巨魔所淹没。

    We wish we had a Leader who could stand and answer questions for 3 hours without notes from Journalists from all over the world who doesn’t need to eat a Teleprompter and who has proven to tell the truth.
    过去 20 年来,有哪一位西方领导人受到当地人民的尊敬?


  27. Heros 说:

    And it starts. The jews and their foul language and their ad hominems.


  28. neutral 说:



  29. Heros 说:


    Now you should own it. You are a member of a tribe with group responsibility for:
    – Murdering Christians
    - 种族主义
    – 种族至上主义
    – War Crimes
    – Mass Murders
    – 种族灭绝
    – never ending land theft
    – 100 years of never ending wars across the planet

    In short you are the enemy of every gentile non-Zionist on the planet.


  30. 以下内容大致正确吗?在我看来是如此。

    1917-1953 布尔什维克(80-85% 犹太人领导)统治苏联。苏联现在是西方的盟友。

    1949-1990 斯大林在 1953 年赫鲁晓夫/朱可夫屠杀约 2000 犹太人的内务人民委员会中开始了他的死亡过程。俄罗斯族接管了苏联。西方发动冷战


    200? – 现在:普京时代。寡头被监禁。俄罗斯政府回归东正教并捍卫俄罗斯国家利益。冷战二。

    是犹太人 一定 与他们无法控制的外邦人交战?这难道不是证据表明我们已经被犹太人和他们的银行系统统治了很长一段时间吗?


  31. anon • 免责声明 说:




    • 回复: @Toby Keith
  32. Wally 说: • 您的网站

    There were no Nazi death camps. That’s merely easily debunked Jew propaganda. Simple as that.

    不可能的“6 万犹太人、5 万其他人和毒气室”是他们腐败权力的手段。


    • 回复: @beezo
    , @Anonymous
  33. mcohen 说:



    22 年,基普·金克尔 (Kip Kinkel) 谋杀了他的母亲和继父,然后又枪杀了 1998 名同学,其中两人死亡,当时他正在退出百忧解 (Prozac),并服用了利他林 (Ritalin)。 2001 年,克里斯托弗·皮特曼 (Christopher Pittman) 杀死了他的祖父母,当时他正在退出 Luvox 和 Paxil。 伊丽莎白·布什 (Elizabeth Bush) 2001 年,他在宾夕法尼亚州威廉斯波特向同学开枪,造成 12 人受伤,当时他正在服用百忧解。贾森·霍夫曼 (Jason Hoffman) 在服用 Effexor 和 Celexa 时,向加利福尼亚州埃尔卡洪 (El Cajon) 的高中开枪,造成 24 人受伤。肖恩·库珀 (Shawn Cooper)爱达荷州诺特斯市正在服用抗抑郁药物,他向学生和教职员工开枪。TJ 所罗门 (TJ Solomon) 在佐治亚州科尼尔斯的高中服用抗抑郁药物,造成六人受伤。埃里克·哈里斯 (Eric Harris) 服用 Luvox 时,他和同学迪伦·克莱伯德 (Dylan Klebold) 杀死了 2007 名学生32 年,在弗吉尼亚理工大学,有 XNUMX 人被谋杀,当局发现“在 Cho 先生的随身物品中发现了与治疗心理问题有关的处方药”。据《纽约时报》报道。



    • 回复: @mcohen
  34. Wally 说:


    What’s so bad about being ‘antisemitic’?

    反犹太人的: 任何犹太人不喜欢的思想或人


  35. Wally 说: • 您的网站


    爱因斯坦(Albert Einstein)是个骗子


    • 回复: @Anonymous
  36. wayfarer 说:



    – 蒙希·普雷姆昌德

    Global Holocaust of Rothschild Zionist Terrorism

    9/11 案件结案(第 1 部分)

    9/11 案件结案(第 2 部分)

  37. Ali 说:


  38. 显然,这种讨论应该在不对整个犹太人产生任何仇恨或愤怒的情况下进行。制造麻烦的犹太人 — — 那些处于政治和媒体权力巅峰的犹太人 — — 确实是一小部分人。



    需要做的就是曝光 个人 我们谴责那些不可接受的行为(例如备受尊敬的吉拉尔迪先生所做的),并把我们对那些根据定义有罪的团体的谴责保留下来,例如“黑手党”,“新保守派”,甚至“政客”。谴责“犹太人”是犹太人似乎只是懒惰和不假思索,特别是因为只需要他们中的极少数人就可以让我们其他人感到痛苦,而这样做的人似乎并没有对其他“犹太人”表示不满。无论如何,犹太人”。此外,如果没有许多舔屁股的非犹太人的服从,“犹太人”就无能为力,这些非犹太人和他们的主人一样糟糕。


  39. @Aylok


    What was Churchill’s opinion about bombing Soviet death camps?

    • 回复: @jilles dykstra
  40. @Anonymous

    事实:我是犹太复国主义者。 现在你知道一个


  41. 一些犹太人的声音为这次讨论做出了贡献

    Jewish Moment magazine, ‘Jews Run Hollywood – So What?’


    • 回复: @Anonymous
    , @Wade
  42. Toby Keith 说:

    犹太人不会放过美国。任何能用谷歌搜索“WTC 7”的人都知道他们干过9/11。


    — 维克多·奥斯特洛夫斯基

  43. Toby Keith 说:


  44. Jason Liu 说:

    My impression is that the far left Ashkenazi Jew is plagued by endless insecurity and fear of authority, and will go to extreme lengths to soothe that fear. Anything social structure that is hierarchical causes them great terror, even milder forms of hierarchy like expressions of pride.

    Attempts to explain their behavior using some obscure reference to their religion misses the point entirely. To say that their behavior is motivated solely by hatred of whites or “revenge for the Holocaust” is too narrow and does not encourage a full understanding of Jewish behavior. The problem is with their psyche and perhaps upbringing.

    • 回复: @jacques sheete
  45. 这是一篇必要的文章,存在一些明显的错误,需要纠正。


    2) There is no evidence Charles Portal was a Jew. Everything indicates, as does the rest of the historical record, that the bastardry of area-bombing, strategic-bombing and scorched-earth policy were entirely the conception of the English air force under the guidance of the brave Sir Churchill (as adulated by Steve Sailer and John Derbyshire) and the ever Stoic “Bomber Command” along with Curtis LeMay who casts a long shadow which is now neglected.

    • 回复: @jilles dykstra
    , @Wally
  46. @Anonymous

    With such a devastating command of the English language, maybe you could go into a little detail why this article is BS?


    我不知道 Unz 先生是否是这样计划的,但是本专栏与今天发表的另一篇专栏非常吻合; “今天是否可以/应该取消取消禧年债务?” which I recommend you read, and also see if that well-written piece is nothing more than fertilizer.

  47. Santoculto 说:




  48. “Zionists? Really? I’ve never heard anyone describe themselves this way,…”


    Vox Day, the most egregious form of lower caste beaner sycophancy loves to describe himself as a zionist. Just google it. His entire self-worth is derived from Mensa rating and how many goys he can promote to die for Israel.

    蒂姆·布莱尔(Tim Blair)是一位著名的澳大利亚新保守主义者,他没有见过以色列的战争,他不准备敦促他的澳大利亚同胞为之而死,他明确宣称:

    “犹太复国主义 is 大。”


    You must never underestimate the amount of well placed sonderkommandos throughout the anglosphere that are ever-ready to offer up their fellow nationals to the Jew Moloch.

  49. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    Renowned mathematician and historian of mathematics at Trinity College, Cambridge University, E.T. Whittaker, published a 2-volume history of math. This from Wikipedia:

    第二卷包含一些有趣的历史评论。例如,其中有一章名为“庞加莱和洛伦兹的相对论”,其中惠特克称赞亨利·庞加莱和洛伦兹发展了狭义相对论,并特别提到了洛伦兹 1904 年的论文(惠特克将日期定为 1903 年)、庞加莱在圣路易斯的演讲。 (数学物理原理)1904 年 1905 月,以及庞加莱 9 年 2 月的论文。 [1984]他认为爱因斯坦的狭义相对论论文并不重要,他说这篇论文“对庞加莱和洛伦兹的相对论进行了一些放大,引起了很多关注”,他只认为爱因斯坦是第一个发表正确相对论公式的人用于相对论性像差和多普勒效应。他还将公式 E=mc^{XNUMX} 归功于庞加莱。 XNUMX 年,克利福德·特鲁斯德尔 (Clifford Truesdell) 写道,惠特克“aroused colossal antagonism by trying to set the record straight on the basis of print and record rather than recollection and folklore and professional propaganda,……”


  50. Santoculto 说:

    不,这些人的唯一共同特征是犹太人的遗产。 有些是自由主义者,有些是保守派。 有些是宗教的,有些则不是。 有些是犹太人的混合遗产,有些则不是。 有些人在乎以色列,有些则不在乎。 一些人支持以色列,另一些人批评她。 他们是政客,新闻工作者,学者,喜剧演员,演员或商人。 有些来自西欧,有些来自东欧,而其他则来自中东。

    HBB ”argument” in a nutshell…


    Or many jewies are JUST LIKE most of white goym illiberals [excessively romantic//subconsciously contradictory…. and will be a minority of professional socio and psychotrashes… [and interestingly prone to be pathological liars//fantasisers]



    Zionism is basically a jewy version of aryanism, even before the nazism..

    Mostly all jews are zionists basically because they want that jewishness continue to exist and even prevail.

    Jews and specially their intellectuals knows they have the verbal/argumentative advantage over white-black-thinkers goym…


    And they use their subtlety against chronic goym incapacity to read between the lines.


  51. @Pat Hannagan

    The idea to bomb the densely populated German cities came from prof Lindemann, later lord Cherwell.
    His mother was almost certainly jewish, his father not.

    • 回复: @Pat Hannagan
  52. @jacques sheete

    When did Churchill make such a request ?
    And, Churchill did not make requests, he ordered.

    • 回复: @jacques sheete
  53. @jacques sheete


    • 回复: @jacques sheete
  54. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    Funny dream. Not trying to make a joke.

    I had a dream last night that Steven Spielberg was a coworker of mine and he was Episcopalian. I was sitting in another office talking with a coworker, asking him how I should go about talking to Spielberg about his Episcopalianism and my Catholicism. That’s it, nothing more. Just a bizarre subject to have come up in a dream. The funny thing is that I did see Spielberg in person once and it was at Saint Monica’s Catholic Church in Santa Monica, CA. My wife and I had just left mass and we were walking out to the rear courtyard. When we passed the side door a baptism was going on. I glanced in and saw Spielberg filming the infant baptism with a small video recorder. There were about a dozen people around the baptismal font, including the priest. I said to my wife, “Hey, that’s Steven Spielberg at that baptism.” She said, “No way”, and looked in and saw it was him. We didn’t want to look like gawkers and so we didn’t try to see who else was there or whose child was being baptized. I guess someone pretty important to have Spielberg there.

  55. @Thomm


    You’re like the elderly Jewish lady in Florida writing her monthly cheque to the ADL to stop “Nazis”.

    Do carry on though Thomm, it is 娱乐性。

  56. Anonymous [又名“餐食”] 说:

    我是在《Russia Insider》首次发表这篇文章时读到的。我的第一个想法是 Unz 会重新发布它吗?每天我来到乌兹都想(希望)看到它。我开始以为你不会。那么今天……我能说什么:如果 Unz 有什么的话,那就是一致的。最好的!网络上最好的。真的!

  57. Enoch and Sven at The Daily Shoah are gonna be crestfallen when they hear about this. Jazz and Halberstram at Fash the Nation are always newscucking them. Now they’re getting praisecucked.

  58. @jilles dykstra




    And for more upbeat account yet with startling immediacy: The Forgotten Soldier by Guy Sajer

    • 回复: @David In TN
  59. @Thomm

    我觉得很搞笑的是,那些自认为足够精明的人能够发现别人看不到的犹太阴谋(其中 99% 都是他们想象中的虚构)……等等等等……

    我觉得很有趣的是,那些自认为足够精明的人竟然发现 “反犹太人的” conspiracies that others cannot see (100% of which are figments of their paranoid imaginations)…

    Yeah, everyone who points out Zionist crimes and atrocities is a “kunspiracy theerist” and “antee-Semite,” right?

    It is nauseating..


  60. @neutral



  61. iffen 说:



    更多新的犹太人评论者在评论部分更改犹太人/88 人的比例。

    • 回复: @Anon
    , @Olorin
  62. @jacques sheete

    Here is a simple explanation.



    We should be like police. (Spiritually only; naturally.)

    • 回复: @L.K
    , @anon
  63. @Jason Liu

    My impression is that the far left Ashkenazi Jew is plagued by endless insecurity and fear of authority, and will go to extreme lengths to soothe that fear.


  64. WJ 说:

    She says she was raised “very, very Catholic”. I have never heard her refer to herself as Jewish but then again I haven’t watched her since the early days in 2008 before she and Olbermann became Obama cultists. A paternal grandfather Jewish does not make her a Jew.

  65. @jilles dykstra

    When did Churchill make such a request ?

    As far as I know, he never did.

    所以问题是,“他为什么 不能?” (这就是我原来问题的重点。)

  66. @jilles dykstra




    • 回复: @jilles dykstra
  67. Jake 说:

    Hostility to Putin’d Russia is largely a Jewish Phenomenon


    大英帝国 WASP 对俄罗斯的恐惧和仇恨在维多利亚时代之前就已经确立。 都铎王朝对俄罗斯有着某种迷恋,因为它是一个无可救药的落后、无边无际的野蛮地方。

    它首先是一个日耳曼的东西。 纳粹想要彻底消灭所有斯拉夫人的愿望不仅对日耳曼人来说并不新鲜。 我断言,就像彻底摧毁凯尔特人的动力一样(另一种是在试图征服罗马/意大利和法国的同时尽可能多地猿猴)是日耳曼文化的特有现象。

    德国人渴望摧毁几乎所有其他欧洲民族和文化,让任何幸存者成为几乎永久的下层阶级。 默克尔和她的支持者正在通过欧盟以金融乐趣和由软极权政治正确政治管理的游戏来实现这一目标。


    与我们今天的混乱最密切相关的是,WASP 文化诞生于一种犹太化的异端:盎格鲁-撒克逊清教主义。 WASP 文化一直是而且必须保持亲犹太文化,因为犹太化的异端 时刻 产生亲犹太政治和文化重塑。


    从一开始,WASP 文化就与犹太人结盟,发动战争以摧毁甚至消灭其他白人基督教文化。


  68. Joe Hide 说:

    This was a great great article. No group advances in morals and ethics without honest critical self-examination. There is no group that is more capable of intelligent self-examination than Jews. All it will take take is much more in your face honest discussion of problems within and without the Jewish Community. Jews need to lead this discussion, as if they don’t, it will become led by dishonest power seeking psychopath non-Jews. Keep publishing these articles!

    • 回复: @renfro
  69. @Harryslide

    “soothing the nerves that have been too long stressed”

    This is a valid observation, especially if read in the context of the definition of stress taken from a bumper sticker I saw once:



    Only those who are new to self censorship really have the ability to recognize the effect it produces and to identify the source of the stress they are experiencing. Those young writers who freely express their anger over the mainstream’s insistence on self censorship may be the ones the author says use obscenity.

    The language doesn’t damage their credibility with all readers, possibly only with those who aren’t aware of their own commitment to the taboo.

    • 回复: @Anon
    , @Carroll Price
  70. Wade 说:

    I’m a Goy and I’m quite aware that many Jews have contributed greatly to our society in so many ways. Our own esteemed Ron Unz comes to mind (thanks to him for his willingness to publish these thought provoking articles!). And through these contributions many of them have attained a great deal of deserved influence.

    然而,正如犹太人斯坦·李所说:权力越大,责任越大。当谈到以色列的利益时,掌权的犹太人是否真正以更大的责任感行事,或者 贵族的义务 他们在社会中扮演的有影响力的角色对他们有何要求?

    The bottom line is that once you become a leader you subject yourself to criticism. The reaction against Jews that is occurring is due to the taboo that the media has created on the subject. Jewish leaders in the US and Europe have been largely exempt from public scrutiny and they shouldn’t be. Just as we discuss “Kurdish” or “Sunni” interests we should openly discuss Jewish interests. It’s 常识 that this shouldn’t be taboo.


  71. @jilles dykstra

    “That jews resistet the Roman occupiers, who can blame them ?”


    • 回复: @jilles dykstra
  72. @jacques sheete


    什么是犹太人?你知道,其中一个吃百吉饼并经常说“Oy”的人,并自豪地宣称他从未支付过零售费。不要假装你不认识任何犹太人。 😉

  73. trixie 说:

    感谢Unz先生发表这篇文章;我最初是在《俄罗斯内部》上读到的,是从该网站另一篇文章的评论者那里得到的,但和许多关注的人一样,我觉得这个想法 生存需要公开讨论,而且早就该进行了.




    如果您还没有这样做,请尽可能用有关利未人/法拉赛人/塔木德-可萨混合意识形态(通常被称为“犹太人”、“犹太教”、“犹太教”)的进展和活动的历史准确信息来武装自己。 ', ETC。 我强烈建议您从道格拉斯·里德 (Douglas Reed) 的“锡安之战,其中将包括进一步个人增强该主题知识的许多方向。
    受启发的评论者还应该知道“哈斯巴拉“和”奥德·伊农 (Oded Yinons) 十九世纪八十年代以色列的战略”,两者都清楚地记录了犹太复国主义实体及其国际集体的支持成员正在进行的计划,这些计划遍布世界上大多数地缘政治机构。



    — 维克多·奥斯特洛夫斯基



    在 1800 年代,这个集体被中南亚移民可萨人颠覆,他们(历史上独一无二)在公元 700 年至公元 900 年间皈依了犹太教(至少是统治精英);在他们占领里海和黑海之间的领土被打破后,他们通过乌克兰/基辅迁移到现在被认为跨越波兰和俄罗斯边境的地区。
    正是在 1800 年代的这个时候,秘密社团光明会的实验取得了成功

    成功取决于正统派或自由派信徒的凝聚力,这是通过虐待婴儿/虐待儿童来实现的,从心理上恐吓手无寸铁的人,使其陷入对可怕的野兽的终生神经质恐惧状态 哎呀! 从而永存 恐惧和仇恨的文化作为控制内部群体(即所有人)的主要方法犹太人“。

    不幸的是,这种病态的极端主义意识形态(任何抗议这种描述的人要么是无知和/或积极欺骗)取得了巨大的成功,要求追随者(集体成员——犹太人)遵循破坏和统治的开创性指令,最终得到极端主义的支持。焦土政策,作为他们谈判解决的最佳替代方案(无条件地要求他们 主人).

    我鼓励所有自我认同的犹太人以及其他所有人,教育自己真正的身份是什么 “被选中的人之一”.



    • 回复: @renfro
    , @republic
    , @Anonymous
  74. Rurik 说:
    @jacques sheete


    我最近太忙了,没有时间参加 Unz 这里的活动,然后今天早上我在这里看到了这篇文章。哇!



    discussion should be done without any hatred or anger to Jews as a whole.

    但假装这样不是很不诚实吗 一些 Jews, (as Jews) aren’t intent on doing the rest of us so much harm?



    So I suspect that if we’re being honest, that it’s necessary to point out that CNN and AIPAC and the neocon KKK cabal of the Kristols and Kagans and Krauthammers and so many of the other neocons are acting on behalf of Israel (at the direct expense of the rest of us) 因为 他们是犹太人,作为犹太人,他们寻求我们其他人的毁灭和毁灭, 因为我们不是 Jews, and that to treat this truth as a taboo, is not only deadly for the nations being targeted by Zionist wars and “invade / invite’ policies of hatred, strife and genocide, but potentially calamitous to the average Jews out that who have no part in these atrocities and evil.


    But what’s been facilitating all these horrors and wars; from the World Wars to what’s going on in the Middle East and Ukraine today, is the 隐藏的手 锡安。 犹太 (banking and media) power. And much of that power is due to the taboo that you must not mention it.

    I remember reading about how Charles Lindbergh’s wife tried to dissuade him from mentioning ‘the Jews’ in his famous anti-WWII speech, because of the awful social and other costs/fallout that would inevitably result. Nevertheless, he had the courage to say it.

    We here at Unz are not the problem. We have plenty of authors and commenters who mention ‘the Jew’ behind the curtain often, if not repetitiously. The problem is sites like The American Conservative, who cower to “The Lobby” like $niveling jackals. And lose their bladders at the mention of the word “Jew”, even when no other word can describe it.

    是什么 它?

    It is Eternal Wars for Israel (starting with the World Wars)

    Murderous destruction of millions of innocent people’s lives and way of life


    Crimes of treachery so heinous they numb the spine, from the cowardly attack on the USS Liberty, to 9/11

    Wall Street swindles so enormous that they’re literally incomprehensible




    there doesn’t seem to be a known cruelty or evil they don’t promote, profit by or relish, and I’m only gently touching upon a few


    ……出于他们的疯狂 为了我们大家…

    to the point of evil beyond my reckoning, I feel like perhaps if we don’t start calling out these people for what they are; Jews, then our children will curse us in our graves for our cowardice.

    人们拒绝提及《纽约时报》完全是(如果不神圣的话),这并不是出于诚实或荣誉。 犹太 lie-weapon, used to ‘justify’ eternal wars for Israel, among its other kosher deceptions. It’s out of cowardice and fear that they choke the word in their throats, mindful that there will be consequences for their effrontery.

    如果耶稣是神,那么我怀疑这是因为他愿意……不仅愿意对付他那个时代的恶魔;而且他愿意。 (((法利赛人))),但也愿意为此付出最终的代价。他不是为自己做这件事,而是为我们做这件事。


    great and important article

    • 同意: Steve Gittelson
    • 回复: @jilles dykstra
  75. jpb 说:







  76. @Jake




    探险时代的第一个纯英国国家的努力发生在 1554 年,当时英国人建立了一条通往白海俄罗斯定居点的直接海上航线。


    The Russians and Anglo-Saxons have shared common enemies, including counter-reformation era Catholicism, Napoleon, Hitler, and above all the evil Muslim Ottoman Empire.

    During the Russo-Turkish war of 1768-1774 / War of the Confederation of Bar, Britain and America, under the leadership of Pitt, supported Russia with naval advisers such as John Elphinstone and Samuel Greig, and also diplomatically by preventing France and Austria from openly intervening on the side of their Ottoman ally. This support greatly helped Russia win this war, gain an outlet to the Black Sea, and forever end the scourge of Crimean Tatar raids on Eastern Europe.









    The British and Russians fought side by side against the Ottomans at the battle of Navarino, thus establishing Greek independence:


    Together, the Russians and English tried to save the Armenians from genocide art the hands of the Young Turks:


    油腻的黎凡特阴谋家/原始新保守派本杰明·德以色列在 19 世纪中叶曾短暂地操纵英国政府反对俄罗斯并支持奥斯曼帝国(这让威廉·克里斯托尔的母亲格特鲁德·希梅尔法布非常高兴),但英国政府在格莱斯顿的中洛锡安战役中,撒克逊人的灵魂奋起反抗这种邪恶:


  77. DaveE 说:



    Unfortunately Judaism, as an ideology of superiority and self-worship, is widely practiced by others who don’t even call themselves “Jews”. “Christians” claim to be the new “chosen people”. The main difference is, Christians lack the international crime syndicate and money-creation capability. But try talking to a “Christian” about the carnage and mayhem they supported in Iraq, Palestine and elsewhere and you will soon discover the depth of their arrogance, as nasty as any Jew, almost.

    “Christians” openly speak of ruling world, too. They’re just not smart enough to pull it off. Jews, unfortunately, are.

    我祝愿作者上帝保佑他的传播。 (这个词就是“犹太人”这个词。)尤其是基督徒,只要一提到“犹太人”这个词,就会像小老鼠一样仓皇逃回他们的“安全地带”,这不仅证明了他们的无知,而且也证明了他们的无知。他们的怯懦。我很确定基督不会留下深刻的印象。

    The more we lose our fear of the Jew, the more power it loses. Here again the author is correct. But nothing will change without some COURAGE to make it happen, which may just result in some serious personal suffering.

    Christ had courage beyond imagination. Why can’t Christians, who claim to emulate Him, understand this?

    • 回复: @Wally
  78. Art 说:

    FYI: Jeff Bezos, owner of Washington Post, ain’t a Jew, so that makes you look kinda ridiculous

    《工人党》的编辑马蒂·巴伦(Marty Baron)是一位反基督教、反俄罗斯的犹太人。

    So that makes you ridiculous – Why are you “pulling the wool over our eyes.”


  79. Z-man 说:

    主题很好,这篇文章至少有 750 个字太长了,也许有一天我会读完整篇文章(大部分,哈哈)。
    但我每天都喊犹太人! (咧嘴笑)
    但说真的,即使我知道使用本文开头概述的术语 公司。当有人大喊“JOO”时,人们已经习惯于被冒犯,在目前的情况下,说“犹太复国主义者”或“新保守派”是更明智的做法。

  80. renfro 说:


    Many of us have been reading between the lines for years.

  81. renfro 说:
    @Joe Hide

    There is no group that is more capable of intelligent self-examination than Jews


    Sorry but wrong…..you should read some of the hundreds of Jewish newspapers and Jewish chronicles published by the hundreds of Jewish chapters in this country—-paying special attention to the comment section were your average Jew speaks.

    That will disabuse you of the notion that Jews are intelligent as a group or capable of introspection.

    • 回复: @Anon
    , @jilles dykstra
    , @Alden
  82. Several years ago, I began receiving a site called, Russia Direct. I get it less and less these days. I enjoyed the perspectives of the writers and the those of the commentators. I don’t recall mush in the way of commentary about Jews. Maybe I missed it. But then I haven’t read it as often since the election.






    Whether or not they represent the “great bear” millennial christian polemics of the end times – maybe. And even if so, what that means for polity and faith in christ today in another matter. since the vents of 2003, I have come to consider the attacks on my life as compliments. That what I represented was so frightening as to cause liberals to break the law, morallity – decency to end it metaphorically to otherwise — that is no small thing.


  83. As the author notes, when it is not possible to say what one thinks true or what one most wants, there is a tendency to say something that is a euphemism or distortion or expresses some secondary goal that is less dangerous to acknowledge. Worse, there is a tendency to convince oneself that the distorted representation is true or authentic, since most of us don’t like to think we are falsifying.
    As for the Alt Right, it’s good that they are breaking the taboo against criticizing anything Jewish, but they rationalize this using a racial doctrine that alienates every non-white group, depriving themselves of allies and positioning themselves as merely an unapologetic white answer to the identity politics of others . Moreover, being youngsters, many have unknowingly internalized several decades of harmful changes to beliefs and practices promoted by cultural Marxists before they were born. For example, they are more accepting of abortion, profanity, drugs, Muslim-bashing, and sexual hedonism, and more hostile to religion than either liberals or conservatives were before the counter-culture era. If they felt comfortable conceptualizing certain developments that alarm them as bound up with a Jewish offensive against WASP America, and thought it was okay to defend against that offensive simply out of preference for an existing way of life, they might feel no need to bring in theories about race and IQ that make every non-white group their enemy. I am not saying these theories are false or irrelevant, but bringing them in should be optional, not mandatory. To defend the preservation of America’s Christian, English, ‘heteronormative’ and ‘patriarchal’ character, it is only necessary to refute — or refuse — the claim that preference for one culture or way of life over another involves some sort of fallacy.

    • 回复: @Z-man
  84. Wade 说:


    媒体一直在向我们这些非裔传递这样的信息,尤其是在伊拉克战争前夕。是谁误导美国媒体和观众相信萨达姆·侯赛因参与了 911 事件以及他所谓的大规模杀伤性武器?摩萨德和 PNAC 以及道格拉斯·费斯(在以色列军事将军的帮助下)和理查德·珀尔等人。
    是的,你是对的,福音派人士,美国人总体上对以色列和我们对自己优越性的信念过于宽容。 Unz 和 Phil Giraldi 等作家似乎正在加班加点地努力纠正这种状况。
    But you cannot blame average Americans for their ignorance when a largely Jewish led media has misled them constantly on foreign affairs for the past 30 years!

  85. Wade 说:


    It first traces back to their banking cartels and near total control over the European media in the 1800’s. This is what led to Red October 1917 and WWI which wiped out the last vestiges of European aristocracy and nobility.

  86. Anon • 免责声明 说:


    • 回复: @Wally
  87. nsa 说:

    Hypothetical: the deportation en masse of which group would result in the greatest return to sanity in the USA…….blacks, mexicans, jooies, whites, or christians? You can only deport one………

    • 回复: @renfro
  88. renfro 说:


    That is true. Moreover it is part of Judaism…..stemming back to very beginning…..and Judaism became a ‘文化'和一个 人民国家

    Jewish culture is the problem and deserves criticism…….just as the 白人集体 被污蔑,黑人文化被蹂躏,基督教和伊斯兰教受到批评 .

    犹太人 are fair game for the same…..no one gets a pass. …there are no chosen.

  89. 我已经写了大约 10 年的博客,主要讨论谁真正制造了 9/11,这对我来说很自然,因为我是一名退休的职业消防员,也写关于为巴勒斯坦人伸张正义的文章。

    And for those sins, the kind of comments left at my blog are nothing short of nasty. Some commenters have called me names or cussed me out. Some have accused me of bestiality and incest with my Mother. Others have threatened physical violence against me. One even said he/she was sending a Mossad hit team to ‘take me out.’

    NEVER, not once did they say, “Your thesis is wrong and I’m going to show you why.” 我想这会是太多的工作,或者也许我的作品充满了太多的真理,所以喊出暴徒并攻击。


    So until the Tribe that is controlling the MSM lets itself be examined in a critical light–the same spotlight they use against Goyim infidels–people are gonna ask questions about what in the Hell is going on and do the Jews have a hand in these calamities?

    • 回复: @Olorin
  90. Wade 说:

    I’m not a trained historian but you’re argument is exactly what I’ve been thinking as of late.

  91. j2 说:

    I do not know if there is much difference what name one uses. Some talk about reptile aliens from outer space and I guess the context shows what is meant at each time.



  92. Emmet 说:


  93. Wally 说:
    @jacques sheete


    当然,他们 所有 受益匪浅。


    • 回复: @Hubbard
  94. Wally 说:

    So what’s wrong with WN / ‘white nationalism’?



  95. @jacques sheete

    What validity ?
    I just explain that being a jew is a nebulous concept.

  96. renfro 说:



  97. Wade 说:

    And don’t forget the Hollywood spy ring in which our nuclear secrets were being sent to Israel:


    Milchan was an extremely successful producer who was friends with Oliver Stone, Sidney Pollack, Barbara Streisand, Tom Cruise, Richard Dreyfuss and Robert De Niro, some of whom have intelligence connections of their own…’
    ed note–for those who don’t recognize some of the younger faces there, that is Deniro on the left, Milchan on the right, and right smack dab in the center, none other than Roman Polanski, the Hollywood Macher recently caught up in Hurricane Harvey and accused of YET MORE sex crimes after having been already convicted of raping a 13 year old girl many years ago.

    (从 https://theuglytruth.wordpress.com/2017/11/12/the-hollywood-movie-producer-and-the-israeli-nuclear-smuggling-ring/)

    Arnon Milchan is the Hollywood mogul behind films as diverse as JFK, Pretty Woman, Brazil, Fight Club, LA Confidential and Alvin and the Chipmunks. He was also an Israeli spy involved in smuggling equipment for the development of nuclear weapons.

    以色列盗窃我们的核技术(甚至我们的浓缩铀,参见 http://foreignpolicy.com/2015/03/23/what-lies-beneath-numec-apollo-zalman-shapiro/) began in earnest after the assassination of our president in 1963. JFK was our last president to oppose Israeli’s nuclear arms program and he was forcing David Ben-Gurion to submit the Dimona nuclear facility to weapons inspections. LBJ on the other hand had already proven himself to the Israelis as willing to engage in weapons smuggling on their behalf (see Five Towns Jewish Times: “Our First Jewish President Lyndon Johnson? – an update!!” http://5tjt.com/our-first-jewish-president-lyndon-johnson-an-update/):

    几个月前,美联社报道称,美国总统林登·约翰逊白宫办公室新发布的录音显示了 LBJ“与以色列的个人情感联系”。 该通讯社指出,在约翰逊担任总统期间(1963-1969),“美国成为以色列的主要外交盟友和主要武器供应商”。
    But the news report does little to reveal the full historical extent of Johnson’s actions on behalf of the Jewish people and the State of Israel.
    During World War II Johnson joined Novy at a small Austin gathering to sell $65,000 in war bonds. According to Gomolak, Novy and Johnson then raised a very “substantial sum for arms for Jewish underground fighters in Palestine.” One source cited by the historian reports that “Novy and Johnson had been secretly shipping heavy crates labeled ‘Texas Grapefruit’ – but containing arms – to Jewish underground ‘freedom fighters’ in Palestine.” A decade later while serving in the Senate, Johnson blocked the Eisenhower administration’s attempts to apply sanctions against Israel following the 1956 Sinai Campaign. “The indefatigable Johnson had never ceased pressure on the administration,” wrote I.L. “Si” Kenen, the head of AIPAC at the time. As Senate majority leader, Johnson consistently blocked the anti-Israel initiatives of his fellow Democrat, William Fulbright, the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Soon after taking office in the aftermath of John F. Kennedy’s assassination in 1963, Johnson told an Israeli diplomat, “You have lost a very great friend, but you have found a better one.” Just one month after succeeding Kennedy, LBJ attended the December 1963 dedication of the Agudas Achim Synagogue in Austin. Kennedy was the first president to approve the sale of defensive US weapons to Israel, specifically Hawk anti-aircraft missiles. But Johnson approved tanks and fighter jets, all vital after the 1967 war when France imposed a freeze on sales to Israel.”

    He also appointed and strong armed the Warren Commission. His justice department found no fault with NUMEC’s Jewish and pro-zionist CEO and board of directors who somehow lost 600 lbs of uranium (according to the CIA, it was stolen by Israel) and poisoned the citizens of Apollo Pennsylvania due to how the uranium was mishandled as it was being stolen out from under Johnson’s nose (within just a year and a half after the JFK assassination).

  98. Wally 说: • 您的网站
    @jacques sheete

    All just a coincidence:


    • 回复: @Anonymous
  99. @renfro

    If they’re capable, why do not they do it ?

  100. jpb 说:


    51页 http://www.jrbooksonline.com/PDF_Books/SaintEinstein.pdf

  101. @Rurik


    • 回复: @Rurik
  102. beezo 说:


  103. beezo 说:


    an easy debunk:

    1-The post WW2 books written by the wartime leaders Churchill, Eisenhower, and DeGaule never mentioned any gas being used or any planned, systematic extermination of anyone nor do they mention millions or even hundreds of thousands of people dying.

    2-在伊莱·维塞尔(Eli Wiesel)题为《夜晚》的书中,他写道,当苏联军队逼近时,他正在奥斯维辛集中营医院接受腿部酸痛的治疗。我不得不问,如果奥斯维辛集中营是死亡集中营,一个犹太人在医院里做什么?为什么死亡集中营里会有医院?此外,他没有提到使用天然气,当他选择要么与德国人一起撤退,要么留在苏联的保护伞下时,他选择与德国人一起撤退,但现在他声称德国人杀害了数百万犹太人。

    3-如果将有数百万的人被谋杀,那么将有数以千计的人类遗骸被埋葬在某个地方,那么掩盖很长时间将是太多了。 从未发现过大量的人类遗骸。 如果将它们火化,那么将有成吨的灰烬,并且从未发现过灰烬。


    5-关于这些难民营中死亡人数的最官方报告是由红十字会发布的。 1947 年红十字会的报告显示,战争期间所有难民营中有 271、301 人死亡,其中 40% 是犹太人。

    • 回复: @Dave Bowman
  104. Anon • 免责声明 说:


    • 哈哈: RobinG
  105. neutral 说:
    @jilles dykstra


    I beg to differ, the many pogroms in European history was a way for society to save itself from the jewish influence. Now that there have been no pogroms for 70 years the results are easy to see, the free reign jews have had on whites this long has been catastrophic.

  106. It seems that trolls are flocking to this piece. Based on that I have added RI to my daily reading.

  107. Rurik 说:
    @jilles dykstra




    Wilson’s Fourteen Points fraud..


    ..leading of course to Herr Schicklgruber and the Nuremburg laws, which we’re wondering here in the ZUS if we need similar types of laws to keep (((dual citizens))) from the levers of power, especially at the State Dept., Pentagon and Treasury.

    • 回复: @Mark Green
  108. renfro 说:

    Speaking of Jews…..Israeli intelligence might as well have a desk next to trump in the oval office.



    Jared Kushner is just one of a whopping 14 people privy to the contents of Donald Trump’s “top-secret” daily intelligence brief, the New Yorker’s Adam Entous and Evan Osnos report, making him one heck of a very cool guy.

    Cool guys, you see, have access to information: It is cool to know things, and, more specifically, to receive the “digest of the U.S. government’s most closely held and compartmentalized intelligence reports.”


    Aside from Kushner, there are 13 other very cool guys who also get the briefing every day. That is precisely double the number of White House officials given access to the President’s Daily Brief during Barack Obama’s time in office, in case you’re keeping count.

    You might wonder why so many folks now receive the PDB (as it’s known among the cool guys). Entous and Osnos have answers:

    Some people in the office of the director of National Intelligence questioned the expansion [of PDB recipients], but officials who reported to Trump didn’t want to risk irritating him by trying to exclude his son-in-law and other new additions.

    While it’s not cool to risk irritating the president, it is cool to make Jared Kushner feel more cool.

    Also from the New Yorker:
    A former senior official said, of the growing P.D.B. distribution list, “It got out of control. Everybody thought it was cool. They wanted to be cool.”

    • 回复: @Wade
  109. FKA Max 说: • 您的网站

    题外话 致版主们:


    The commenting software stopped numbering comments [] after comment #[51]





  110. DanGood 说:


  111. Mark Green 说:



    • 回复: @Sparkon
    , @geokat62
    , @Rurik
  112. 关掉它!

    I propose a simple plan to take down the 俄罗斯-Insider.com 域名。

    与 SPLC 合作建立 俄罗斯-Insider.com 作为一个仇恨网站。
    与反诽谤联盟合作关闭 俄罗斯-Insider.com down as a hate site and remove it from the DNS.
    该过程并不复杂,这里有概述,由负责 DNS 的 iCann 发布:准备域名订单、扣押和删除指南

    • 回复: @Mikhail
  113. AaronB 说:






















    • 同意: Steve Gittelson
  114. Z-man 说:
    @jack daniels


    Good point but many non whites can be put in the hopper too, lol.

  115. Alden 说:


  116. FKA Max 说: • 您的网站


    how tall are you and do you have blue- or light-colored (not brown) eyes?

    If this is too personal a question for you, you don’t have to answer it.

    • 回复: @Truth
  117. mcohen 说:


    1.Kosher food.do not eat pig.do not cook a lamb in its mothers milk.no eating snake.

    2.the sabbath.a spiritual day off starting friday night.


    Hear, O Israel, the L-rd is our G‑d, the L-rd is One.

    Recite the following verse in an undertone:




    The L-rd spoke to Moses, saying: Speak to the children of Israel and tell them to make for themselves fringes on the corners of their garments throughout their generations, and to attach a thread of blue on the fringe of each corner. They shall be to you as tzizit, and you shall look upon them and remember all the commandments of the L-rd and fulfill them, and you will not follow after your heart and after your eyes by which you go astray – so that you may remember and fulfill all My commandments and be holy to your G‑d. I am the L-rd your G‑d who brought you out of the land of Egypt to be your G‑d; I, the L-rd, am your G‑d. True.

    • 回复: @Anonymous
  118. Sherman 说:

    我不得不承认,查尔斯·鲍斯曼 (Charles Bausman) 所说的关于犹太人的一切都是 100% 真实的。


    显然,我们在俄罗斯还没有那么强大,但我们正在到达那里! 我的意思是,普京喜欢内塔尼亚胡,而且他一直在讨好俄罗斯的 Chasidic 社区,但他仍然是一个顽固的人。

    顺便说一下,鲍斯曼住在康涅狄格州格林威治。 我每年去那里工作几次。 我有一些好朋友在那里生活和工作。 格林威治有很多有钱有势的犹太人!


    • 回复: @Twodees Partain
  119. 将犹太人作为一个种族来攻击是一个坏主意,而且不受西欧大多数白人的欢迎。一般来说,当有人攻击“犹太人”并且未能使用“犹太新保守主义者”或“英犹太全球主义者”等精确术语时,就表明他们是一个过分的反犹太主义者。显然,犹太人的利益有时会与非犹太人的利益发生冲突,但情况比作者声称的要复杂。例如,以色列犹太人反对伊斯兰移民进入西方,而左翼自由派犹太人则支持。

    Over-the-top anti-Semites are engaging in the same logical fallacy as the far left. The far left sees white men as evil supermen that are responsible for all the problems experienced by non-whites, while the anti-Semitic right sees Jews as evil supermen responsible for all white people’s problems.

    • 回复: @Anonymous
  120. @ThereisaGod


  121. 问题的核心是:我们真的关心大屠杀吗?


  122. j2 说:


  123. anon • 免责声明 说:

    如果布赖特巴特新闻网被认为是另类右翼,那么可悲的是另类右翼已经被犹太复国主义部落渗透了。在审查批评以色列或犹太人的读者评论方面,布赖特巴特新闻网比《纽约时报》更加严厉。如果多次提及“犹太人”这个词,您就会被永久禁止访问该网站。他们最近还增加了一名来自《耶路撒冷邮报》的记者卡罗琳·格利克(Caroline Glick),她的文章迄今为止一直集中在约旦人、阿拉伯人和巴勒斯坦人如何“不尊重”美国,向仍在阅读布赖特巴特新闻网的阿巴拉契亚人群扔了一些红肉。怀疑。

    I no longer trust Breitbart as an alt-right source. They are good at whipping up anti-Iran sentiments, and they love Nikki Haley. The only good reporter left on that Zionist rag is Neil Munro, who writes excellent, detailed articles about immigration. Of course it’s not surprising considering Andrew Breitbart its founder was a Jew.

    这是犹太人普遍面临的问题。 80% 是亲以色列并希望开放边界的自由主义者。剩下的 19% 中,有 20% 是亲以色列并希望开放边界的保守派犹太人。这就是为什么我们要在华盛顿特区建立统一党,因为他们是沼泽地。

  124. anon • 免责声明 说:

    Putin is the best Statesman on the planet.

    Agree. That’s why he’s the #1 target of the Jews. He alone stands in the way of the Jew World Order. Iran does not have a clear leader. The Chinese cannot be counted on.

  125. @Anonymous

    and yet, you decline to identify any of that “wrongly written” content…because you are an emoting kike and nothing more.

  126. Wally 说:



  127. @ThereisaGod




    俄罗斯很幸运有一位传统主义民族主义总统。我们希望特朗普能像普京一样。也许他是,但美国目前已经陷入困境,他必须向以色列的 NuttyYahoo 磕头,才能实现他在经济和移民方面的目标……

    • 回复: @Carroll Price
    , @Wade
  128. Wally 说:

    Oh yeah, you’re the Jew who claims that the Germans gassed Jews in facilities that would been utterly impossible to use as alleged.


    法庭上的“ Holocau $ t Industry”:
    “请尊敬,确实有数以百万计的遗骸被埋在巨大的万人坑中,我们知道这些万人坑在哪里,但是,但是,嗯,我们无法向法院展示这些人的遗骸。 您必须相信我们,我们是犹太复国主义者。


  129. Mikhail 说: • 您的网站
    @Anatoly Karlin



    Charles misrepresents the pogroms situation Ukraine during the Russian Civil War as does Dmitry Babich in the latter’s criticism of the former. The pogroms in Russian Civil War era Ukraine were initiated by supporters of Symon Petliura who opposed the Russian Whites. Likening the Russian Civil War era Whites to the Nazis is absurd. Granted, that the Whites had some violent anti-Jewish elements among them.

  130. anon • 免责声明 说:
    @jilles dykstra


    我认为你的意思是“......完全统治世界 犹太人协会”。大多数普通美国人对统治世界没有兴趣,这就是我们投票给特朗普的原因,因为他承诺让世界不受干扰,专注于国内问题。不幸的是,他的行政部门后来被犹太联盟吞并了,所以我们又回到了原点。

    • 同意: HogHappenin
  131. Wally 说:



    如果所谓的“大屠杀”是事实,那么为什么欧洲有法律来防止对其进行审查? 什么样的“真相”需要禁锢人们来阻止言论自由?


    • 回复: @Carroll Price
  132. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    Germany shelled Warsaw first.

    • 回复: @David In TN
    , @Wally
  133. iffen 说:

    顺便说一句,让我们看看文化挪用。你不是爱斯基摩人。 🙂

  134. Wally 说:



    • 回复: @Anon
  135. anon • 免责声明 说:


    他们在美国训练自己的走狗,尤其是印度人,他们的工作做得很好,他们与犹太人有许多相同的特征——部落性、政治野心大、容易被洗脑。许多最活跃的校园 SJW 都是印度裔。印度女性政客尤其直言不讳地支持以色列(妮基·哈利),她们也是最疯狂的自由主义者(卡玛拉·哈里斯、卡萨玛·萨万特、普拉米拉·贾亚帕尔)。美国的未来是一个由印度傀儡及其犹太主人统治的帝国。这已经在硅谷发生了(Jewgle 的 Sundra Pichai)。

    • 同意: HogHappenin
  136. 以色列及其犹太男同性恋者对世界的权力的又一次残酷展示。

    一名戴头巾的欧莱雅模特因讲述 2014 年以色列对加沙暴力、凶残的地毯式轰炸的真相而被解雇。没有人为她辩护。


    But when a transgender L’oreal model gets fired for saying on Twitter that “all white people are racists,” the Twitterverse erupts in defense of her/him.



    • 回复: @Anon
  137. 击败你。几年前我就放弃了犹太人的禁忌。

  138. I have absolutely no problem opening up the debate on Jewish influence in society. However, if you are going to do it, do it properly.

    First of all, it is not “Jew Taboo” but “Jewish Taboo”. There is no sense in writing pieces that immediately come off as derogatory no matter how rightly angry an author may be.

    Another point; calling a person as the “Jew Maddow” or the like is just as derogatory. A person is Jewish or of Jewish extraction, thus Rachel Maddow is Jewish or one-quarter Jewish.

    If authors are intending to write credible pieces on the subject, they should hopefully expect that others beyond the genre of people who read such sites as Russia Insider will want to read such material. Writing pieces in a denigrating manner will not help the case of exposing such disproportionate influence on the part of Jewish elites….

  139. Olorin 说:

    我敢打赌:一次性托儿或 ADL/JIDF/各种非政府组织公关实习生。


    I’m leaning toward the latter since the reactions parse within a small set of memetic options/inputs. By contrast, shills and interns are low-paid, low-skilled laborers who are drawn to that kind of work in part because they are too emotional for more productive labor. So they tend to go “off plantation” messagewise. It’s one of the things that makes managing PR teams/initiatives more challenging.


    另外,像这样的作品可以通过常规的自动搜索算法发现。我猜想 Unz 先生的杂志现在位于节目的“每小时扫描”栏目中。勇敢新媒体世界的重要元素之一是必须迅速对异议进行反击。它不必有意义,也不必回答实际内容。其目的只是为了持续敲击针对特定演示片段的听力范围而定制的特定鼓。


    The “Jew taboo” is a rule about what can and cannot be said within the game of Postmodern Discourse. It is more complex than that, of course, also touching on what can and cannot be thought, noticed, and enacted.


    谈论犹太人的唯一“禁忌”来自犹太人自己……以及他们被洗脑的外邦代理人(新保守派、共和党人、福音派……)。鉴于犹太人在过去 100 年里一直在争论外邦文化和道德中的每一个禁忌都应该被违反,我看不出为什么他们的这一禁忌应该被神圣化。

    • 回复: @iffen
  140. Anon • 免责声明 说:
    @Greg Bacon

    But when a transgender L’oreal model gets fired for saying on Twitter that “all white people are racists,” the Twitterverse erupts in defense of her/him.



    This case you point our attention to is more about their addiction to self-centered, irresponsible virtue-signaling than about non-white Masters, seems to me.

  141. Talha 说:

    A hijab wearing L’oreal model was fired for stating truths about Israel’s violent, murderous carpet bombing of Gaza in 2014.


    The fact that she was eliminated for speaking truth to power is just icing on the cake.

    “当他开启你对剥夺的理解时,剥夺就变得和礼物一样了。” ——亚历山大的伊本·阿塔·伊拉 (Ibn Ata Illah) (ra)

  142. Anon • 免责声明 说:
    @Twodees Partain

    Self censorship does indeed produce stress. The stress becomes systemic in the self censored mind and seems to become so much a part of the thinking process that one is incapable of recognizing its symptoms and seeing its source.

    No. Doing it in an unconscious way minimizes stress. That’s why it is subconsciously that socially normal humans repeat what they see those above their rank do/say.

    只有当出现反对声音,或者当有人反对时,他们才会感到压力。 轮唱 (to use the current language) insists to push logic and unbiased evidence onto their systems of (carefully non-analyzed) preconceptions and learned “truths”.


  143. Anonymous [AKA "Quick Correction"] 说:


  144. Olorin 说:
    @Greg Bacon

    Your observation on the nature of those comments underscores my other comment above:



    In other words, HBD applies to the human capacity for and tendencies within communications behaviors, as well as other behaviors, intelligence, breeding habits, etc. How a group organizes itself communications-wise can transcend genomic categories.

    Vicious, overbearing, silencing, disruptive, retconning, well-organized habits of communication are a victory-securing formula in the war of ideas. Before they were the People Of The MSM, Jews were–as they continually remind us–the People of the Book (that once-upon-a-time revolutionary communications innovation). And before that they were ostensibly orally Chosen by the almighty, converting the human social innovation of speech into something that confers cosmic power and legitimizes social conflict.


    我们在 MSM 和学术界强烈推动种族混合、变性、男女之间的敌意以及日益增多的恋童癖和兽交正常化方面看到了犹太人的反基因本质。

    None of these makes sense or yields health genetically, as any livestock breeder or wildlife biologist can tell you.

    We are in a Brave New Media World where not only is the medium the message, the meme is more important than the gene. One would expect this sort of thing to originate from a small group of “rootless cosmopolitans” whose genetic unity is far from demonstrated and whose self-definition is slippery indeed.


    • 回复: @Art
    , @Erebus
  145. Truth 说:
    @FKA Max


    • 回复: @Anon
    , @Truth
  146. iffen 说:

    I was ready to sign up (had already shined my black boots) until you got to here.

    and their brainwashed gentile agents …. evangelicals…).

    If you want to be a good Nazi, you need to leave the thinking to others in the group.

    • 回复: @Anon
    , @Olorin
  147. Avery 说:
    @Steve Naidamast



    [“No, I don’t know what you mean,” I said, although of course I did. “Lieberman is a Jew. So am I. What’s wrong with calling a Jew a Jew?”]
    [对我的家庭故事的理解都不能让我完全满意,但我认为他们有道理。他们是 米什波恰。不是犹太人,而是犹太人同胞。]


  148. Bill Jones 说:

    It’s not, of course Anti-Semitism , It’s Counter-Semitism.


    • 回复: @Carroll Price
    , @anonymous
  149. Anonymous [AKA "Character"] 说:


    The Chosen Race is a likeness of the World
    Israel Is Victorious over its Opponents.
    All The Nations will ultimately Honor Israel’s Laws Alone.
    (and it also means “May God Rule” – of course via ‘Man chosen by God’)
    Philo of Alexandria (c. 20 B.C.E.—40 C.E.)

    • 同意: Carroll Price
    • 回复: @Wally
    , @mcohen
  150. utu 说:

    You are one of the most White hating Hindu-Dindu I ever met. What happened to you? Let me guess, it was a woman, right?

    • 回复: @Alden
  151. @Anonymous


  152. donut 说:

    “the biggest piece of bullshit on the internet.” That would be the “Holohoax” wouldn’t it ?

  153. @Anonymous

    True acknowledged nuclear physicist was Fermi. Einstein wrote his equation only when Fermi has proven that matter can change to energy (heat). If you interested try to google Fermi.

  154. @Pat Hannagan

    This is the first time I’ve seen The Forgotten Soldier described as “upbeat.”

  155. Anon • 免责声明 说:


  156. @Anonymous


    They also bombed Warsaw. According to Joachim Fest, Hitler ordered the bombing to continue even when the Poles were offering to surrender.

    • 回复: @Wally
  157. Seraphim 说:



    • 回复: @imperium
  158. @Joseph


    • 回复: @Wally
  159. @Ilyana_Rozumova

    The problem is that in every American from the birth has an embedded idea that America is the number one.


  160. @Wally


    如果所谓的“大屠杀”是事实,那么为什么欧洲有法律来防止对其进行审查? 什么样的“真相”需要禁锢人们来阻止言论自由?


    • 回复: @Wally
  161. @jilles dykstra



  162. @Steve Naidamast

    Jew is a noun. Jewish is an adjective or adverb. Examples: 1. He acts like a Jew. 2. He has a Jewish disposition.

    • 回复: @Twodees Partain
  163. 《经济学人》特别值得一提的是埃德·卢卡斯(Ed Lucas)带头(他是英国犹太空军元帅查尔斯·波特尔(Charles Portal)的曾侄子,他是对德国平民进行燃烧弹轰炸的坚定支持者,被认为是德累斯顿纵火案的幕后黑手)。

    Charles Portal was not Jewish. But hey, why bother with truth ….

  164. L.K 说:


    “It is a Germanic thing first and foremost. The Nazi desire to utterly destroy all Slavs not only was not new for Germanics.”




    “Germans have a drive to destroy almost all the rest of European peoples and cultures, leaving any survivors as a nearly permanent underclass.”





  165. L.K 说:


    Jews are like Italians.”


    • 哈哈: Twodees Partain
    • 回复: @Ilyana_Rozumova
  166. Alden 说:
    @Steve Naidamast

    So the word Jew is derogatory but Jewish is not?

    因此,不能说在每一起校车和平权诉讼中,90% 以上的反白人律师都是犹太人。

    But I can write that more than 90 percent of the attorneys on the anti White side of every school busing and affirmative action lawsuit are Jewish?


  167. imperium 说:

    看到觉醒令人振奋。阅读弗朗西斯·帕克 (Francis Parkers) 的书,该书讲述了俄罗斯在拯救西方方面的作用,尽管该书写于 1948 年。


  168. @Twodees Partain


    它甚至可能导致其他明智的人拒绝承认 9/11 是内部事件,即使是在看着 7 号楼以自由落体加速倒塌的时候。还有数以百万计的理智人士声称相信全息骗局的兜售者所宣扬和推动的不可能的断言。确实是的。压力是一种强大的力量。

  169. Alden 说:

    Probably medium tab Indian women refused to marry his dark brown self and married very White skinned men of Irish and Nordic descent so as to have very light tan children

  170. imperium 说:


    • 回复: @Seraphim
  171. @Anonymous

    So did millions of Gentiles who didn’t award themselves by robbing the bank.

    • 同意: SolontoCroesus
    • 回复: @NoseytheDuke
  172. wayfarer 说:



    Unchain this truth to the common man, and humanity makes a quantum leap.


    来源: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reincarnation


    • 回复: @anonymous
  173. bandw 说:

    Yes. Jews have their own interests in mind but why Jews york times went after the Hollywood jewish power brokers like Weinstein and along the way brought down some prominent jews like Charlie Rose and Al Franken?

    • 回复: @Wally
    , @Carroll Price
    , @renfro
  174. anon • 免责声明 说:



  175. @jilles dykstra

    Pogroms will not solve the problem, they never did

    They may not have solved the problem in Europe, but they sure as hell put a dent in it. As far as America goes, it was a decent country until Jews took over in 1913, and it's been all down-hill ever since. America's 1st pogrom is long over-due.

  176. @Anonymous

    先生,您显然是消息不灵通或消息不灵通。 MSM 会对人们产生这种影响。我们应该很幸运,有一位把国家放在第一位的领导人。我们的领导人和民选代表完全受以色列游说集团控制。是时候重新获得控制权并赶走我们政府中的双重国籍人士了。

  177. @anon



  178. Staudegger 说:



  179. Wally 说:
    @Steve Naidamast

    The Jew needs to be talked to in a derogatory manner. It couldn’t be any worse than the vile language the Jew uses against Euro-white gentiles.

    aka: fighting back



  180. @neutral



    • 回复: @HogHappenin
  181. @jilles dykstra


    • 回复: @jilles dykstra
  182. Wally 说:

    “我们可以撒谎。 它必须足够大,以至于普通人说:“那不可能是谎言!”。 然后,谎言就不能被这样承认。 谎言必须不断重复。 然后,它被认为是有力量的,因为它是对“真相”的信仰。”



  183. 我很好奇,决定用谷歌搜索《unz review》,以及它在其他媒体上的标签。

    Mr. Unz even gets personally called out to be anti jewish + isreali.

    我认为这些是任何严肃出版物都应该拥有的完美标签。俄罗斯内部人士应该努力获得这些标签 🙂

  184. Wally 说: • 您的网站



    • 回复: @Incitatus
  185. @Jake


    Merkel’s father is Horst Kaźmierczak, a Pole whose parents immigrated to Germany from Poznań in Poland.

    • 回复: @Lex
  186. Wally 说:
    @David In TN

    “They also bombed Warsaw. According to Joachim Fest, Hitler ordered the bombing to continue even when the Poles were offering to surrender.”

    好吧,呃。 “主动投降”并不是投降。在实际投降之前,华沙一直是合法的军事目标。
    ‘Who started bombing civilians first:Germany or Great Britain”


    • 回复: @Lex
    , @David In TN
  187. @Stan d Mute



    • 同意: HogHappenin, renfro
    • 回复: @trixie
  188. Wally 说:
    @Carroll Price

    Indeed, most cross marriages result in ‘conversions’ such that they are both ‘Jewish’.
    A lot of free, unearned stuff that way.

    • 回复: @Olorin
  189. @Sherman

    Shoiman, enough already. You’re making a mockery ovah theah. Your poor mothah.

    • 哈哈: L.K
    • 回复: @Ilyana_Rozumova
    , @L.K
  190. Wally 说:


    So Jews who had to ‘get out in front of the story’, try to control the damage, aka: “spin”.


  191. 《纽约时报》和《纽约客》追踪韦恩斯坦这样的人的原因如下。
    有两个派别寻求全球控制。首先是受“选民社会”控制的“全球主义者”。 {http://www.carrollquigley.net/pdf/The_Anglo-American_Establishment.pdf (pg.311)} 该组织负责挑起多场战争,特别是第一次世界大战。奎格利在《悲剧与希望》的前 1 页中证实了这一点。罗斯柴尔德家族在这个“秘密社团”中扮演着重要角色。第二个寻求全球统治地位的组织是“红色黑手党”(又名卢巴维奇)。罗伯特·弗里德曼在《红色黑手党:俄罗斯暴徒如何入侵美国》一书中揭露了这种“暴徒”。这个群体中的大人物有阿德尔森、兰斯基和许多俄罗斯双重公民寡头。这就是让特朗普上台的组织。他们还受到罗斯柴尔德家族的全面保护。韦恩斯坦和弗兰肯的垮台是对所有将部落/文化利益放在首位、不屈服于 CFR 和选民协会技术官僚愿景的人的警告。

  192. @Carroll Price


  193. @Carroll Price

    是的,一点没错。当人们假装接受政府在 911 上的官方台词这样明显的胡言乱语,以避免被那些接受同样废话的人排斥时,压力就会越来越大。

  194. @Carroll Price




  195. @Bill Jones


    • 回复: @Jake
  196. He Jewed me down on my asking price”.


  197. Seraphim 说:
    @Steve Naidamast


    “Madoff was born on April 29, 1938, in Queens, New York, the son of Jewish parents Ralph Madoff (June 1910 – July 1972), a plumber and stockbroker, and Sylvia Muntner (December 1911 – December 1974). Madoff’s grandparents were emigrants from Poland, Romania, and Austria”.

    His Ponzi scheme collapsed when “The Man without a Face”, the ‘new Stalin’ cum ‘the new Tsar’, pulled the rag from underneath the feet of the ‘Kosher Nostra’s’ Berezovskys, Khodorkovskys, Browders, Magnitskys, Soroses, and stopped the siphoning of Russian assets to the ‘pirate islands’ tax-free heavens. Had the Clintons been related to the ‘Kosher Nostra’? Perspiring minds want to know.

  198. Sparkon 说:
    @Mark Green

    Z1903 年,第六届犹太复国主义代表大会召开后,煽动者马克斯·诺道 (Max Nordau) 就预言了“未来的世界大战”,布莱蒂在会上将乌干达作为犹太人的家园:

    Herzl 知道我们正面临着整个世界的巨大动荡。 不久,也许必须召开某种世界大会,而英国,这个伟大、自由和强大的英格兰,将继续它已经开始的工作,它向第六次代表大会提供了慷慨的提议。

    如果你现在问我以色列要在乌干达做什么,那么让我告诉你答案......以下的话就好像我在向你展示向上和向上的梯子的梯级一样:赫茨尔,犹太复国主义大会,英国乌干达提案, 在未来的世界大战中,和平会议将在英国的帮助下建立一个自由的犹太巴勒斯坦。


    And that’s not all Nordau was predicting. Here he is again at the 10th Zionist Congress of 1911:

    说话圆滑的人,聪明的官吏,怎么敢张嘴吹嘘进步。 . . . 他们在这里举行欢呼雀跃的和平会议,谈论反对战争。 . . . 但是,同样高贵、勤奋地积极建立永恒和平的正义政府,正准备通过他们自己的忏悔, 六百万人的全灭,除了那些注定要失败的人,没有人会大声抗议,尽管这是比任何战争都更严重的罪行。




    布兰代斯法官主动向威尔逊总统提出了他的意见,即德国潜艇在英吉利海峡沉没苏塞克斯 ¹ 并造成美国公民丧生,美国向德国宣战是合理的。 威尔逊总统在很大程度上依赖于布兰代斯法官的法律意见,于 2 年 1917 月 7 日向国会两院发表讲话。 他呼吁国会对德国宣战,他们于 1917 年 XNUMX 月 XNUMX 日这样做了。


    ¹ 事实上, 苏塞克斯 没有被击沉,而是在被鱼雷击中后沉入港口。

    • 回复: @Joekoool102
  199. Karl 说:

    8 六翼天使 > 我遇到的所有瓦尔德曼都是犹太人


    • 回复: @Seraphim
  200. @bandw

    jewish power brokers like Weinstein and along the way brought down some prominent jews like Charlie Rose and Al Franken?

    It’s the Law of Unintended Consequences at work. Iraq also blew up in their faces, as did Syria where Hezbollah has emerged many times stronger and more lethal than it was when they cleaned Israel’s clock following Israel’s invasion of Lebanon in 2006. Which, as you may recall was supposed to be just another cake-walk to prove Israel’s invincibility and domination over the Arab world.

  201. Art 说:





    • 回复: @Olorin
  202. Nepemnr 说: • 您的网站

    I do not at all dismiss—for example— Kevin MacDonald, in fact I truly do think he is a careful and diligent scholar. But for me, when I am considering the jewish-cooperative-parasite hypothesis, I must perform a few thought experiments on certain indiviuals (to test the hypothesis).

    I must try and guage the degree to which I think people like Paul Gottfried, Larry Auster, Bob Weissberg, Stanley Fish, Norman Finkelstein, or other jews I could name are “in on it.”


    • 回复: @renfro
  203. renfro 说:

    The Jews are always looking for partners, particularly in congress……they have a congressional alliance with the Cuban congresspeople and have always supported each other on Israel and Cuba.

    我认识两位支持美国的国会议员,沃尔特·琼斯(Walter Jones)-R 和贝蒂·麦科勒姆(Betty McCollum-D)……仅此而已。

    • 回复: @HogHappenin
  204. renfro 说:
    @Steve Naidamast

    好吧,这太荒谬了……什么是天主教徒 天主教的?…a Christian a christianish ?

    • 哈哈: Cloak And Dagger
  205. Mario964 说:

    杀害耶稣基督的凶手相信自己是上帝所选择的人,这意味着 “犹太人对上帝来说比非犹太人更重要,因此对他们自己来说也更重要。” (参见 The Saker 关于该问题的报道 – Unz Review,28 年 2017 月 XNUMX 日)。

    关于鲍斯曼先生专栏的主题“犹太人的禁忌”,重点关注犹太人控制的 MSM 在涉及与犹太人对遭受的各种苦难和暴行负有责任的任何问题时的无情谎言、遗漏和花招。人类,我想强调意第绪语“chutzpah”的含义,即 “这种品质被铭刻在一个杀死了父母的人身上,因为他是一个孤儿,所以将自己置于法庭的怜悯之下”。 (维基百科 > 厚颜无耻)

    为了更好地了解犹太人对当今世界的影响,我建议阅读一本关于世界范围内大规模共济会犹太黑手党的杰出书籍 “B'naï B'rith 的神秘与秘密:国际青年组织的重要组织” (B'nai B'rith 的奥秘和秘密:最大的国际犹太组织)。法语版本可在互联网上下载 Archive.org 或从 Amazon.fr 购买。意大利语版 “B'nai B'rith 的秘密和秘密。 La più grande Organizzazione ebraica internazionale” 可从 Centro Librario Sodalitium Online 或 Mondadori Online 购买。

  206. renfro 说:



  207. @Anonymous


  208. @Sparkon

    我听说布兰代斯在 1907 年的恐慌之后被希夫强迫进入美国。作为救助计划的一部分,摩根大通将布兰代斯任命为塔夫脱。

    • 回复: @Sparkon
  209. Jake 说:
    @Carroll Price


    • 回复: @anonymous
  210. 令人惊讶的是,犹太人在俄罗斯拥有媒体。 控制世界金钱和媒体的超级精英犹太人是光明会犹太人。 他们拥有美联储,不缴纳任何税款,他们每年赚取的万亿美元。

  211. renfro 说:

    I must try and guage the degree to which I think people like Paul Gottfried, Larry Auster, Bob Weissberg, Stanley Fish, Norman Finkelstein, or other jews I could name are “in on it.”

    他们并不“参与其中”……大自然为每条规则提供了例外。 – .

  212. Truth 说:

    Caucasoids need a lot of help with the dozens…

  213. Sparkon 说:


  214. renfro 说:



  215. patsy 说:


    本顿·L·布拉德伯里(Benton L Bradberry)的《德国邪恶神话》。

  216. geokat62 说:
    @Mark Green



  217. @Twodees Partain

    You blood sucking Jew

    • 哈哈: Truth
    • 回复: @Twodees Partain
  218. @anon


  219. Erebus 说:



    逻各斯已经统治了世界,不,已经统治了世界 自从人类会说话以来的世界。 “太初有道,道成了肉身” 适用于我们所有人。文字的使用标志着历史和人类的开始。从我们学会说话的时候起,我们就生活在一个文字的世界里。



    A narrative who’s memes can target and usurp competing narratives wins, and its adherents rise to the top.



    • 回复: @trixie
    , @Olorin
  220. @Twodees Partain

    Not yet looked at ‘Why does the USA hate Assad’, but the answer seems more than obvious.

    • 回复: @Twodees Partain
  221. Olorin 说:

    哦不,他称我为 1930 年代欧洲政党的标签,因为我注意到我的基督徒多数朋友和亲戚中有以色列/犹太人/锡安第一派!


    Still, somebody has to play the role of red meat for those who are trained to and profit globally from installing and pressing wetware buttons. If you think “Nazis” are behind that, I understand the ADL has job openings. You can train for them at a wide variety of marcomm and media departments. It’s a highly lucrative field, “Nazi”-milling.

  222. Anonymous [又名“万扎莫托”] 说:

    You’re Fried Man. Get off the drugs

    Great article anyway

  223. @ThereisaGod

    Your timeline argument is very suggestive. It had never occurred to me. But I have noticed that, contra Mr. Waldmann, Jews are overwhelmingly anti-Putin, and overwhelmingly anti-Trump because he is/was open to the idea of détente with Russia. (Now that Trump is deferring to the wishes of the neocons, Jews are warming up to him.) I was really shocked and disgusted to hear late night TV host Stephen Colbert say that Trump’s mouth was “Vladimir Putin’s cock-holster” — incredibly vulgar and offensive to all Americans to treat the elected president with such disrespect. Jews may have been severely persecuted but it doesn’t seem to have made them any less prone to outrageous excesses of insulting other people. Lots of Jews would disapprove of Colbert’s behavior, but the leadership of explicitly Jewish organizations, though not given to profanity, takes positions that are similarly indifferent to the sensibilities of non-Jews by promoting an end to free speech. Since they take this position as Jews and in the name of Jewish interests and values it seems fair to point out the Jewish role in the campaign. In order to oppose any political idea it is helpful to explain the motives that animate its partisans, but Jewish groups do not wish to extend this prerogative to others.

  224. @Carroll Price

    虽然禁止讨论大屠杀的犹太运动非常令人反感,但否认犹太人所遭受的非常真实的不公正现象,不必要地冒犯和不尊重犹太人,这无济于事。纳粹不仅杀害游击队,还对欧洲犹太人进行系统性清算,这一点在这一点上似乎是无可争议的。 “修正主义者”领袖戴维·欧文现在承认 600 万这个数字是合理的。关于有多少人死于奥斯威辛或毒气室的争论掩盖了是否发生了故意种族灭绝这一更大的问题。它做了。

    • 回复: @Carroll Price
    , @Wally
  225. Da Wei 说:
    @jacques sheete

    “Also, the ‘Jews’ could do very little without the compliance of many butt-licking goyim who are every bit as bad as their masters.”


    BL G可能会用“J字”来区分他们的主人。

  226. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:


  227. Seraphim 说:



    “For racially, I’m a Jew. But religiously, I’m a baptized Orthodox Christian.
    Once baptized, a Jew crosses the line, he’s now on the other side.
    If anything smacks of this world then the Orthodox Christian instinctively combats it.
    Deceit, bribery, blackmail, manipulation, censorship, underhandedness, influence-peddling, hypocrisy, pushing sexual perversion, these are marks of ‘worldliness.’
    This is the mind of the Church. This is the Orthodox way”.

  228. yurivku 说:

    Usually I’m too lazy to read in English and use http://inosmi.ru 相反,我只是为了短期观察外国对俄罗斯和世界新闻的观点,但因为那些马沙斯·格森斯,我对这些事情产生了呕吐反射。

    This article is a big surprize and a drop of fresh water while being surrounded with this rotten media pool. Thank you.

    我简直不敢相信西方有人能打破这个禁忌。你应该熟悉伊戈尔·沙法列维奇的《俄罗斯恐惧症》一书吧,与你的文章有很多共同点。如果没有——尝试阅读,这是伟大的工作,但打破禁忌有点像 *不受欢迎* stuff. It should be translated, but I don’t know for sure. ( http://stavroskrest.ru/sites/default/files/kcfinder/files/shafarevich_igor_rusofobiya.pdf )


    他们在俄罗斯媒体中占据主导地位,代表双方——官方支持皮廷的一方和反对派。我毫不怀疑,有一天他们中的一些人(目前代表官方观点)将前往西方并加入仇恨俄罗斯的队伍,就像他们中的许多人已经这样做的那样。例如,本文中提到的玛莎·格森 (Masha Gessen)、安妮·阿普尔鲍姆 (Anne Applebaum)、朱莉娅·洛夫 (Julia loffe)、列昂尼德·贝希德斯基 (Leonid Beshidsky) ……他们的祖先都在这里出生和接受教育,他们的祖先被摧毁了,他们的祖国充满了恶意。

    Those who considered to be in opposition here, already saying disgusting things about our past, present and future completely forgetting roles of theirs fathers in revolution and tortures our people suffered from.


    Of course we’re talking not about the nation, but about it’s politically active part which in all times played destructive role in country they are living at, especially in Russia, but not only.

    And yes, I’ve added few links to Unz’s, Saker’s an yours resources -)

  229. yurivku 说:

    如果你真的认为反对普京主要是犹太人的现象,那你就大错特错了。 普京受到所有宗教人士(以及不可知论者和无神论者)的广泛憎恶。

    But one thing – opposite side on debates in media also are Jews. Paradox, both sides of media belong to them -).

    但关于普京,你错了,他得到了这里大多数人的支持,尽管我们当然有很多抱怨。在外交事务上,他的支持率(我确信)超过 80%。所以放松点,普京将在不久的将来继续下去。

  230. trixie 说:

    尤瓦尔·赫拉利 (Yuval Harari) 的精彩著作《智人》:
    章:盲人克利奥:第 242 页XNUMX:

    ……越来越多的学者将文化视为一种精神感染或寄生虫,以人类为不知情的宿主。 有机寄生虫(例如病毒)生活在宿主体内。 它们繁殖并从一个宿主扩散到另一个宿主,以它们的宿主为食,削弱它们,有时甚至杀死它们。 只要宿主存活足够长的时间可以通过寄生虫,它就不会在乎宿主的状况。 以这种方式,文化思想就生活在人类的思想中。 它们繁殖并从一个宿主传播到另一宿主,偶尔会削弱宿主,甚至杀死它们。 ……–可以迫使人们奉献自己的生命来传播这种思想,甚至以牺牲生命为代价。 人类死了,但是这个想法传播了。 …。 ……成功的文化是擅长复制模因的文化,而不论其人类宿主的成本和收益如何。 …在博弈论的支持下,社会科学中也有类似的论点。 博弈论解释了在多玩家系统中如何损害所有玩家的观点和行为模式如何扎根并传播。 …=

  231. trixie 说:
    @Carroll Price

    在线 http://www.controversyofzion.info/Controversybook/reeedcontrov.pdf p.311ch.43

    在这种情况下,1948 年在巴勒斯坦建立的新“国家”从来就不是,也永远不可能是历史记载中以前使用过的任何意义上的“国家”。 它是一个世界组织的前哨,可以特别访问西方世界的每个政府、议会和外交部(尤其是美国的政府、议会和外交部,美国在 1950 年代是世界上最强大的国家)。世界),其主要功能是控制美利坚共和国,而不是为世界上的犹太人提供“家”。 这种情况打开的前景是,美国越来越多地参与黎凡特的爆炸性局势,人为制造和怀有世界大战的危险。

  232. @jack daniels

    That the Nazis went beyond killing partisans to engage in a systematic liquidation of European Jews seems indisputable at this point.

    这是非常有争议的。战前和战后的人口普查数字总数(1939 年和 1945 年)并未反映出战后居住在欧洲的欧洲犹太人人数出现任何明显减少。显示的略有下降(1945 年的数据)是由于超过 1.5 万犹太人自愿离开欧洲前往南美洲、以色列和纽约市(即今天的美国海米镇)定居。

    No intentional genocide of Jews occurred in Europe or elsewhere – ever. And, contrary to yet other Jewish inspired myths rivaling that of the holohoax, Moses DID NOT part the Red Sea and walk over on dry land, the walls of Jericho DID NOT fall down after being marched around 7 times by Jews, and the world DID NOT stop turning to give Joshua sufficient time to slay the Philistines. Try living in a world of reality. It’s much more rewarding.



    • 回复: @Pierre le Blanc
    , @Corvinus
  233. @jilles dykstra

    凯文·麦克唐纳(Kevin MacDonald)特别驳斥了可萨理论:

    所有犹太人都是闪族并且非常部落化(集体主义者)。 当事情变得糟糕时,所有犹太人都会联合起来反击。 他们的求生本能非常强大。 这解释了他们作为比赛的成功。

  234. @Carroll Price


    • 同意: Zumbuddi
  235. @jacques sheete


    “整个犹太人将成为他们自己的弥赛亚。它将通过解散其他种族、废除边界、消灭君主制以及建立一个世界共和国来实现世界统治,在这个共和国中,犹太人将在世界各地行使公民特权。在这个新的世界秩序中,以色列的子孙将在没有遇到反对的情况下担任所有领导人。组成世界共和国的不同民族的政府将毫无困难地落入犹太人手中。届时,犹太统治者就有可能废除私有制,并在各地利用国家资源。这样,《塔木德》的承诺就会得到实现,其中说,当弥赛亚时代到来时,犹太人将拥有全世界的所有财产。” ——巴鲁克·利维,1879 年。

    “如果我儿子不想要战争,就不会有战争”。古特尔·施纳珀·罗斯柴尔德 (Gutle Schnaper Rothschild) 梅耶·阿姆谢尔·罗斯柴尔德 (Mayer Amschel Rothschild) 的妻子

    “由于我们国际银行的可怕力量,我们迫使基督徒陷入无数的战争。战争对犹太人来说具有特殊的价值,因为基督徒互相屠杀,为我们犹太人腾出了更多的空间。战争是犹太人的收获:犹太人的银行靠基督教战争而发财。超过一亿基督徒已被战争从地球上抹去,而末日还没有到来。 (莱科恩拉比 100 年在大拉比西蒙·本·尤达的葬礼上发言时,亨利·福特还指出:“有一个犹太人说过,‘战争是犹太人的收获’”;但没有什么收获比内战更丰富的了。 .'

    “让我控制一个国家的货币,我不在乎谁制定了它的法律。” 迈尔·阿姆谢尔·罗斯柴尔德

    “我们必须利用恐怖、暗杀、恐吓、没收土地和削减所有社会服务来消灭加利利的阿拉伯人口。” ——伊斯雷尔·柯尼格,《柯尼格备忘录》。

    摘自以色列作家西姆哈·弗拉潘 (Simha Flapan) 所著的《以色列的诞生》一书:“9 年 1948 月 XNUMX 日一整天,伊尔贡和莱希士兵以冷酷且有预谋的方式进行了屠杀……袭击者‘排列成行’的男人、女人孩子们靠在墙上向他们开枪,”……对代尔亚辛的残酷袭击震惊了犹太人和

    我们来了,第 110 次看到人类只有真正的敌人。

    • 回复: @jilles dykstra
  236. Wally 说: • 您的网站
    @jack daniels

    Irving is laughed at by serious revisionists.
    Nazi ‘shootings’?
    大屠杀工业的犹太人现在声称大约。 2,000,000 名犹太人被特别行动队射入巨大的坑中,所以,任何人,请向我们展示实际的挖掘情况、巨大的万人坑和声称存在的遗骸,据称它们的位置是已知的。


    • 回复: @jilles dykstra
  237. Wade 说:

    So in other words our intelligence agencies couldn’t hide intel from the Israelis even if they wanted to. The Kushner family could brief them all day long by way of Jared.

    • 同意: Talha
  238. @Wally

    莱昂·波利亚科夫,'Bréviaire de la Haine,Le IIIe Reich et les Juifs',1951 年,1974 年,巴黎
    nothing can be found.
    特别行动队大约有 50 名德国人,总共大约有 900 名德国人,他们屠杀了大量犹太人,其中的遗体被埋在万人坑里。


    据我所知,波利亚科夫所写的内容是基于诺伊伦堡审判中的言论,900 人中约有 XNUMX 人在认罪后接受了审判。
    In the book Poliakov regularly writes sentences like ‘all 40.000 were shot’.

    What the ‘special fluids’ were, is not specified, nor how how much was needed, and how these fluids were transported, when the German army did the utmost to resist being driven back.
    How the special group found and opened all mass graves, and closed them again, also not.


    Who is interested in what the German troops found in Kiev when they advanced should read
    Alfred M. de Zayas, ´Die Wehrmacht-Untersuchungsstelle, Dokumentation allierter Kriegsverbrechen im Zweiten Weltkrieg’ , 1979, 2001, München.

    If ever anyone sent these documents to a laboratory to see if they are genuine, I do not know.
    About the confesssions, the Germans accused of murdering USA POW’s at Malmédy all became impotent as a result of interrogations.
    They did not confess.

    Höss, the Auschwitz commander, who denied the gas chambers, in the end confessed, in Poland, then was hung.

    拉西尼尔是一名法国抵抗战士,当时他在布痕瓦尔德集中营和多拉集中营,V1 和 V2 就是在那里建造的。
    He blames the deaths in the camps on the camp management, consisting of prisoners, the camps organised themselves, as also Elie Wiesel describes.
    The camp management lived and ate well, the others, 75%, died after six months of starvation.
    The camp managements consisted of those who were there first, socialists, communists, and ordinary criminals.
    Socialists after WWII did not like what Rassinier wrote, he as thrown out of the party.
    保罗·拉西尼耶(Paul Rassinier),《战争论》,《死灵》(Die Juden und das Dritte Reich),莱昂尼·斯塔恩贝格(Leoni am Starnberger See),第7幅印刷,1981年。 (1963年)

    • 回复: @Seraphim
  239. @flyingputer

    《拉宾回忆录》,伊扎克·拉宾,1979 年,1996 年(约拉姆·佩里后记)加州摄政大学。

  240. @Pierre le Blanc

    Shlomo Sand,“犹太人的发明”,伦敦,纽约,2009年,2010年(特拉维夫,2008年,希伯来语)
    Arthur Koestler’s ‘The Thirteenth Tribe’, same subject, did not convince me.

    ‘Their success as a race’.
    Weird success, seen over the last two thousand years.
    然后,直到 1917 年布尔斯犹太主义政变为止,我看不到任何成功。
    Even in the USSR jews lost power.
    The same happened in all E European countries, and in the Iberian peninsula.
    Since when is the holocaust a success ?

    犹太人。 人民的精髓和品格,亚瑟·赫兹伯格(Arthur Herzberg)和阿隆·希特·曼海默(Aron Hirt-Manheimer),哈珀·旧金山(HarperSanFrancisco),1998年
    asserts, alas without explanation, that just 13% of those who could have remained jews choose to do this.

    Jews for me, a group of people throwing in their own windows all the time, with considerable collateral damage.
    The present ‘success’, jews were money lenders etc, in emerging economies such as Germany after 1870, and in the USA since say 1900, they became prominent in banking, etc.
    AEI 的 PNAC 是一场灾难,请参阅现在的 ME,其中针对美国和以色列的反对意见每天都在增加。

    • 回复: @AaronB
  241. Wade 说:
    @Stan d Mute

    肯尼迪和他的父亲约瑟夫·P·肯尼迪与犹太黑手党发生了重大冲突(见迈耶·兰斯基)。以色列/摩萨德应被视为刺杀他的头号嫌疑人。请阅读迈克尔·柯林斯·派珀(Michael Collins Piper)的《最终审判》(有点重复,但非常引人注目)。您可以在这里免费在线阅读全文:


    对于派珀来说,摩萨德可能参与其中的想法并不新鲜。当时许多美国人担心摩萨德会介入。这来自 https://www.maryferrell.org/ :

    21 年 1963 月 XNUMX 日,一位名叫 Thomas Mosley 的政府线人正在谈判向一位名叫 Echevarria 的古巴流亡者出售机枪。 在交易过程中,埃切瓦里亚表示“我们现在有很多钱——我们的新支持者是犹太人”,并且“一旦我们[或他们]照顾肯尼迪”,就会结束军火交易。 次日,肯尼迪在达拉斯遇刺身亡。
    Mosley, an ATF informant, reported his conversation to the Secret Service, and that agency quickly began investigating what it termed “a group in the Chicago area who may have a connection with the JFK assassination.” Echevarria was a member of the 30th November group, associated with the DRE with whom Oswald had dealings the previous summer. Mosley said the arms deal was being financed through Paulino Sierra Martinez and his J.G.C.E.–Sierra interestingly was connected to Bobby Kennedy’s effort to unite various exile groups, through Harry Ruiz Williams.

    That is really just the tip of the iceberg linking Israeli efforts to create a nuclear arms program to assassinating Kennedy who was seen by Israeli’s as “bullying” David Ben-Gurion around by forcing him to submit to weapons inspections. I highly recommend Piper’s book.

    • 回复: @renfro
  242. AaronB 说:
    @jilles dykstra


    But this can be said of all success – it’s cyclical. Necessarily so, since all success comes at the expense of a weak or distracted enemy, and not your own magnificence.

    That is why we need to stop worshipping success, and see if for what it is – a motivated group taking advantage of one that is distracted and unmotivated.

    I survey the historical record, and I cannot find many exceptionns.

    Inevitably, the weak and distracted group feels the sting of humiliation and powerlessness, and the powerful group believes its own essentialist myth, and the roles are reversed.





    A handful of Jews lord it over myriads of whites for the same reason a few thousand British were able to lord it over millions of Indians – determination to do so, and a distracted and unmotivated enemy.

    Inevitably, the crash is coming. The current rumblings against Jews is a symptom of underlying change that has already happened. The necessary work of destroying the reigning mythos is being accomplished, before any regime change can take place.

    Of course, the new mythos will be as false as the old, but that is inevitable.

    • 回复: @Corvinus
  243. Anonymous [又名“朱利叶斯·列维坦”] 说:

    When Clinton attacked the Serbs and they were demonized in the media, Jews were among all the commenters joining in on the assaults. But the ONLY major commentators in the US who tried to defend the Serbs against the flood were Jews. Your story is incomplete without acknowledging the Jews on the other side.

    • 回复: @iffen
  244. renfro 说:

    You might want to bookmark this in depth look at the Israelis around 911 before goggle buries it.




    • 回复: @Wade
  245. iffen 说:

    Jews are overrepresented on all sides of any issue.


  246. anonymous • 免责声明 说:


    The Joos even got their Rabbis to issue a “fatwa” that Hindoo idolatry, one of the extremest indulged by mankind, is 不是阿沃达·扎拉。说什么?!!




    分享的帖子 凯蒂佩里 (@katyperry)在


    • 回复: @Talha
  247. Olorin 说:

    You just described an early ex-businesspartner of mine, a second-generation American Polish and Russian Jew.


    He was one of the few Jews I ever knew who had a modicum of self-reflective capacity. Though he knew something was missing there. My lifelong obsession is religious belief and systems, so he asked me countless questions about Catholic confession, Buddhist meditation, Lutheran prayer.

    Born in the ’40s, he was a traditionalist-inclined guy whose instincts in that direction were thwarted by his parents, who pushed him in the direction of 1960s/1970s media culture. This culture was under construction by the sons and daughters of Jewish immigrants who saw it as their mission to use TV, radio, publishing, music, and Hollywood to rewrite the book of what it meant to be American. This was based on their fantasies (most of them negative IMO) increasingly grafted onto the lived experience of the majority population and eventually retconning/replacing it through the conjurer’s art of media magnification.


    Still, then (mid ’80s) there was ferment on the topic of traumatic child-rearing–Lloyd de Mause’s “psychohistory,” Alice Miller’s “drama of the gifted child,” Jeffrey Masson’s unpacking of the cult of Freudian analysis, e.g. My interest in this was a sideline out of my larger interest in the psychological use of trauma in social programming, particularly the Cold War.


    我对那些系统地摧毁自己后代的家庭并不陌生,这是一种联系策略和黑暗能量的来源,这要归功于在一个 65% 黑人城市中与烧伤、创伤和急诊室患者一起工作的经历。但他所描述的以及米勒、德莫斯和马森走得更远。我支持他的观点,即他正在把这个更大的问题全都与犹太人有关。不用说,我们在这个话题上互相谈论过。


    他的父母认为自己不是虔诚的犹太人,但“非常有精神”。这意味着 70 年代/80 年代的新时代。他们让自己的孩子(所有的成人礼)互相竞争,看谁赚最多的钱、拥有最大的房子、生出最聪明的孩子、获得最负盛名的学位、拥有最有趣的职业、能负担得起最好的东西。正畸医生等


    As we start unpacking how many and which “social” problems are actually Jewish behavioral problems/habits, as we start looking at the patterns of abuse grounded in the Jewish family system/culture, as we unpack Jews considering themselves the biggest victims in the history of ever, it quickly becomes clear that their biggest, most intimate victimization is in the intimate spheres of life.


    • 回复: @Art
  248. @Wally


  249. anonymous • 免责声明 说:
    @Bill Jones

    the finest culture ever invented, that of the West.



    Human-like, Fathergod, songod, mothergod… your kind has plagiarised quite a bit of all that.

    It will not be judged well… so exult all you can, while you can.

  250. Talha 说:

    乔斯甚至让他们的拉比发布了一项“追杀令”,称印度教偶像崇拜是人类最极端的崇拜之一,不是 Avodah Zarah。


  251. anonymous • 免责声明 说:



    尽管大多数教派内部 Abrahamic religions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam do not believe that individuals reincarnate,这些宗教中的特定群体确实提到了转世;这些团体包括卡巴拉、卡特里派、阿拉维派、德鲁兹派和玫瑰十字派的主流历史和当代追随者。

  252. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    It is impossible to enter in a gas chamber without protective clothing and gas masks like survivors claimed. Zyclon-B is a time-release fumigant that would have a lethal capacity for at least 24 hours. After that time the corpses would still be sufficiently contaminated to kill anyone that touches the corpses. You would need a powerful exhaust system to get that gas out but there is no such equipment in the gas chambers that are shown to the tourists.

    Where are the claims that Jews were exterminated in massive steam chambers or electrocuted on special grids? What about the claims that Germans made lampshades, soap and riding britches from the bodies of dead Jews? These claims which have been officially debunked were made during the Nuremberg trials and people were executed over them.

    在纽伦堡审判中,据称在 6 万人中,有 4 万人死于奥斯威辛。后来,4万索赔额减少到1万多一点,但6万索赔额从未降至3万。

    The six million number is a cabalistic number for Jews. Between 1900 and 1939, it has been used more than 200 times in various Jewish funding campaigns.


    为什么 60 年后历史学家还没有找到任何一份文件表明发生了毒气大屠杀?如此重大的犯罪行为会留下大量证据。德国人是非常有条理的人,他们会在账本上记下每一点小开支。

    Crematoriums are made so that no smoke comes out of the chimney. Yet always witnesses claim they saw the smoke of the chimneys and could tell by its color who were the people being burned! French minister Simone Weil claimed she saw the thick black smoke come out of the chimneys. She was obviously lying.

    为什么大屠杀修正主义在包括加拿大在内的至少 11 个国家被定为犯罪?为什么有人因为对大屠杀的官方版本表示怀疑而被送进监狱?这个不成立。如果这个故事是真的,他们还害怕什么?


    This farce has to stop, that’s where Jews and Globalists get their power by making everyone feel guilty.

    • 回复: @jilles dykstra
  253. Bill jones 说:
    @Steve Naidamast

    Why should I allow a Fucker like you to Determine How I Speak My Native Language. I Have No Interest In Your Native Tongue, Gibberish Or Whatever You Call What You From the Krauts

  254. anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    … Islam, … is a religion that remakes converts into cultural Semites.

    When a white person accepts blessed true monotheism (a rare occurrence indeed), in heart and soul, he/she also loses that sense of racial supremacy, as subliminal it may be, which is antithetical to said faith.

    There is also the matter of eschewing the much celebrated western “virtues” of promiscuity, intoxication, immodesty, devouring of the 污秽 猪等


  255. Olorin 说:


    我发现自己一次又一次地回到逻各斯的概念,与它在希腊语中的原始用法和我所认识的各种不同的基督徒之间的衍生用法之间的脱节作斗争并受到阻碍。 (文本与行为,或者更准确地说,文本传输与口头……我们知道,最初的概念是口头本身。这就是理则的问题。它最初来自心灵。我们仍然在努力解决将文本强加于理则和理则上的问题到心灵上。)

    One example is how pro-Israel Christians I knew would put the Jewish Logos ahead of the one they claimed was their own god’s. But the Jewish Logos was carefully crafted to take advantage of the West, and we’ve have seen this for at least 600 years in Europe.


    Thus the secular religion of the “Holocaust” is constructed to be inserted in the mental slot that, say, some Catholics hold for the 通过十字架。 Or the secular religion of “equality” fits neatly into the mental slot regarding the eschatology of judgment and salvation.


    • 回复: @jpb
  256. Balder 说: • 您的网站

    特别是关于文章中提到的 对俄罗斯和俄罗斯人的仇恨 among Jewish journalists in the US, I can tell you that in tiny Denmark 5 million people and only 7.000 Jews which is about one tenth of the Jewish relative numbers in the US; o.2 %, the Jews are enormously overrepresented in all media.

    而那些对俄罗斯最恶毒地表达仇恨的人,正是那些支持和支持中东犹太复国主义战争的人,他们都是著名的犹太人。在这些问题上左翼或右翼没有区别,无论他们是宗教人士还是自认的无神论者都不重要:所有这些“世俗犹太人”都捍卫割礼,99%的丹麦人将割礼视为残割儿童。丹麦人最认同的话题可能是仅次于虐待动物的话题。除了一位(前)犹太人详细讲述了他因割礼而造成的终生创伤。最极端的仇俄犹太人之一是塞缪尔·拉赫林(Samuel Rachlin)(东正教/犹太复国主义者),即使按照丹麦保守派的标准,他也被视为某种白痴,因为他站在乌克兰的“橙色革命”广场中央庆祝“解放” !!这里的所有媒体似乎都有自己的 家庭犹太人 who is making sure things keep moving the right way. But in Denmark they are not so loud mouthed as in many other places. The reason is the Jewish myth about the Jew friendly Danish King, and the fact that Danes helped the Jews escape to Sweden. So thanks to the Jewish propaganda the Danes don’t feel as guilty as many other nationals, since they think they were so Jew friendly! So they haven’t got all their legislation in place here yet – and there are many Jew skeptics among the general population!



    Especially these pages are very popular – the page linked here links to similar pages about UK, France, Canada, Ireland, Holland, (top left corner flags) as well as links to info about the Jewish situation and developments in Scandinavia, Coudenhove-Kalergi, Media ownership in Britain and much more – bottom page:




  257. @Steve Naidamast

    With your language you influence your equals. But I am afraid that they are already influenced.
    So I am crying in my destitute that I never will be influenced.

  258. @beezo


    “Some things are true which never happened” – Elie Wiesel

    • 回复: @jilles dykstra
  259. jpb 说:

    E 迈克尔·琼斯博士讨论了犹太人拒绝耶稣基督作为弥赛亚时对逻各斯(上帝)的拒绝。我推荐他作为传统天主教历史学家和神学家的著作,尤其是他在这方面对逻各斯的处理。


  260. Seraphim 说:
    @jilles dykstra

    What is even harder to believe is that the Germans disinterred the myriads of corpses and burnt them in order to ‘conceal evidence’, in full view of the Red Army in offensive!

  261. Corvinus 说:

    “A handful of Jews lord it over myriads of whites for the same reason a few thousand British were able to lord it over millions of Indians – determination to do so, and a distracted and unmotivated enemy.”




    • 回复: @AaronB
  262. Corvinus 说:
    @Carroll Price

    “It’s very much disputable. Pre and post-war census figure totals (1939 & 1945) do not reflect any appreciable decrease in the number of European Jews living in Europe following the war.”

    Red herring on your part. The fact is that the Germans committed genocide against Jews. Try living in a world of reality. It’s much more rewarding.

    • 回复: @Wally
    , @yurivku
    , @renfro
  263. inthemix16 说:

    Sooo typical. You cant even get YOUR facts straight.. You cant be anti Semitic to a group thats not Semites. Your game is up!! Your lies, your stealing. .etc I think the article is hilarious in that how worms squirm when the dirt is lifted. Heres a suggestion. You got to 109 because you always overplay your cards. Your arrogance just overcomes all the time . It never fails. . Ill tell ya whats NOT FUNNY .. some cute little versus from the Talmud.. Now tell me whos the idiot racist ??

    *“如果'好汉'(外邦人)击中了犹太人,则必须将其杀死。” (桑黑德琳58b)

    *“如果犹太人发现了一个被'goy'丢掉的物体,则不必将其退回。” (巴巴梅齐亚(Baba Mezia)24a)

    *“如果一个犹太人谋杀了一个“同性恋者”,将不会判处死刑。” (山德林57a)

    *犹太人从他可能保留的“老兄”身上偷走了什么。” (山德林57a)

    *“犹太人可能会使用诡计来绕过'goy'。”(Baba Kamma 113a)

    *“'goyim'(外邦人)的所有孩子都是动物。” (耶巴莫斯98a)

    *“由'goyim'所生的女孩从出生时就处于'niddah'(月经不洁!)的状态。” (Abodah Zarah 36b)

  264. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:
    @unpc downunder


    That unpopularity is fading, fast. More importantly – it’s fading fast among the more knowledgeable and intelligent goyim segments who are becoming real influencers in the modern, decentralised, info-markets. The main point of the article is that the taboo is perpetuated through shallow imprinting and (self) censorship. The illusion vanishes when enough kids point out the emperor’s nakedness.

    A taboo only works if it is universally observed – if a sizable number of people begin ignoring it, everyone else begins to look increasingly ridiculous.

  265. Olorin 说:


    在 1940 世纪 1980 年代至 XNUMX 年代的纽约,有多少非裔婴儿和儿童被犹太家庭收养?当然,创伤是犹太家庭常见的育儿策略(如上面的评论所述)。想象一下,犹太家庭惩罚白人收养的孩子,因为他们的行为是白人而不是犹太人,这是多么残酷。指的是身体强健、聪明、无私、善良、大胆和具有工程思维,而不是软弱、胆怯、善于操纵和重商思维。

    我觉得这很有趣的原因是我在东北认识的许多非裔收养者都拥有这种经历。有些人并没有意识到他们自己在民族/种族上不是犹太人,直到他们的 DNA 测试(最近)并了解到,例如,他们有 100% 的北欧血统。

    All but one of these refused bar/bat mitzvah. Which takes a lot of stones when you think about it…and caused huge family stress.


    In their teens or twenties, their mating lives were interrupted by their Jewish (tiger) mothers because they fell in love with goyische girls or boys. The result for all of these was 不能 that they ended up marrying, and breeding with, Jewish girls/boys…but that they became solitary and never had children. One became lesbian, another became gay; the lesbian “married.”


    That’s a damn effective strategy for securing the long term resources, as well as destroying the gene flows, of your host population, isn’t it?



    This is a phenomenon I know about only anecdotally, but I’d love to see someone have the freedom to research and write about it openly. I have no idea its extent…but the fact that NY State STILL is so draconian suggests it’s bigger than most people realize.

  266. @L.K


    • 哈哈: HogHappenin
    • 回复: @L.K
  267. Here is the problem (Engels: Jewish question)

  268. Wally 说: • 您的网站

    Is that why people are locked for merely speaking about the fake ‘6M’? Only lies need censorship. The fact is, you have no proof.
    Auschwitz homicidal gassing process see analysis at:

    我们正在谈论所谓的“ 6万犹太人和5M其他人”…… 11,000,000.
    尽管犹太人声称仍然存在,但没有一个可验证的挖掘出的巨大坟墓,其内容实际上是被展示的,而不仅仅是被宣称的(请记住,埋葬在Treblinka的900,000,在奥斯威辛集中营的1,250,000,在Sobibor的250,000,在Babi Yar的34,000)。并声称确切知道这些所谓的巨大坟墓在哪里。

    法庭上的“ Holocau $ t Industry”:
    “请尊敬的法官大人,确实有数百万人的遗骸埋在巨大的乱葬坑中,我们知道乱葬坑在哪里,……但是,但是,嗯,嗯,我们不能向法庭展示人类遗骸。 你必须相信我们,我们是犹太复国主义者。


    • 回复: @Corvinus
  269. L.K 说:


    Were you looking in the mirror when you wrote the above, bitch? It’s called projection.


    • 回复: @Ilyana_Rozumova
  270. L.K 说:

    Given that the author of the article, Charles Bausman, has mentioned the profound antipathy of Organized Jewry towards Russia & has also mentioned Prof. Kevin MacDonald, let me recommend a couple of good articles he wrote in this connection, where he also makes use of some of Giraldi’s work in this regard;


    …Why the neocon hostility toward Russia? We could certainly imagine that if Russia was controlled by the Israel Lobby and Jewish interests in the same way that the United States is, this would not be happening. Indeed, a major neocon complaint is that Russia delayed sanctions against Israel’s arch-enemy Iran and has supplied Iran with nuclear material as well as weaponry designed to protect its nuclear installations.

    Quite simply, we think that neocon hostility stems from the fact that Russia under Vladimir Putin proved to be far more nationalistic than is good for the Jews or for Israel. A landmark event was Putin’s crackdown on the oligarchs — that small, overwhelmingly Jewish group of tycoons that came to control the industrial base of the USSR during the shift to capitalism. […]



    Another pretty good one is:
    菲利普·吉拉尔迪 (Philip Giraldi) 谈新保守派、乌克兰、俄罗斯和寡头

    • 回复: @Miro23
  271. @Ilyana_Rozumova

    Always you are jumping into conclusion. I happen not to be a Jew, dear little deranged ladygirl.

    • 回复: @Ilyana_Rozumova
  272. Art 说:

    As we start unpacking how many and which “social” problems are actually Jewish behavioral problems/habits, as we start looking at the patterns of abuse grounded in the Jewish family system/culture, as we unpack Jews considering themselves the biggest victims in the history of ever, it quickly becomes clear that their biggest, most intimate victimization is in the intimate spheres of life.


    A great illustrative story. That is an outstanding comment. Thanks for that.


    When you add in the lack of honesty and ethics in the Jew culture – you get what we see – a people totally incapable of seeing the wrong that they do.

    This subject needs a good book.


    • 回复: @Stan d Mute
  273. @jilles dykstra


  274. L.K 说:


    下面摘录的《耶路撒冷邮报》上的一篇文章指出,俄罗斯境内的犹太人在反对普京方面发挥了非常突出的作用——普京将反对派称为俄罗斯的“第五纵队”。 但是,除了外交政策上的差异之外,对于叶利钦领导下的犹太寡头在掠夺国家方面所扮演的角色,也有一种日益恶化的怨恨情绪。 正如文章中所指出的,涅姆佐夫是叶利钦的二把手。

    这篇文章再次提出了关于散居海外的犹太人忠诚度的基本问题。与 1880 年至 1917 年期间一样(此处,第 66-67 页),散居海外的有组织的犹太社区对俄罗斯持有共同立场,而在与伊朗的战争成为焦点之际,现在又带着犹太人对以色列的忠诚的色彩。以色列游说团的舞台。与 1880 年至 1917 年期间一样,这导致散居犹太社区偏向于不一定符合他们所居住国家利益但符合国际犹太人利益的外交政策。

    ……然而,周日,齐切尔与一万人(其中许多是犹太人)一起在圣彼得堡游行,抗议前副总理鲍里斯·涅姆佐夫在莫斯科市中心被谋杀。周六,反对派领导人涅姆佐夫在敦促同胞参加反对俄罗斯卷入乌克兰战争的集会几小时后被枪杀。 ……

    To many Russian Jews, the murder of Nemtsov — a physicist turned liberal politician, born to a Jewish mother but baptized in the Orthodox Church — is a troubling reminder of vulnerability as members of a relatively affluent minority with a history of being scapegoated, strong ties to the West and a deep attachment to cosmopolitan values and human rights.


    全文@ http://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/2015/03/03/nearly-all-the-leaders-of-the-liberal-opposition-in-russia-are-either-fully-jewish-or-have-jewish-background/

  275. @Pierre le Blanc


    • 回复: @Pierre le Blanc
  276. @L.K

    Oy vey ist mir。我刚才是不是踩到了我的 schvanz ovah 嘿。

  277. Corvinus 说:

    “The laughable gas chambers are scientifically impossible…”



    “and there are no massive Jew remains to be seen.”



    • 回复: @NoseytheDuke
    , @polskijoe
  278. @Twodees Partain

    You leave me alone . I will leave you alone, Your choice.

    • 回复: @Twodees Partain
  279. yurivku 说:

    The fact is that the Germans committed genocide against Jews.




    • 回复: @jilles dykstra
  280. Anonymous [AKA "John Nada"] 说:


    Stop listening to “antisemitic” “insane”, “Nazi” dog whistles


    Do they actually own the media, banks, Hollywood, Facebook, Google etc?

    If they do…. then why is TRUTH antisemitic?


    Stop listening to people who want to scare you into not doing your research with words like “insane” “racist” “antisemitic”.



  281. @Corvinus

    The BBC? You cannot be serious! Nothing but Fake News all the time from the Beeb.

    • 回复: @jilles dykstra
    , @Corvinus
  282. @Anonymous


  283. Anonymous [又名“桥”] 说:



  284. @Ilyana_Rozumova


  285. @Twodees Partain

    Why don’t you read for a start Keven Macdonald’s scholarly books on Jews:

    The Culture of Critic. An evolutionary analysis of Jewish Involvement in Twentieth-century intellectual and Political movements.

    A People that Shall Dwell Alone. Judaism as a Group Evolutionary Strategy with Diaspora People.

    Separation and its Discontents. Toward an Evolutionary Theory of Antisemitism.

    There are plenty of books that confirm my statement.

    • 回复: @Twodees Partain
  286. Miro23 说:



  287. Incitatus 说:

    “Except that Warsaw was a legit military target.”

    Here’s what the Führer ordered:

    “让你的内心怜悯! 残酷行事!……严厉无情! 坚守一切同情心! …[我想要]敌人的身体歼灭……我率领我的死亡之首阵型指挥了将波兰血统和语言的男人,女人和孩子无情地,毫不留情地送往他们的死亡。”
    -阿道夫·希特勒,21 年 1939 月 XNUMX 日对军事指挥官的讲话

    Legit military target? “Man, woman, and child”? Whad’ya think Wally?



    1914 年(6 月 12 日至 XNUMX 日)第一次马恩河战役期间,德国飞行员飞越巴黎上空,投下炸弹和一张要求立即投降的纸条;
    1914-(4 Dec) France bombs Freiburg Im Breisgau;
    1915-(26 Feb) Germany commences a strategic bombing campaign against Britain; it ultimately involves day and night raids by Zeppelins and Gotha aircraft;
    1918-(5 Aug) Germany launches the last (51st) Zeppelin raid on Britain. During the airship campaign more than 5,000 bombs are dropped, 557 are killed and 1,358 injured.


  288. “557人死亡,1,358人受伤”
    Thanks for the figures, I already knew that the Zeppelin bombardments were no more than a nuisance.
    Maybe the 557 can be compared to the 900.000 Germans, who died of hunger after the 1918 capitulation, because Britain continued the blockade, in order to be able to force Germany to accept the Versailles Diktat.
    The Diktat that gave birth to Hitler.

    • 回复: @Incitatus
  289. @NoseytheDuke

    After the BBC exposed the lies of Tony B-Liar about Sadddam’s 45 minutes weapons of mass destruction the chairman of the BBC was replaced by a jew.

  290. @yurivku

    亚瑟·布茨(Arthur R. Butz),“二十世纪的骗局,反对欧洲犹太人被假定灭绝的案件”,科斯塔·梅萨(Costa Mesa),1977年,1989年
    could be published.

  291. @Dave Bowman

    – that Auschwitz was a great industrial center
    – 营地是自治的
    – that he never saw a gas chamber, just assumed that they were there.
    埃利·维塞尔(Elie Wiesel),《 La Nuit》,1958年,2007年

  292. @Anonymous

    Delousing clothes with Zyklon-B took one and a half hour:
    Willi Kubik, 'Erinnerungen eines Panzerschützen 1941 – 1945, Tagebuchaufzeichnung eines Panzerschützen der Pz。 奥夫克尔。 阿布特13 im Russlandfeldzug', 维尔茨堡 2006
    In the east there were gas chambers anywhere behind the front, lice bring typhoid.
    He was lucky, with the clothes it was last in, first out.

  293. AaronB 说:

    Let us assume that what you say is true. What are you personally doing about the situation? How are you not a distracted and unmotivated enemy?

    Nothing. I am something of a quietist. There will always be elites, and elites will always be our enemies.

    I don’t think the world can fundamentally change. History is cyclical, and Jews will fall through their own hubris. The new elite may be different, but I have no illusions it will be better.

    A white elite will not, as the naive believe, serve white interests. Those days are gone. In a globalized world, elites form an international class.

    Nationalist countries, like China and Russia, are that way because their position in the global economy dictates a nationalist policy, for the time being. The moment that no longer serves their elites interests, that will change.

    My interest in the Jewish question is psychological and personal.

    I believe to be happy, you must reduce your ego. Jews stand for ego in its purest form.

    Analyzing Jewish culture, deconstructing it’s mythology of superiority, can help individuals and small communities to live lives of reduced ego.

    I don’t even criticize Jews, I analyze a way of life through the lens of Jews.

    Of course, the new mythos will be as false as the old, but that is inevitable.


    Because that is what history reveals, and because the emerging white mythos – that whites are essentially altruistic, because Hajnal Line – is a similar claim to Jewish eternal victimhood.

    Both are obviously false, but serve as a mythology to support claims for power and moral merit.

    For whites to erect a new mythology of their moral merit is a necessary step in the process of regaining power.

    That it is taking place is a symptom of an underlying shift in white consciousness. It has nothing to do with logic.

    Just as with Jewish eternal victomhood, it is the nature of these claims to be easily historically refutable. But that is the point – a mystique of superiority cannot be supported by anything so prosaic as dry facts.

    • 回复: @Talha
    , @Anonymous
    , @Corvinus
  294. Talha 说:

    For whites to erect a new mythology of their moral merit is a necessary step in the process of regaining power. That it is taking place is a symptom of an underlying shift in white consciousness. It has nothing to do with logic. Just as with Jewish eternal victomhood, it is the nature of these claims to be easily historically refutable. But that is the point – a mystique of superiority cannot be supported by anything so prosaic as dry facts.

    You are batting it out the park!


    • 回复: @AaronB
  295. renfro 说:

    Red herring on your part. The fact is that the Germans committed genocide against Jews. Try living in a world of reality. It’s much more rewarding.

    The Jew’s problem is they have exaggerated the holocaust horrors to the point that people are sick of hearing about it.
    When Foxman described the holocaust as an attack on God himself he exposed the Jew’s view of themselves and it repulsed many people.
    There have been hundreds of genocides and holocaust of various peoples thru out history—the Jews are no more special than the many others.

    • 同意: Cloak And Dagger
  296. @Pierre le Blanc

    From the titles, none of those seem to address the actual genealogical studies which show Khazarian descendancy or the origins of the European lines of the Ashkenazi. I have little time for more reading right now, but thank you for the suggested titles.

  297. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    The new elite may be different, but I have no illusions it will be better.

    That’s a surprisingly dumb and defeatist statement. The elites can and do differ wildly even when the circumstances of their position and power are similar. It’s like you never read a history book.

    • 回复: @AaronB
  298. AaronB 说:

    Thanks, talha.

    Yeah, I realized at some point that I was being stupid about the whole Hajnal line nonsense. Whites are already trying to create a moral myth for themselves, and they use sciency language because that’s our language of credibility.

    The whole Kevin McDonald thing should be viewed in this way, and I was being obtuse in evaluating it using logic. What threw me off was its claims to being scientific. But it seems obvious to me now that any modern myth would have to look sciency.

    However, this new myth is on the Jewish level – it’s a special racial claim – and I do hope whites can move beyond this to a universal ethic.

    What troubles me is that so far, white efforts to counter Jews have been to imitate their psychology. Nazism seems to be one such imitation of Jewish psychology.

    It’s understandable, because Jewish psychology has universal appeal, and is a timeless human tendency, but a way must be found to counter it without being assimilated by it, like the Borg. Perhaps by sidestepping it, not fighting it. You always become the thing you fight.

  299. AaronB 说:

    I am a defeatist, and a quietist, and a decadent – whatever modern civilization least admires, I am that.

    I am everything that Nietzsche reviles, to get my measure.

  300. @Art



    • 回复: @polskijoe
    , @Santoculto
  301. @L.K

    You are nobody, and you will die being being nobody.
    You will not leave behind anything than these miserable stupid comments, which you think that they are bombastic.
    But before that I will tel you what is going to happen.
    Trump will be soon impeached. Shortly after the white people will start countrywide demonstrations.
    Turmoil in US will follow. Stock market will start collapsing. Bond market will be in panic.
    US dollar will be sliding downward . US will simply become none existent on world scene.

    Serbs will start to act. They will ask from Russia one division. And they will be coming down on you.
    They will totally erase all that Muslim shithole from the face of Europe starting with Kosovo followed by Albania proper All you miserable little Muslim terrorist will be running.
    And so you will be running with dry shit in your pants until all the way to South pole

  302. annamaria 说:

    The following quotation is specifically for Mr. Waldman in order to attract his attention to an mportant aspect of the discussion: “If there is even the slightest suspicion that this [the Bolshevik revolution and the following it Red Terror and beyond] was in essence, a Jewish pogrom against ethnic Russians,当然值得一些公开审查。”
    Mr. Waldman also needs to ponder the logic of his writings: “Putin is widely detested by people of all religions (and also agnostics and atheists). … I know he is very popular in Russia, but he is very unpopular in the rest of the world.”
    1. Mr. Waldman is obviously unaware that Russian Federation is a multi-denominational state.
    2. Mr. Waldman believes blissfully that the presstituting MSM (owned mostly by Jews?) provides truthful opinions of “the rest of the world,” particularly with regard to Russia.

  303. annamaria 说:

    “So much wrongly written in this article.”
    — Perhaps… This is why we need a comprehensive analysis of the role of Jews in the European and US history. For example, up to date, an excellent documentary (i.e., the facts-based story) about Jews in Russia, written by a recipient of a Nobel Prize in Literature, has been sequestered by 所有 publishing houses in the US and UK. The documentary includes the facts-based description of the role of Jewish activists in the Bolshevik revolution, in establishing the Soviet secret police and system of concentration camps (GULAG), and in collectivization (see Holodomore). The sequestration is an assault on freedom of speech.
    Btw, could you identify what is wrong, specifically, in the above article?

  304. Corvinus 说:

    “The BBC? You cannot be serious! Nothing but Fake News all the time from the Beeb.”

    How ignorant of you to say. The fact of the matter is that reasonable men and women take sources, read what they have to say, and then compare what they have said. In other words, any and all materials contain facts and truths. To automatically dismiss a source or label it in such a manner, whether it be a liberal or a conservative, clearly demonstrates a significant lack of intellect. It’s a race to the bottom of the brainstem. Congratulations, you lose.

    • 回复: @Anon
  305. Corvinus 说:

    “Nothing. I am something of a quietist. There will always be elites, and elites will always be our enemies.”

    Your pessimistic outlook on elites is clouding your judgement. Certainly there are some elites that may be your ideological enemy, or your personal enemy, or your historical enemy. But that does not mean that those who have earned a particular status in a society is automatically one’s adversary.

    “I don’t think the world can fundamentally change. History is cyclical, and Jews will fall through their own hubris.”

    Assuming that Jews indeed are excessively prideful. One could also make the argument that the Alt Right will also suffer the same fate, if we are to believe that Jews as a group are pompous.

    “Nationalist countries, like China and Russia, are that way because their position in the global economy dictates a nationalist policy, for the time being. The moment that no longer serves their elites interests, that will change.”

    You have a false premise here–elites only look out for themselves, and therefore must be viewed as enemies.

    “I believe to be happy, you must reduce your ego. Jews stand for ego in its purest form.”

    Are you not ironically overvaluing your own importance here?

    “Analyzing Jewish culture, deconstructing it’s mythology of superiority, can help individuals and small communities to live lives of reduced ego.”

    Assuming that Jewish culture indeed embodies this “purest form of ego”.

    I don’t even criticize Jews, I analyze a way of life through the lens of Jews.

    “For whites to erect a new mythology of their moral merit is a necessary step in the process of regaining power.”

    What is this “new mythology of their moral merit”? Please explain.

    • 回复: @AaronB
  306. Anon • 免责声明 说:

    How ignorant of you to say.

    How unfortunate– the one of you who needs remedial English lessons is back.

  307. polskijoe 说:


    - 在这个网站上有一些人声称纳粹德国是好人(直接或间接), - 没有/小犹太人死亡(又名只有 300,000 人),

    两人都确信有 6 万犹太人死亡或未死。双方都是狂热分子,尽管第一方有更多证据。


    我什至听到一些新纳粹分子说 6 万人被毒气杀害(当时我还没有听到任何主要出版物声称这一点)。据推测,这 3 万人中只有少数人被毒气杀害。我不是专家,但话又说回来,大多数自称否认者 Holohaux 的人也不是专家。

    因此,请确保复制并粘贴更多的 codoh 链接和奇怪的网站,这些网站经常冲洗和重复其他网站,并转移对苏联罪行的论点

    • 回复: @jilles dykstra
  308. polskijoe 说:
    @Stan d Mute



  309. @polskijoe

    匿名,“六百万的神话”,洛杉矶,1973 年,1969 年

  310. Santoculto 说:
    @Stan d Mute


    it’s very common this type of inculcation [and genetic/psychological facilities…] not just in jewish culture, the main difference is that how jews no have a ”socio-demographic basis”, they need to live in other coutries, AND for sure, they select for sociopathy.

    Jews are exactly like any other people but ”better” in the sense, most people’s want the domination and subjugation of their ”enemies”… they are//has been those who are more talented to achieve this.

  311. annamaria 说:

    Meanwhile, in the Kaganat of Nuland (in the patsy-state of Ukraine, “liberated” according to designs of fervent ziocons and Russophobes) the “democracy on the march” exposed the fools: http://www.fort-russ.com/2018/01/israel-announces-ukraine-as-most-anti.html
    “In a 72-page document published by the Israeli Ministry for Diaspora Affairs, Ukraine was named as the leading country of the post-Soviet space, in terms of number of verbal attacks and violent actions against Jews, their property, shrines and community institutions.”
    — How come that the tolerant and patient Russians have allowed the Jews to occupy the leading positions both in Russian academia and state apparatus (despite the prominent role of Jews in the Bolshevik revoution and GULAG affairs), but the US-“liberated” Ukrainians, educated by the Kagans’ clan, are unable to maintain the standard human decency toward Jewish cemeteries? Looks like influence from Israel, where the ancient Palestinians cemeteries have been “converted” into nightclubs and even a “museum of tolerance.” http://original.antiwar.com/cook/2008/11/06/travesty-of-tolerance-on-display-in-jerusalem/
    Could you appeal to your psychopathic tribal activists to get back to their senses before the lid of patience goes off everywhere?

  312. 我记得1968年夏天游览布痕瓦尔德集中营。当时我独自旅行,前一天晚上在青年旅社遇到了一位年轻的犹太人,他也要去参观集中营,我们一起去了。我记得他来自纽约,但他也曾住在以色列。


    公开 11 年 2001 月 XNUMX 日实际发生的事情应该是公开犹太媒体控制整个问题的方法。这个故事完全是假的。以至于官方的故事很容易被摧毁。一旦犹太复国主义/好莱坞作品的巨大性和愤世嫉俗以及美元的崩溃为人所知,美国人肯定会反抗犹太人的控制。而且,我仍然要说,对于理智的保守派美国人来说,保持对他们的操纵行为的认识不至失控是面临的巨大挑战。犹太人的灭亡是不可避免的,他们最终总是会灭亡,而剩下的主要问题是,美国人能否在不参与德国人长期以来被指责的那种丑陋和不必要的流血事件的情况下实现这一转变。问题不在于美国人是否最终会推翻现在统治他们世界的犹太人,而在于如何做到这一点。

  313. Digital Samizdat [又名“西莫·帕德莱格”] 说:

    You can’t broach the J-subject at Moon of Alabama, because b is based in Germany, where any honest discussion of the issue is illegal. b has no choice but to delete those comments, unless he wants to get arrested.

  314. Incitatus 说:
    @jilles dykstra

    “…Zeppelin bombardments were no more than a nuisance. Why the Germans did it, never understood.”

    Golly. Maybe they wanted to induce terror by indiscriminately killing civilians? Aerial bombing to break England’s will to fight? Kind of like sacking Leuven – burning the famous medieval library, destroying 2,000 civilian dwellings, expelling the population (10,000 souls)? Murdering 4,000 Belgian civilians in reprisals in the first two months of war? Setting Reims Cathedral on fire, then using it for target practice? Leveling most of Reims? Other terrorwaffen? Krupp’s long-range shelling of Paris? Giftgas? Flammenwaffer? Those clever Huns!

    冯·毛奇写道 “Things have not gone well…we shall have to pay for the damage we have done” 9 年 1914 月 XNUMX 日。告诉威廉二世 “陛下,我们输了战争” 38 days after Germany invaded Luxembourg. War went on for another four years, killing millions. Why, Jilles? That’s the real question.

    “900.000 Germans, who died of hunger after the 1918 capitulation…”

    请出处。德国失去了 763,000 名平民 = 1.18% 人口。比利时下跌1.16%。塞尔维亚以 800,000 万 = 17.78% 的人口位居榜首。有为他们流泪吗?


    “The Diktat [Versailles] that gave birth to Hitler.”

    Hitler had many parents. When parroting Ludendorff’s Dolchstoßlegende, at least include Jews and Freemasons (Willie blamed them for in a 1926 interview with Harry Elmer Barnes).

    Versailles? Harsh indeed. Maybe the Allies were inspired by Ludendorff’s generous Brest-Litovsk terms for Russia (3 Mar 1918):
    - 损失超过1万平方英里的领土和50万公民(25%的人口);
    - 损失 33% 的铁路、73% 的铁、89% 的煤炭和 5,000 家工厂;


    No doubt about it, Ludendorff made a wise investment giving Lenin safe conduct and 40 million gold marks to overthrow the Russian government. Pity about Bolshevik blowback, but then, Eric wasn’t the sharpest tool in the shed.

    • 巨魔: L.K
  315. snag 说:

    Before there was holocaust there was holodomor an artificially created famine in Ukraine, before there was holocaust there was a web of gulags in Soviet Union, after the holocaust there was the ‘great leap forward’ and ‘cultural revolution’ in China all of those genocides conceived, implemented or administrated by Jews with about 100 million perished souls ,…

    Trotsky, Zinoviev, Kamenev, Kaganowich, Yagoda (Jews) responsible for Holodomor a genocide of 8 – 10 million starved to death Ukrainian farm land owners during one winter 1932/33, (Look at the efficiency) a whole segment of society because for who they were which according to their formula constitutes holocaust not to mention ethnic cleansing of Crimean Tatars, again, by Kaganowich and his hand picked goons murdering half of the population on the spot with the remaining shipped to Gulags and other God forsaken places in Siberia designated to die and re-populating Crimea with Jewish settlers ,…

    古拉格 - 强制劳改营系统,实际上死亡营系统比奥斯维辛集中营更可怕,由马特维·伯曼(Matvei Berman)和纳夫塔利·弗伦克尔(Naftaly Frenkel)(创始人)管理,他们的好友列夫·因日尔(Lev Inzhir)是古拉格交通和管理委员会的委员,菲林(Firin)、拉波波特(Rappoport)、科根(Kogan)、朱克(Zhuk)都是监督白莫尔斯克运河和其他项目建设的集中营和奴工委员,导致至少 30 万革命“敌人”因工作或饿死而死亡。古拉格制度早于纳粹建立的死亡营二十多年,……

    为了控制二战后的匈牙利,斯大林建立了一个几乎完全由犹太人统治的政权(就像任何其他苏联统治的国家一样)。共产主义恐怖机器由马蒂亚斯·拉科西、欧内斯特·格罗、迈克尔·法卡斯和约瑟夫·雷瓦伊统治。 AVH 相当于匈牙利的内务人民委员部(克格勃),是有史以来最血腥的组织,其领导者是加博·彼得(Gabor Peter),也是犹太人。他们的部门由值得信赖的犹太人组成,造成了一种最终导致 56 年起义和国家悲剧的局面,造成数万人死伤和超过 200,000 名难民,……

    希腊内战——由犹太人阿夫拉姆·贝纳罗亚(Avraam Benaroya)构想,他是希腊共产党的创始人、斯大林的暴徒和造成 160 万内战受害者死亡的战犯,于 53 年飞往以色列,并于 79 年在那里死亡,……


    Mao Tse Tung wouldn’t be Mao Tse Tung if it wasn’t for his Jewish goons called ‘advisors’. The ‘Great Leap Forward’ and ‘Cultural Revolution’ in China conceived and executed by Mao’s ‘advisers’ like comrade Sidney Rittenberg, the architect and founding father in charge of implementation of that evil plan responsible for at least 45 million starved to death Chinese peasants during collectivization, assisted by Sidney Shapiro, a member of the CPPCC National Committee for six terms, Israel Epstein, Solomon Adler, Martin Sorrell, Rewi Alley, Adolf Abramovitch Joffe to name few on the top of the influence ladder. In fact, a comprehensive analysis by Professor R.J. Rummel (professor emeritus of political science at the University of Hawaii) in his book ‘China’s Bloody Century: Genocide and Mass Murder Since 1900′ concluded that both those events, the Great Leap Forward and Cultural Revolution are responsible for at least for 76 million deaths of starvation and related diseases? Nobody is talking about, why? Maybe because of their perpetrator’s ethnic background ,…

    Sidney Rittenberg was promoting his book on C-SPAN two years ago and no one asked him what was he really doing there.


    Fritz Haber – Jewish chemist in pre WWI Germany known and remembered to history as the “father” of chemical warfare and Zyclon B. used in Auschwitz- Birkenau, known and remembered fo having personally overseen and supervising the first successful use of chlorine poison gas during the Second Battle of Ypres, resulting in over 67,000 casualties.

    Solomon Morel, a commanding officer in charge of communist post WWII concentration camp in Świętochłowice, responsible for death of around 1800 prisoners with many of he murdered himself by clubbing to death a war criminal and mass murderer escaped to Israel where he died of old age in 2007 protected by Israeli government receiving Social Security from Poland until his death despite two extradition requests that were denied by Israelis on the grounds of the statute of limitations, an anti-semitic conspiracy (sic) his age and health problems ,…

    There’s no country in Central and Eastern Europe plus Germany*, Spain and China that didn’t suffer due to the revolutionary ‘activities’ of Stalin’s Jews, not one.

    *Bavarian Soviet Republic – Check who were the leaders.



    The law that haunts and prosecute Nazi concentration camp’s cooks and janitors doesn’t apply to their mass murderers.

  316. @Incitatus

    Your entire comment is a steaming heap of lies and misdirection. If you were someone here to learn about what truly happened, I would point you to this video for the hidden truth that hasbarists want to remain obscured (hence making investigations illegal):

    But you are only here to spread hasbara and disrupt discussions that threaten Israel, so ignore my comment – it is really meant for other readers and not intended for futile, fact-fabricated arguments with you.

    • 回复: @Incitatus
  317. iffen 说:

    Excellent informative and precise comment as usual, you ole disrupter.

    • 回复: @Incitatus
  318. snag 说:

    Not one word that Hildebrand Gurlitt and his accomplices (Karl Buchholz, Ferdinand Moller and Bernhard Bohmer) delegated by Goebbels for this job as ‘experts’ in sniffing out owners and do the ‘purchases’ for chump change were all Jewish crooks that managed to screw up their loaded homies and Goebbels himself ,…

    9 out of 10 of those painting were confiscated from German museums by Jewish dude H. Gurlitt and few of his homies (Karl Buchholz, Ferdinand Moller and Bernhard Bohmer) delegated by Goebbels for this job as ‘experts’ in sniffing out owners and do the ‘purchases’ for peanuts but in legal transactions that happen to end up in their possession hidden in attics or NY gallery owned by one of them.

    They had an operational trans Atlantic smuggling network and art gallery in NYC where they were selling their loot, named after famous Buchholz Gallery in Germany ran by Curt Valentin from 1937 to 1955, a German Jew that once worked for Buchholtz in Berlin.


  319. polskijoe 说:





    33° 共济会 Yves Marsaudon:


  320. snag 说:

    How about this one – Jewish group objects to ‘Great Famine’ case … because most of them are dead and those remaining are old, too old to persecute.


  321. ANON • 免责声明 说:

    http://lobelog.com/tom-cotton-appointed-never-trump-bill-kristols-son-legislative-director/ But the quiet appointment of Bill Kristol’s son, Joseph Kristol, as Cotton’s legislative director in June, certainly raises questions about the close relationship between one of the Senate’s most outspoken Iran hawks and Bill Kristol.
    Joseph Kristol’s resume shows little that would explain his sudden appointment in Cotton’s office


  322. @Anonymous

    Waldmann,首先,你听起来非常犹太人。 (这并不是说这有什么问题。我的一些最好的朋友是犹太人。)其次,我从来没有遇到过一个不喜欢和钦佩普京的人。他是地球上最受钦佩和尊敬的人之一!您必须住在格林威治村。你需要多出去走走。


    • 回复: @iffen
  323. Incitatus 说:
    @Cloak And Dagger

    “Your entire comment is a steaming heap of lies and misdirection.”

    Kindly specify each lie and misdirection.

    “But you are only here to spread hasbara and disrupt discussions that threaten Israel…”

    Actually, I was responding to Jilles post. Israel has no need of my help (nor would I necessarily give it).

    Motive? I’ll give you a hint. I’m old enough to remember kin who fought in WW1 and WW2. They were pretty bright, knew what they fought for and against. Cousins in France and Belgium also had tales to tell. Ever walk the Verdun Battlefield or tour Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Reims?

    Nazi necrophilia may amuse you, but it’s a gross insult to Americans who fought and died. Let alone the Brits, Belgians, French, etc. It also betrays Germans, who paid an enormous price for incompetent leaders. You are their worst nightmare.

  324. snag 说:

    Anyone remember Defiance movie and Bielski brothers? They made a heroes out of bandits.

    Tuvia Bielski “partisans”


    By the way, one of them with changed name was charged with ripping off old lady in Florida and got caught – Once crook always crook.


  325. iffen 说:
    @Kam Phlodius




    • 回复: @annamaria
    , @Anon
  326. iffen 说:

    Let alone the Brits, Belgians, French, etc. It also betrays Germans,

    The Russkies! Don’t forget the Russkies!

  327. @Incitatus

    Kindly specify each lie and misdirection.

    Every one of your assertions is a lie. I have provided a video that documents what happened. Why don’t you tell me which part of the video is a lie, because it contradicts your fact-free assertions.

    They were pretty bright, knew what they fought for and against.

    Obviously not, even if what you assert is true.

    Ever walk the Verdun Battlefield or tour Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Reims

    As a matter of fact I have. So, what does that prove?

    Nazi necrophilia may amuse you, but it’s a gross insult to Americans who fought and died.

    The last refuge of the scoundrel. Those who fought and died had no idea that they were being lied to about what they were fighting for, despite your assertion that they did. Prove it.

    • 回复: @Incitatus
  328. AaronB 说:

    Your pessimistic outlook on elites is clouding your judgement. Certainly there are some elites that may be your ideological enemy, or your personal enemy, or your historical enemy. But that does not mean that those who have earned a particular status in a society is automatically one’s adversary.

    “Pessimistic” – 🙂 Scary!

    Assuming that Jews indeed are excessively prideful. One could also make the argument that the Alt Right will also suffer the same fate, if we are to believe that Jews as a group are pompous.

    Interesting argument. Tell me more.

    You have a false premise here–elites only look out for themselves, and therefore must be viewed as enemies

    I shouldn’t be so “pessimistic” – 🙂

    I believe to be happy, you must reduce your ego. Jews stand for ego in its purest form.”

    Are you not ironically overvaluing your own importance here?

    Please explain. Elaborate.

    Assuming that Jewish culture indeed embodies this “purest form of ego”.

    Please explain. Elaborate. Be specific.

    What is this “new mythology of their moral merit”? Please explain.

    “Please explain” – 🙂

  329. sigmund 说:


  330. Corvinus 说:

    “One could also make the argument that the Alt Right will also suffer the same fate, if we are to believe that Jews as a group are pompous.”

    The Alt Right, like any ideological group, have their competing philosophers. You have the Alt Right, the Alt Lite, and the Alt-Reich. Vox Day, with his 16 points, is taking to task Richard Spencer and his merry band of followers, insisting they ought not be taken seriously because there are closet leftists. Then you have Milo and Cernovich, who promote some tenets of the Alt Right, but have their own failings. The gay and Jew thing is certainly an albatross. Each tribe arrogantly asserts their ideas ought to be embraced by the masses, and use social media to promote their agenda at the expense of their rivals. No enemy to the Right? Hardly.

    “I believe to be happy, you must reduce your ego. Jews stand for ego in its purest form.”

    You made an assertion here without a shred of evidence. Certainly one could say certain people within a group believe they are more important, or that in specific instances a group has a high level of esteem when it comes to promoting an agenda. So, when you state this claim, you are exhibiting the same tendency that you believe is other than desirable.

    “Assuming that Jewish culture indeed embodies this “purest form of ego”.

    You will have to provide metrics and standards here as to how and why Jews “embody the purest form of ego”, since you made the claim. It starts with you, not me. Are you up to the task, or are you going to run away from discourse? Because it is easy to say that one group has a distinct characteristic compared to others without offering evidence as to how and why you think that way.
    Once you elaborate, then I will be able to properly respond. That is how dialectic discourse works.

    “What is this “new mythology of their moral merit”? Please explain.”

    Again, it is now up to you to explain what you mean. I am not about to put words in your mouth regarding what I think this phrase refers to. What is the context here? What led you to make this statement? That is how dialectic discourse works.

    • 回复: @AaronB
    , @Ilyana_Rozumova
  331. AaronB 说:

    My position on the alt-right is clear on this thread.

    You may wish to read it.

    You made an assertion here without a shred of evidence.


    So, when you state this claim, you are exhibiting the same tendency [ego] that you believe is other than desirable.

    Logic fail. Try again.

    You will have to provide metrics and standards here as to how and why Jews “embody the purest form of ego”, since you made the claim.

    I certainly don’t “have to”.

    I may only wish to discuss it with someone I consider well informed on the topic.

    My first comment on this thread explained why I think Judaism is pure ego. Go back, read it, and formulate a coherent response.

    You aren’t giving me confidence that you’re able to reason lucidly on this topic.

    That is how dialectic discourse works.

    If you wish to have a dialectical discourse, demonstrate you’re well informed and able to reason lucidly and unemotionally.

    Repeatedly asking to have the same thing explained does not inspire confidence.

    Again, it is now up to you to explain what you mean [moral myth]. I am not about to put words in your mouth regarding what I think this phrase refers to. What is the context here? What led you to make this statement?

    I explained it, twice. Go back, read it, demonstrate you understand it, and formulate a coherent response.

    Corvinus, if you can demonstrate you’re arguing in good faith and not being a silly troll, I’d be happy to discuss the issue with you.

    You’re behavior up till now isn’t inspiring confidence.

    • 回复: @AaronB
    , @Corvinus
  332. AaronB 说:

    The truth is, Corvinus, I want to apologize. In fact, I surrendered to ego.

    It doesn’t matter if you are a troll or not. I was exemplifying the qualities I despise. I was having a Jewish moment.

    My points still stand, but my superior tone cannot be justified even if I was dealing with a troll.

    • 回复: @Talha
  333. PeterMx 说:

    It’s very encouraging to see this article. The Jews have played a huge role in the world’s affairs over the last 100 plus years, a hugely negative role for everyone else concerned while they have amassed huge benefits and all this has been done in front of the world’s eyes while at the same time putting a gag order on anyone from saying anything, else they be accused of being an “anti-semite”, the ultimate thought crime for over 100 years now. This power the Jews wield is a result of being the most ethnocentric (racist) people in the world, being enormously wealthy, owning most of the west’s media and Jews operating as a dedicated and coordinated team. Their behavior has often been repulsive, murderous and replete with lies, but with the power they wield they come out looking like innocent angels in everything. For example, they played a leading role in promoting WW II and numerous leaders from both sides said this, but it’s been completely hushed up. Europe, the leading civilization for many, many centuries has been reduced to runner up status since WW II and Jews have since then played the leading role in the genocide (erasure) of the European peoples from the world with their goal of white race destruction within reach in less than 50 years. Western Europe is already unrecognizable now, with large multi-ethnic and multi=racial countries.

    • 同意: snag
    • 回复: @HogHappenin
    , @snag
  334. @PeterMx



    文艺复兴之后,直到 70 年代新自由主义议程深入人心,欧洲成为了一个领先的文明(如果你指的是后基督教文明)。其次,犹太复国主义者和他们的非犹太人伙伴(我们不要原谅他们)不仅利用欧洲人(现在是美国人)从内部摧毁白人种族,而且利用白人掠夺和摧毁许多第三世界国家,并且仍然利用美国军队就像一群暴徒。入侵、破坏和邀请长期以来一直是主要的“口头禅”。最新的受害者是美丽的叙利亚人民。全世界最古老的基督徒的堡垒。这个视频让人感到非常悲伤。肖洛莫叔叔想让他的“沙特阿拉伯的朋友”把它变成另一个阿富汗(我们失败的“项目”的另一个)。

  335. Romans 2:28-29 describes real Jews with changed hearts. Revelation 2:9 and 3:9 discuss false Jews and calls them the synagogue of Satan.

  336. Talha 说:

    Win over ego + win debate = win
    Win over ego + lose debate = win
    Lose to ego + win debate = loss
    Lose to ego + lose debate = go directly to jail, do not pass go, do not collect $200

    It is reported of Imam Shafi’i (ra) that he would, prior to debating anyone, pray to God that the truth of the matter appear on the tongue of his opponent.


    • 回复: @AaronB
  337. Anonymous [又名“ Mike44343”] 说:

    Is there something qualitatively different between Stormfront content and Tablet or JPost content?

  338. Corvinus 说:

    “It all flows from the concept of being Chosen. All the rest is commentary. Jewish culture, the Talmud, is an elaboration of this idea.”

    This concept of “being Chosen” is not exclusively reserved to Jews. Christians and Muslims are also beholden to it. The “city-on-the-hill” mantra that dominated Puritan thought in 1600’s Puritan Massachusetts is one of many examples of how a group actively promoted their faith to the world. Yet, as in any religious community, there is a spectrum of devoutness. Even among Puritans there had been questions about doctrine and service to God. So it is false to characterize that everything else is “commentary” or “noise”.

    “All Jewish tactics are merely adaptation of this central idea to specific circumstance. As such, tactics are fluid and shifting and situational. Jewish ethics are situational.”

    In this particular instance, you are clearly acting self-righteous and are decidedly emotional when you employ the word “all”. The God of Israel mandates ethics which are not immutable and unchanging. God, as portrayed in the Torah and in later Jewish traditions, is passionately involved in relationships — with the Jewish people and with all humanity. You are claiming that Jews as a collective, in every situation, act in a way that directly breaks and counters their tenet that morality is the service of compassionate human living. I recommend you rethink your generalization.

    “Any person or group that shares this psychology – that value is obtained through distinguishing oneself over others – soon after develops the same psychological intensity and remarkably similar tactics and behavior.”

    Since you are arguing from a false premise–all Jews “embody the purest form of ego”–the conclusion you draw from it is also other than accurate. Jews, Christians, and Muslims obtain value in a multitude of ways separate from their faith. Certainly some act in a holier-than-thou manner and will employ strategies representative of that attitude. But characterizing an entire group as you are is, in reality, intellectually sterile. It is easy to move forward mentally when one does not have to rigorously account for Jews, Christians, and Muslims feeling and acting other than what you had labeled as being entirely true.

    “I was exemplifying the qualities I despise. I was having a Jewish moment.”

    No, you were having a human moment, since individuals when they are passionate about a topic will “embody the purest form of ego”. It is abundantly clear you have a blind spot here when you insisted that I “reason lucidly and unemotionally” in light of me pointing out the irony. I surmise that you are also prone, as any person, of being irrational and melodramatic.

    • 回复: @Talha
    , @AaronB
  339. annamaria 说:

    “Before there was holocaust there was holodomor an artificially created famine in Ukraine, before there was holocaust there was a web of gulags in Soviet Union… Trotsky, Zinoviev, Kamenev, Kaganowich, Yagoda (Jews) responsible for Holodomor a genocide of 8 – 10 million starved to death Ukrainian farm land owners during one winter 1932/33 (look at the efficiency), a whole segment of society because for who they were, which, according to their formula, constitutes holocaust not to mention ethnic cleansing of Crimean Tatars, again, by Kaganowich and his hand picked goons murdering half of the population on the spot with the remaining shipped to Gulags and other God forsaken places in Siberia designated to die and re-populating Crimea with Jewish settlers…
    Gulags – A forced labor camp system in reality a death camp system was more horrible than Auschwitz run by Matvei Berman and Naftaly Frenkel (founders) their buddies Lev Inzhir a commissar of the Gulag transit and administration, Firin, Rappoport, Kogan, Zhuk, were the commissars of camps and slave labor that supervised the construction of the Belomorsk Canal and other projects responsible for at least 30 million worked/starved to death “enemies” of the revolution. The gulag system pre-dates over 2 decades the death camps build by nazis…”
    –The post above has missed to mention the most murderous woman in human history: “Rosalia Samoilovna, nicknamed Zemlyachka was a Russian revolutionary of Jewish origin (née Zalkind) and Soviet politician. She is best known for her involvement in the organization of the First Russian revolution, and along with Bela Kun, as one of the organizers of the Red Terror in the Crimea in 1920-1921, against former soldiers of the White Army.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rosalia_Zemlyachka
    “After the defeat of Pyotr Wrangel, commander of the White Russians in the Crimea and his evacuation, the Communists under Kun and Zemlyachka began a brutal Chekist genocide campaign. Up to 150,000 prisoners of war and civilian refugees were butchered; including 50,000 officers. The means were sadistic, Zemlyachka had them tied in pairs to planks and burned alive in furnaces, or drowned in barges that she sank offshore.” “Zemlyachka flourished during the Great Terror, and became the highest-ranking woman in Stalin’s Soviet Union.” http://en.metapedia.org/wiki/Rozaliia_Zemliachka
    The Holocaust of Russians during and after the Bolshevik revolution:http://crazzfiles.com/talmudic-terror-and-torture/

    • 回复: @iffen
  340. annamaria 说:

    “…but it’s a gross insult to Americans who fought and died. Let alone the Brits, Belgians, French, etc.”
    — The main activist of the Maidan revolution of 2014 was certain Mrs. Nuland-Kagan from the prominent Kagans’ clan of ziocons. She has managed to propel the “liberated” Ukraine to a position of the most anti-semitic state in Europe by openly supporting and cooperating with Ukrainian neo-Nazis. A pillar of Jewish community in Ukraine, certain Mr. Kolomojsky, has been financing neo-Nazi battalions to protect his assets in Eastern Ukraine. Mr. Kolomojsky has dual Israeli/Ukrainian citizenship, by the way. The state of Israel has no objections towards Mr. Kolomojsky’s activities in Ukraine.
    In short, the ziocons’ (Israel-firsters’) policies in Ukraine are the gross insult to Americans who fought and died during the WWII. https://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/anti-Semitism-ultra-nationalism-Ukraine/2017/07/23/id/803327/
    — The US-supported government in “liberated” Kiev:
    “Andriy Parubiy, the new secretary of Ukraine’s security council, was a co-founder of the Neo-Nazi Social-National Party of Ukraine (SNPU), otherwise known as Svoboda. And his deputy, Dmytro Yarosh, is the leader of a party called the Right Sector which, according to historian Timothy Stanley, “flies the old flag of the Ukrainian Nazi collaborators at its rallies.”
    The highest-ranking right-wing extremist is Deputy Prime Minister Oleksandr Sych, also a member of Svoboda… The Svoboda party has tapped into Nazi symbolism including the “wolf’s angel“ rune, which resembles a swastika and was worn by members of the Waffen-SS, a panzer division that was declared a criminal organization at Nuremberg. … According to this BBC news clip two Svoboda parliamentarians in recent weeks posed for photos while “brandishing well-known far right numerology,” including the numbers 88 — the eighth letter of the alphabet — signifying “HH,” as in “Heil Hitler.” This all makes Hillary Clinton’s recent comments comparing Putin to Hitler appear patently absurd, as Stanley adeptly points out: “After all, in the eyes of many ethnic Russians, it is the Ukrainian nationalists — not Putin — who are the Nazis.”
    Last week Per Anders Rudling from Lund University in Sweden, an expert on Ukrainian extremists, told Britain’s Channel 4 News: “A neo-fascist party like Svoboda getting the deputy prime minister position is news in its own right.” Well, except in the U.S. Even more disconcerting has been the emergence of phone intercepts between high-ranking U.S. and Ukrainian officials which make it look as if the U.S. was basically, in the words of Princeton’s Stephen Cohen, “plotting a coup d’état against the elected president of Ukraine.” In other words, the U.S., in addition to providing moral support, may have paved the way for extremists to seize power in Kiev.” https://www.huffingtonpost.com/michael-hughes/the-neo-nazi-question-in_b_4938747.html

    • 回复: @Incitatus
  341. iffen 说:

    Yes, if the only facet that one considers is body count, the Nazis were no worse than the Bolsheviks, but there is more to life than the dead.

    • 回复: @annamaria
  342. Anon • 免责声明 说:

    但是, 所有 of your best friends would make good antifa.


  343. Talha 说:


    This concept of “being Chosen” is not exclusively reserved to Jews. Christians and Muslims are also beholden to it.

    I cannot speak to Christianity since I am not an expert on its (various) doctrines, but this is not an accurate statement about Islam. First off, there is no racial or ethnic component to being a believer, like Christianity – though some people here seem to have other opinions.

    One may (accurately) say that Muslims claim an exclusive brotherhood with its own rights and obligations or claim that only their faith is correct, but that is not the same doctrine as claiming being “chosen”. One way this translates is in how easily one joins Islam since it has an open door policy, everybody is welcome, like Christianity – though some people here seem to have other opinions.

    The Qur’an refers multiple times to people being “chosen” or “selected”, but it is in reference to the class of human beings known as prophets and messengers that were selected to guide others.

    It also criticizes the “chosen” doctrine of Jews (again, I am not an expert so I’m not sure if this is something that has variations within Jewish groups). So one can say Muslims would feel themselves to be “blessed” or “guided” but that is different from “chosen”.

    Furthermore, it specifically puts Muslims on notice that God is not in need of them, they are in utter dependence on Him and that His good graces are dependent on them following the program like good, observant servants. It destroys the “special snowflake” doctrine again and again with the verses that talk about replacement; namely, if you turn away, God replaces you – as He has done time and time again. One of the more comprehensive being:
    “O you who believe – whoever of you should turn away from his religion – God will bring forth [in place of them] a people He will love and who will love Him, [who are] humble toward the believers, powerful against the disbelievers; they strive in the cause of God and do not fear the blame of critics. That is the favor of God; He bestows it upon whom He wills. And God is all-Encompassing and Knowing.” (5:54)

    I’ll let you and AaronB work out the rest of your discussion.


    • 回复: @Corvinus
  344. AaronB 说:

    Thank you, Corvinus. I will consider your opinions.

  345. Rurik 说:
    @Mark Green


    Keep on keeping on… 😉

  346. AaronB 说:

    I like that scheme 🙂

    问题是,辩论解决不了任何问题。 他们毫无意义。

    Worse, they are just an attempt to impose your will on someone through “logic”. It’s a form of combat, it never gets anywhere.

    There’s this false dichotomy between rhetoric and “neutral” dialectic. Theyre the same. Both are forms of combat, one using emotion, one logic, both fail to convince, and both are prone to tricks, dishonesty, and bad faith.

    A favorite Jewish tactic is to try and debate you only to exhaust, distract, and confuse you. It’s best not to play the game – it’s not designed to be winnable – but that’s legitimate, because it’s just another form of combat.

    I prefer offering ideas and explanations, which anyone may consider and investigate further on his own, or ask me for clarifications about – not “proof” – or even point out some mistakes.



    • 回复: @Talha
    , @dcite
  347. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    Kikes are feverishly working to eliminate the White race. We should reciprocate. They are at war with us. It is us or them. They deserve a REAL complete holocaust down to the last frozen embryo.

  348. Corvinus 说:

    Thank you very much for your input. Peace to you as well.

    • 回复: @Talha
  349. AaronB 说:

    I had an interesting vision I wanted to offer to everyone here.

    Jews are to Europeans as the Barbarians were to ancient Rome.

    The barbarian always conquers, because to be civilized means a vision of life that does not depend on force, fraud, deceit, trickery.

    But then, interestingly, the barbarian always gets conquered by the superior culture of those he conquered.

    Might not the Jew eventually be conquered by the superior culture of European civilization, which he conquered through force and fraud, like all barbarians?

    It happens every time we know of. Rome was conquered by the superior culture of Greece, the Barbarians by the culture of Rome, the Manchus by the culture of China.

    Judaism is an ancient barbarism that got frozen in amber – it never developed beyond its early stages. It is savage, fierce, and bloody, like Homer.

    It’s a mistake to see the barbarian as stupid – in fact, he is typically cunning, wiley, and good at tricks.

    The civilized man in a way is “simpler” – he has less need for fraud and deceit. Consequently, his intelligence can be poured into other projects, like engineering and art.

    Both barbarians and civilized men are intelligent, but in different ways.

    To Jews, whites seem stupid because they don’t practice fraud and deceit. They are not cunning, like the barbarian. To whites who bother to investigate, Jewish intelligence seems to be nothing but a bag of tricks, and Jews seem bad at original thinking, engineering, and civilization building.

    In reality, both are intelligent, but in different ways.

    I was reading an article recently in which Chinese low skilled workers in Japan describe the Japanese as stupid because they are easily cheated.

    I couldn’t help but smile.

    But the real point of what I am saying is, barbarians always conquer, but then in turn always get conquered by the superior culture of those they conquered.

    Jewish domination is recent – can we expect Jews, perhaps the last of the Occidental barbarian tribes, to abandon fraud, treachery, deceit, and the desire for conquest, their rude and harsh manners, and become soft and civilized, as they adopt the superior culture of Europeans, who, of course, were themselves once barbarians, and themselves civilized by the superior culture of Rome?

    Woody Allen, in his movies, betrays a tremendous envy of and yearning for the superior polish, style, and poise of European culture.

    I know from my Jewish friends that they are deeply envious of whites in terms of style, appearance, etc, and adopt an aggressively contemptuous stance as compensation.

    Jewish culture is famously rude, harsh, aggressive, lacking style, poise, and polish, dirty, slovenly, ugly.

    But this is the mark of a barbarian tribe that is in the conquest stage – if you are on the conquest stage, the soft arts of civilization are no help to you.

    And yet, no tribe has remained in the barbarian stage after conquest. It seems to be against human nature. Humans naturally prefer the soft culture of civilized life, and are barbarians only by default and necessity.

    Maybe, then, we are seeing the last chapter in Jewish history, the chapter of redemption.

    If we can compellingly see Jews as the last of the great unpolished barbarian peoples, then maybe the final chapter in their sad history is to conquer a superior civilization and be absorbed in turn by its superior culture.

    That is why the Jewish tragedy will finally dissolve of its own accord even if none of us lift a finger, and perhaos, in a rather happy and fruitful way.

    Time is vast, the centuries roll by, and nothing stays the same. Our activities all fade into silence, and in a hundred years will seem as nothing.

    • 回复: @lavoisier
    , @Santoculto
  350. Talha 说:


    Broadly, I agree with you. I have learned quite a bit from people at UNZ but usually it’s from a give and take conversation/discussion. A few debaters do so in good faith (one also learns from these at times), but many more just want to argue as you mentioned. Usually the give away is in their approach; are they hostile, insulting, etc.?

    I’ve found that debates do help one in both; brushing up logic skills and doing one’s research to look into the veracity of one’s own claims or those of one’s opponent.

    But as you said, I think discussions are far more fruitful.


  351. annamaria 说:

    “… if the only facet that one considers is body count, the Nazis were no worse than the Bolsheviks…”
    — Is not it time to bring to light the facts of Bolsheviks’ crimes in the context of the predominance of ethnic Jews among the most powerful Bolsheviks? The founding of GULAG (a network of the killing fields known as concentrations camps), the Holodomor, the systematic elimination of the Russian officer corps, intellectuals, and clergy — and the despicable horrors created by the secret police — are all inseparable from the names of prominent Jews including Trotsky, Kaganovitch, Frankel, Inzhir, Berman, Naftaly Frenkel, Firin, Rappoport, Kogan, Zhuk, Zalkind (Zemlyachka), and more. These names must be known. The names and crimes should be mentioned every time the Lobby and Holocaust biz punish researchers for questioning the questionable aspects of the official Holocaust story. In particular, these names and crimes must be mentioned when Israel-firsters and Knesset squeal about special “superior morality” of Jewish people. Time to come to senses.

    • 回复: @iffen
    , @snag
  352. snag 说:

    Forgot those 3600 parasitic organisations living of government grants and tax deductible donations with offices in every boonies town that watching/snitching on us and gagging every attempt to expose their lies and them. As long as they own the MSM (main stream media) nothing will change.


  353. iffen 说:

    – Is not it time to bring to light the facts of Bolsheviks’ crimes in the context of the predominance of ethnic Jews among the most powerful Bolsheviks?

    You are not shining a light on the unknown. People with even a cursory knowledge of the Bolsheviks know that Jews were prominent and well represented in the leadership.

    These names must be known.

    These names are known, you just listed them. If I thought that it was important, I could probably search and find more names to add to the list.

    The names and crimes should be mentioned every time the Lobby and Holocaust biz punish researchers for questioning the questionable aspects of the official Holocaust story.

    Why would you spend your time questioning the Holocaust?

    Why wouldn’t you spend your time letting people know about the Holocaust, the Gulag, the Holodomor, the Armenian Genocide, the Killing Fields in Cambodia, the Great Terror, Mao’s Great Famine, etc.?

    In particular, these names and crimes must be mentioned when Israel-firsters

    How is Israel responsible for the Bolsheviks?

    • 回复: @snag
  354. snag 说:

    Cosidering holodomor, 8-10 million deaths from cold and starvation during one winter 1932-33 by artificially created famine makes them much more efficient and cruel than Nazis.

    Trotsky, Zinoviev, Kamenev, Kaganowich, Yagoda (Jews) were the architects and executors of this genocide and responsible for Holodomor. According to their own formula it constitutes a holocaust because a whole segment of population the kulaks (farmers) was murdered in cold blood.

    BTW, 20 years before the first nazi concentration camp was build.

    • 回复: @iffen
  355. snag 说:

    “How is Israel responsible for the Bolsheviks?”

    Israel provided an asylum for many war criminals like Avraam Benaroya, a Jew the founder of Communist Party of Greece, Stalin’s goon responsible for the death of 160 thousand victims of in Greek Civil War in 1946 took off for Israel in 1953 and died there in 1979 ,…

    Solomon Morel, a commanding officer in charge of communist post WWII concentration camp in Świętochłowice, responsible for death of around 1800 prisoners with many he murdered himself by clubbing to death a war criminal and mass murderer escaped to Israel where he died of old age in 2007, protected by Israeli government.

    “the Great Terror, Mao’s Great Famine”?

    Same faces from the same tribe. The ‘Great Leap Forward’ and ‘Cultural Revolution’ in China conceived and executed by Mao’s ‘advisers’ like comrade Sidney Rittenberg, the architect and founding father in charge of implementation of that evil plan responsible for at least 45 million starved to death Chinese peasants during collectivization, assisted by Sidney Shapiro, a member of the CPPCC National Committee for six terms, Israel Epstein, Solomon Adler, Martin Sorrell, Rewi Alley, Adolf Abramovitch Joffe to name few on the top of Mao’s ladder.

    • 回复: @iffen
  356. Incitatus 说:
    @Cloak And Dagger

    Ever walk the Verdun Battlefield or tour Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Reims?
    “As a matter of fact I have. So, what does that prove?”

    Remember the Verdun lunarscape, prohibited areas with live shells, shattered armor turrets? Fields of French and German graves? Missing stained glass and irreparably damaged sculpture at Reims?

    Notice both sites are in France? Poilus defended their country. What were Germans doing there? What did Falkenhayn get for snuffing 300,000+ of his own at Verdun?

    Average Germans suffered criminal, incompetent leadership. Nitwits like Wilhelm II, von Moltke, von Falkenhayn, Ludendorff, von Hindenburg, von Bethmann-Hollweg. They bet on defeating France in six weeks, to then attack Russia with their Austria-Hungarian allies. Equally incompetent blockheads like Franz Conrad von Hötzendorf. A replay of Bismarck’s 1871 victory and the largest indemnity in history – $5 billion gold francs.

    The Schlieffen Plan demanded timely execution. Ludendorff wrote the original logistical orders in 1905. He provided no contingency to the rigid timetable. By 9 Sep 1914, von Moltke knew they were late, bogged down by Belgian and French resistance. Wrote his wife “Things have not gone well. The fighting east of Paris has not gone in our favor, and we shall have to pay for the damage we have done.” Told Wilhelm II “Majesty, we have lost the war.” Resigned in “poor health” six weeks later (25 Oct 1914). ‘Meat Grinder’ von Falkenhayn took his place, master minding failure at Verdun in 1916. German overtures for ‘peace’ late that year insisted on keeping Belgium and Northern France without reparations. A non-starter.

    By late 1918 the German army neared mutiny. Ludendorff and von Hindenburg handed negotiations to civilians and manufactured the Dolchstoßlegende. Failure was due to Jews, November Criminals, Freemasons, Versailles, politicians, etc. Anybody but the boobs that launched and lost the war. It worked. Hitler (Ludendorff’s 1923 putsch mate) got Germany a second chance at bat. Didn’t work out well. Killed tens of millions and this time leveled Germany. Hitler bravely ordered Speer to destroy surviving industry and infrastructure, last act of a sick Wagnerian epic.

    “Those [WW1 and WW2 Americans] who fought and died had no idea that they were being lied to about what they were fighting for, despite your assertion that they did. Prove it.”

    Nice part of being in the 99.99% who don’t fondle Hitler’s rotten corpse: we don’t have to prove it. It’s established fact. Happy to list references. Meantime, consider the fable Jews declared war on innocent Germany in 1933. Turn back the clock:

    “…socialism in the right sense will only be possible in nations and races that are Aryan…Since we are socialists, we must necessarily also be anti-Semites because we want to fight against the very opposite: materialism and mammonism…How can you not be an anti-Semite, being a socialist!”
    –Adolf Hitler 15 Aug 1920 ‘Why We Are Anti-Semites’ speech, Munich Hofbräuhaus

    Seems Hitler declared war on Jews thirteen years before 1933. It became a pretty popular theme:

    “…there can be no compromise – there are only two possibilities: either victory of the Aryan, or annihilation of the Aryan and the victory of the Jew.”
    –Adolf Hitler 12 Apr 1922 Munich

    Left little doubt eight years prior to boycott:

    “是否有任何阴暗的活动,任何形式的污秽,尤其是在文化生活中,至少有一个犹太人没有参与? 将探查刀小心地放在那种脓肿上,人们立刻发现,就像腐烂身体里的蛆一样,一个经常被突如其来的光线弄瞎了眼睛的小犹太人。”

    “有没有任何排泄物,任何形式的无耻,尤其是在文化生活中,至少有一个犹太人不会参与其中? 只要小心地切入这样的脓肿,人们就会发现,就像腐烂的身体中的蛆一样,经常被突如其来的光线弄瞎了眼睛。”

    “…the personification of the devil as the symbol of all evil assumes the living shape of the Jew.”

    “因此,我确信我是我们造物主的代理人。 通过与犹太人作战,我在做主的工作。”

    –Adolf Hitler ‘Mein Kampf’ Vol.1 1925

    If Jewish, I wouldn’t cherish those words. If Italian, being flogged as a ‘dago’ or ‘wop’ for thirteen years might make me feel abused. Might have second thoughts about patronizing my tormentor?

    NSDAP violence against the SPD, KPD, other rival parties and Jews was effective. Scapegoating won Hitler many followers, 43% in the 5 Mar 1933 election. The following day SA thugs openly assaulted Jews in Berlin. It was widely reported and the world took note. The Enabling Act (Gesetz zur Behebung der Not von Volk und Reich) gave Hitler unlimited power eighteen days later. Weimar was dead (24 Mar 1933).

    NYC protest and boycott declaration followed (26 Mar 1933). Twenty days after SA savagery, thirteen years after Hitler declared war on Jews. Boycott responded to physical attacks on German Jews. War? Only one side had an army: Nazi Germany.

    Was boycott justified? Believe in the right to support BDS? Think carefully.

    “不要轻轻地进入险恶的夜晚。 愤怒,对伤害我们的人愤怒。 愤怒集中精神,仇恨激发行动。”

    Resurrecting Dolchstoßlegende? Need a scapegoat? Light the tiki-torches, on to a Euro-Ethno-State?

    Advice from Hitler and Ludendorff. If you subscribe to the law of force, make sure you win. Advice from ordinary Germans. Do it in somebody else’s country.

    • 巨魔: L.K
  357. Incitatus 说:


    Not a fan of potty-mouth (Nudelman) Nuland-Kagan or her husband. Couldn’t support HRC – her fondness for thugs and meddling isn’t the America I recognize. Suspected DJT would be similar. Seems to be coming true. Didn’t vote for either.

    Neo-Nazism seems all the rage these days. Amazing it has currency in Ukraine. Or anywhere. WW2 isn’t that long ago. Don’t care for the far left either. If they want to turn their minds off and revisit WW2, let them do it on their own dime, in their own country.


    • 同意: lavoisier
    • 回复: @John55
  358. iffen 说:


    哇! 谁知道。 人们形容中国是一个封闭的社会。

    真正的大屠杀呢? 犹太人也这样做了吗?

    • 回复: @snag
    , @annamaria
    , @lavoisier
    , @John55
  359. iffen 说:

    This is quite educational. And here I thought dekulakization and the Holodomor were two different events.

    • 回复: @snag
    , @snag
  360. snag 说:

    They colaborated … What about holocaust? Haven’t you hear or read about Kastner*- Eichmann deal to send 600.000 Hungarian Jews on one way trip to Auchswitz to save 1600 zionist relatives?

    *and his zionist handlers.

    • 回复: @snag
    , @iffen
  361. snag 说:


    Judenrat and their goons were known for running brothels, 5 star hotels, restaurants, pubs and cabarets in ghetto while Jewish woman and children were dying from cold and hunger on the streets, known for extorting gold and jewelry for a slice of bread or potato from their starving brothers and sisters. Judenrat brass and it’s goons was known for screwing 12 year old girls and boys and for corruption on scale unknown in modern world. – Read uncensored “Notes from the Warsaw Ghetto” not the one in Yad Vashem. Read about Kastner and his zionists handlers deal with Eichmann the list is long.

    第 13 组 – 二战占领波兰期间华沙隔都的犹太合作组织,由亚伯拉罕·甘茨瓦奇 (Abraham Gancwajch) 领导,第一个化身是身穿制服的犹太盖世太保,降级后有几百个告密者组成的网络,更不用说机会均等的组织了也告密的犹太人对隐藏犹太人的波兰人进行了告密。


    I can go forever with this crap, there are many examples of this kind of conduct during the war in all the ghettos in occupied Poland ,…


    • 回复: @iffen
  362. snag 说:

    Post @ 293 was meant to iffen

    What about this one? Worst than those that murdered his people. Can’t get any lower than what this human maggott did … sending your children to death to save your own a$$ ,…

    Do some soul searching instead asking stupid questions.


  363. annamaria 说:

    Should not the same rules apply to big-time criminals irresponsive of their ethnicity? Israel has been protecting Jewish criminals guilty of horrendous crimes against humanity.

    “What about the actual Holocaust?”
    — The actual Holocausts are many, for example, the 20th-century Holocaust in Russia. Again, here are the names of some prominent Jewish deciders and executioners that were involved in genocide in Russia: Trotsky, Kaganovitch, Berman, Naftaly Frenkel, Zalkind (Zemlyachka)… They were mass murderers of the same caliber as Goebbels, Eichmann and such. No difference with regard to their deeds.

    • 同意: yurivku
    • 回复: @lavoisier
    , @iffen
    , @snag
  364. @annamaria

    What you are saying should be clear to anyone of good faith.

    Mass murderers should face justice in their lifetimes.

    • 回复: @Talha
  365. iffen 说:

    Mass murderers should face justice in their lifetimes.

    First you have to win a war, then you can have justice.

    • 回复: @lavoisier
    , @annamaria
  366. iffen 说:

    That there were Jewish collaborators is not “news.”

    There are records of “real” Russians collaborating with the Bolsheviks. LOL



    这个如何? 比那些杀害他的人民的人更糟糕。


    • 回复: @snag
    , @snag
    , @John55
  367. iffen 说:

    Israel has been protecting Jewish criminals guilty of horrendous crimes against humanity.

    I am not familiar with the cited cases. Perhaps the policy is informed by their idea of Israel as a place of sanctuary for Jews.

    Of course this is a very partisan issue. Just observe the hub-bub here in the comment section of UR whenever someone like Arthur L.H. Rudolph is mentioned. It’s really a matter of whose ox is being gored. I can’t explain it to you in any other way.

    No difference with regard to their deeds.

    As I commented, if you just count the bodies, there is not a lot of difference.

    • 回复: @snag
  368. iffen 说:

    And here I thought dekulakization and the Holodomor were two different

    They colaborated …

    Dekulakization collaborated with Holodomor?

    • 回复: @snag
  369. Talha 说:

    Trotsky did get an ice pick to the head if I recall, but that was done by his old chums.


  370. snag 说:

    Dekulakization was executed in Soviet Union, holodomor was a part of collectivization limited to Ukraine.

  371. snag 说:

    Look at the numbers and proportion and spare me this dancing around the map. By the way the Germans paid for their atrocities, your homies didn’t and that’s my point.

  372. snag 说:

    Not aware? You must be a victim of zionist ‘education’ system ,…

  373. snag 说:

    The commanders of Soviet death camps in Kozielsk, Starobielsk and Ostaszkow were Jews: Raichman, Mierkułow, Urbanowicz. The managers of the mass executions were the members of Minsk GPU police stations: Lew Rybak, Chaim Finberg, Abraham Borisowicz. the executioners: Bogdan Zaharewicz, Kobulow, Begman, Elman, Estrin, Krongauz, Lejbkind, J. Raichman, Abakumow, Milstein (responsible for transport), Sierow, Abram Borysowicz, Lew Rybak, Chaim Finberg, major Joshua Sorokin, capitan Aleksander Susłow, capitan Samyun Tichonow. Not one of them were Russians.

    Not so long ago I was watching A. Applebaum promoting her ‚Red Famine’ book in one of Warsaw’s bookstores blaming the commies for Holodomor without mentioning one word who were those ‘commies’.


    • 回复: @annamaria
    , @annamaria
  374. annamaria 说:

    安妮·阿佩尔鲍姆 (Anne Appelbaum) 由于缺乏专业精神而保留了良好的打屁股。 猜猜她的演讲技巧对伦敦经济学院很有用,她是伦敦经济学院的客座教授 练习 (?!) The sleazy self-proclaimed “historian” also runs Arena, “a project on propaganda and disinformation.” She certainly has an expertise in spreading both propaganda and disinformation.
    “Applebaum has been a vocal critic of Western conduct regarding the 2014 Crimean crisis. In an article in The Washington Post on March 5, she maintained that the US and its allies should not continue to enable “the existence of a 破坏欧洲稳定的腐败俄罗斯政权,” noting that the actions of Putin had violated “a series of international treaties>.” — Really? How about conducting a coup d’état in Ukraine by the representatives of the US State Dept. and CIA? As a historian she should have been better aware of the US conduct in Kosovo. In comparison, the Crimean referendum of 2014 was a perfect example of Democracy in Practice.
    Note that the scoundreless is content with the neo-Nazi flavor of the “liberated” Kievan government and she sees nothing deserving any attention in the rise of anti-semitism in Ukraine. For the Appelbaums and Kagans of our times, this is a 有用 反犹太主义。

    • 回复: @snag
    , @yurivku
    , @Seraphim
  375. annamaria 说:

    And for the Appelbaums and Kagans of our times, this is a useful Nazism; the memory of the victims of the WWII be damned.

  376. snag 说:

    It looks like we’re on the same page except prostituting not presstituting skills 😉 I’f it wasn’t for Putin we would be learning Yiddish today.

    Keep pounding

  377. @iffen

    Mass murderers should face justice in their lifetimes.

    First you have to win a war, then you can have justice.

    True enough. But not much morality in such a sentiment is there?

  378. @iffen

    哇! 谁知道。 人们形容中国是一个封闭的社会。

    Making jokes about mass murder is pretty disgusting behavior Iffen.

  379. annamaria 说:

    You mean, the reparations from Germany is a Jewish racket?

    By the way, your “most moral” Knesset and its subordinate Lobby and Friends of Israel in UK need to make a decision whether Nazism is bad (Germany) or it is really-really good (in Ukraine). You cannot put people to prison for questioning some absurd statements re Holocaust and, at the same time, support neo-Nazis in Ukraine and keep Mr. Kolomojsky, a financier of neo-Nazi battalion in Eastern Ukraine, among Israeli citizens.

    • 回复: @iffen
  380. yurivku 说:

    Very good post, describing the situation correctly.

    For the Appelbaums and Kagans of our times, this is a useful anti-semitism.

    Theirs name is million. For example Leonid Gozman, Russian oppositioner , a Jew, – many times on Russian TV actually approved Hitler’s Nazy when poured dirt on Russian’s army actions during WW2.
    As in Germany when Jews did alot to finance Hitler, now in Ukraine and even in Russia they trying the same, completely forgetting how it coud end up.

  381. annamaria 说:

    At some point the lid will be off and this point is unfortunately fast approaching the western civilization: https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2018/01/28/trumps-foreign-policy-service-israel/

    “What Trump is doing is appeasing Israel. … Americans are so totally brainwashed by Israeli propaganda that there is no public restraint on Washington serving Israel’s interest. What is going on has nothing whatsoever to do with the Iranian nuclear or missile program. It has to do with Israel’s use of US power, including the intimidation power over Europe, to remove Iran as a constraint on Israeli expansion.”

    Predator. Israel is a whining predator.

    • 回复: @Da Wei
  382. iffen 说:

    You mean, the reparations from Germany is a Jewish racket?

    No, I mean that if you win the war then you can put some of the other side on trial if you want.

    I am not informed on German reparations to Jews and Israel, but I am under the impression that it was something that Germany did voluntarily.

    By the way, your “most moral” Knesset

    You and I do not share the same morality, so it is of no value for you to appeal to morality in your arguments with me.

    • 回复: @snag
    , @annamaria
  383. Da Wei 说:

    “Predator. Israel is a whining predator.”

    Whining predator: almost an oxymoron, but maybe not. Maybe it’s just so succinct and on point that it has the power of paradox, but it really ain’t. Is sneaky snake paradoxical?

    For my money, this quote by Paul Craig Roberts and annamaria’s final 2 words wrap up this whole issue. Now, what to do with a “whining predator”?

  384. snag 说:

    “I am not informed on German reparations to Jews and Israel” – HOW CONVENIENT. I bet that you haven’t hear the term ‘holokaust industry’, did you?

    Up to 2007 WJC Claims Conference Holocaust Industry crooks were bragging on their web site:

    “As a result of these negotiations, the German government has paid more than $60 billion in indemnification for suffering and losses resulting from Nazi persecution. Claims Conference negotiations have also resulted in the disbursement of funds from German and Austrian industry, as well as the Austrian government. But our work is not yet complete. We continue to negotiate with representatives of Germany and Austria as well as with representatives of industry and banks. And the Claims Conference continues to administer compensation programs and distribute payments”


    Considering that holocaust industry extorted up ’till today around $100 Billions from Germany, Austria, Swiss banks not to mention that the Germans are still paying, they should be living somewhere on Bora Bora in villas with private nurses and cooks but live in poverty and neglected in zionist paradise and scavenging thrown away spoiled food to survive?


    • 回复: @iffen
  385. iffen 说:

    … in September 1951 Chancellor Konrad Adenauer of West Germany addressed his Parliament:
    “…unspeakable crimes have been committed in the name of the German people, calling for moral and material indemnity… The Federal Government are prepared, jointly with representatives of Jewry and the State of Israel…to bring about a solution of the material indemnity problem, thus easing the way to the spiritual settlement of infinite suffering.”

    Like I said, voluntary, ’nuff said.

    • 不同意: RobinG
    • 回复: @snag
    , @annamaria
  386. @AaronB

    Very interesting and unique observation.

    But I wonder whether Jews see themselves, perhaps rightly so, as barbarians conquering a superior civilization?

    Do barbarians ever see themselves as barbarians or inferiors to those whom they have conquered ?


    • 回复: @Talha
    , @AaronB
  387. snag 说:

    One time compensation extorted by US government and an American Jews – You’re forgetting one detail that Israel didn’t exist during holocaust.

    Anyway, what happen to those already extorted Billions?

  388. Santoculto 说:

    ”Barbarians” often want to be part of civilization AND NOT usurp it from the original creators.

    Who is more intelligent, a parasitic wasp or a spider*

  389. Talha 说:


    The Mongols got absorbed eventually into the Persianate influence completely – not much of their culture remains.

    The Arabs that conquered knew, but didn’t care that Persia was materially superior, in fact they saw their materialistic life-style as a corrupting and contemptuous thing. The first groups – during the Rashidun – mostly settled in garrison cities apart from the population. Many new cities like Kufa and Fustat (later to become Cairo) were established at this time. You have to remember (whether one believes it or not) these people had literally buried the man just a few years earlier that they believed was a messenger from God – and who had told them that they would conquer Byzantium and Persia. They knew that materially, they were nothing compared to the Persians, but it also didn’t matter for them; a quote attributed to Umar ibn Khattab (ra) summarizes it well:
    “的确,我们是一个可耻的民族,真主以伊斯兰教来荣耀我们。 如果我们在真主所尊重的事物之外寻求其他任何事物的荣誉,那么真主将羞辱我们。”

    Later on, the Abbasids were basically Arabized-Persians (or Persianized-Arabs) as the case may be. The culture that arose was very much the result of a symbiosis and, naturally, the Persians had a massive influence on Islam and the Arabs – but as fellow Muslims.

    关于这一历史现象的最好和最全面的节目之一是 BBC 电台对 3 位专家(Hugh Kennedy、Amira Bennison 和 Robert Hoyland)的采访(在 18 分钟左右进入主题):


    • 回复: @Art
    , @lavoisier
    , @helena
  390. AaronB 说:


    But I wonder whether Jews see themselves, perhaps rightly so, as barbarians conquering a superior civilization?

    Well, I think the barbarian attitude towards a superior civilization is both contempt for its softness, and envy for its refinement.

    Among the Jews I know, this is very much the attitude. I’ve heard them mock the manners and refinement of whites ( “suckers”, “stupid”), while agree that whites create the best countries and cultures to live in and admire them for it.

    The Jewish attitude is deeply conflicted – it’s not simple contempt, but envy and admiration are a big part of it. The attempt to destroy culture is partially founded in admiration and envy, and characteristic of barbarians I believe.

    Most Jews I know cultivate an attitude an of aggressive anti social contempt for norms and expectation – for instance, we’ll enter a quiet coffee shop where refined whites are acting decorously, and they’ll talk extra loud and say inappropriate things, and laugh about it afterwards, or we’ll go to a restaurant with a good reputation and they’ll loudly criticize it, they will dress slovenly and have poor hygiene and not care. Many rich Jews I know have shockingly dirty houses, etc.

    I kid you not. This stuff is common.

    The attitude is of a contemptuous barbarian horde. While at the same time, there is a sense that whites set the gold standard for culture, a desire for white girlfriends and cool white friends, etc.

    The barbarian attitude is a love, hate one to civilization.

    Now, to what extent do Jews think of themselves as barbarians? Much more than you would expect. I had a Jewish roommate who I flatly called a barbarian, and he laughingly agreed. He agreed also with my above characterization of Jews. He didn’t care. He thought the norms of white culture wasn’t conducive to his personal success (as a pirate). At the same time, he admired Germany and Sweden and yearned for a blond white girlfriend. He’s wealthy now, ten years later.

    Other Jews I’ve discussed this behavior all agreed, but found it thrillingly transgressive and exciting, and expressed contempt for white decorum. At the same time, their deep admiration for white culture expressed itself.

    So the barbarian has an ambivalent and dual attitude – he hates and seeks to destroy civilization, chafes under its restraints, transgresses its norms in his conquering frenzy, but is dazzled and beguiled by it, and ultimately seduced by it.

    But the transformation occurs after conquest only, and the Jews have never really had a period of unrivalled supremacy. In ancient times they never managed to fully conquer Palestine even, and were soon after conquered and dispersed, after a rather poor showing in endless inglorious skimrshing with natives. Hardly the glorious supremacy promised by the warrior God of the old testament.

    Only today has the old dream of conquest – common to all ancient barbarians – come to fruition, perhaps, and only now have the conditions been set for the ancient blood lust and dream of power to be laid aside and dissolve into a gentle sleep of the passions.

    The West, too, could only lose its passionate desire for conquest after it succeeded.

    • 回复: @snag
  391. ID 说:

    Sie sind das Produkt der Entnazifizierung。
    Ihr Beitrag 和 Ihre Meinung sind daher 完全不相关。

  392. annamaria 说:

    1. “……我没有被告知。” ——然后告诉自己。 如果您年满 12 岁,那么您显然是不诚实的。
    2. “… the same morality…” — Arendt said it best, “the banality of evil.”

    • 回复: @iffen
  393. annamaria 说:

    Yes, Germans have conscience. Moreover, they have created a rich and beautiful culture to share with the world. And Israelis? – nothing of this kind but imitations.

  394. annamaria 说:

    The bloody Kagans clan wants these Syrian territories by any means, even for a price of killing out the indigenous inhibitants and starting a nuclear war with Russians: http://www.moonofalabama.org
    “The lobby shop of the Kagan family, the Institute For The Study of War, had its junior staff pen an op-ed for Foxnews to argue for a new study object:
    The U.S. must rapidly change how it is executing policy in five key areas.
    1. Russian military bases. …
    2. Acceptance of Bashar al-Assad. …
    3. Syrian “de-escalation.” …
    4. The “peace” process. …
    5. Iran and al Qaeda. …
    “… solutions, couched in vague language, are for 1. nuke them, 2. kill him, 3. stop it, 4. who cares, 5. destroy ’em all
    — Would not it be greate to apply the “solutions” to the Kagans’ Institute For The Study of War?

  395. Anonymous [AKA "Nomon"] 说:


    2014 年,Russia Insider 严格审查了读者发表的关于犹太人问题的真实正确评论的评论。 说点关于亨利·基辛格的准确的话? 这对你来说是一个发布禁令,因为你发布了“顽皮的话”。

    “猎杀者”终于接近命名犹太人,但他的“盎格鲁犹太复国主义者”标签仍然是对盎格鲁撒克逊人的诽谤。 只是犹太人在主持这个节目——其中 99% 的人的血统可以追溯到中欧和东欧。

    Try naming the Jew on moonfalabama.org. Instant censorship by the blog owner, who – surprise surprise – lives in Germany. Mention ‘200 Years Together’ in the comments section of his blog, and your IP is banned.

    不要让我开始像 Eric Zuesse 这样的犹太另类媒体黑客,他可以将大屠杀和纳粹应用于几乎任何主题......

    • 回复: @annamaria
  396. annamaria 说:

    你对 UnzReview re“一起 200 年”是不公平的——这本书在这里被引用了很多次。 你是对的,这本书值得更多的曝光。

    世界上最被禁的书:200 年的俄罗斯犹太历史——亚历山德·索尔仁尼琴: http://truedemocracyparty.net/2012/05/most-banned-book-in-the-world-200-years-together-aleksandr-solzhenitsyn/
    亚历山大·索尔仁尼琴,“共同 200 年,俄罗斯-犹太历史:” http://www.mailstar.net/Solzhenitsyn-200YT.pdf
    Solzhentisyn 访谈关于“一起 200 年”: http://www.orthodoxytoday.org/articles/ChukovskayaSolzhenitsyn.php?/articles/ChukovskayaSolzhenitsyn.htm

    • 回复: @snag
  397. annamaria 说:

    华盛顿对俄罗斯的挑衅行为疯狂升级,列出了 210 名俄罗斯政府高级官员和重要企业高管的名单,他们是“黑帮”、“普京帮派成员”、“威胁”、“应该受到制裁的人”。 ,”或者不过西方的官员愿意解释这份名单。 荒谬的名单包括俄罗斯总理、外交部长、国防部长以及俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司、俄罗斯石油公司和俄罗斯银行的高管。”
    “华盛顿通过“克里姆林宫报告”达到疯狂的新高度,保罗·克雷格·罗伯茨 (Paul Craig Roberts) https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2018/01/30/washington-reaches-new-heights-insanity-kremlin-report/
    “以色列希望华盛顿对俄罗斯施加压力,因为迄今为止,俄罗斯一直阻止以色列利用美国军队在叙利亚和伊朗制造与伊拉克和利比亚一样的混乱。 以色列希望叙利亚和伊朗动摇,因为他们支持真主党,这阻止了以色列占领黎巴嫩南部的水资源。 要求该名单的《通过制裁打击美国的对手法案》以 517 票对 5 票在众议院和参议院获得通过。 通常,这种一致的外交政策投票与以色列游说团的要求有关。”

  398. Art 说:

    听说过穆斯林数学大师实际上是波斯人的说法吗? - 艺术

    • 回复: @Talha
    , @John55
  399. tac [又名“ jsb”] 说:

    Try naming the Jew on moonfalabama.org. Instant censorship by the blog owner, who – surprise surprise – lives in Germany. Mention ’200 Years Together’ in the comments section of his blog, and your IP is banned.

    我确切地知道你在那个线程上谈论的是什么。 整个谈话——出了差错——是由 Heros 开始的——关于这个主题的主题,一个最初是在 RI 上提出的。 我是将索尔仁尼琴的文章(被禁止)链接到那里的人。 我希望它们对那些感兴趣的人有用,正如一个 annamaria 的例子。

    • 回复: @RobinG
  400. Talha 说:




    • 回复: @John55
  401. snag 说:

    我不太确定 - 阅读他的巨著《欧洲犹太人的毁灭》中的“为出版而奋斗”(见附件链接)。

  402. Talha 说:


  403. iffen 说:

    1. “……我没有被告知。” ——然后告诉自己。 如果您年满 12 岁,那么您显然是不诚实的。

    我只阅读我认为对我有价值的东西,它引起了我的兴趣,或者它很重要并且我需要在该领域有知识。 这不符合条件。

  404. annamaria 说:


  405. @Anonymous


    • 回复: @snag
    , @DaisukeKawakami
  406. @Ilyana_Rozumova



  407. snag 说:
    @Joji Cherian

    说实话,今天没有人知道谁是犹太人,谁不是他们自己——他们中的许多人改了名字,有些人接受了洗礼,但在内心深处,他们仍然是属于部落的犹太人,首先要照顾好自己和部落成员。 东欧和前苏维埃共和国人民都知道这一事实,并对此深恶痛绝。 9 名所谓的“俄罗斯寡头”中,有 10 名负责本世纪抢劫俄罗斯数万亿美元的抢劫案,其中有 XNUMX 名是拥有好听的俄罗斯和斯拉夫名字的犹太人。


  408. annamaria 说:

    “联合国审查了 206 家公司与以色列定居点的联系:” https://www.truthdig.com/articles/u-n-reviews-206-companies-links-israeli-settlements/
    “以色列驻联合国大使丹尼·达农 (Danny Danon) 对“特殊”受害者的遭遇大肆宣扬:“在联合国纪念国际大屠杀纪念日的那一天,联合国人权理事会选择公布有关在以色列开展业务的公司数量的信息,”他说。在一份声明中说。 “这是一种可耻的行为,将永远成为联合国人权理事会的污点。”
    — 听起来理直气壮的丹尼似乎没有注意到他的部落在乌克兰建立了一个新纳粹军政府。 当一名以资助乌克兰新纳粹营以保护其资产而闻名的以色列公民 Kolomojsky 仍然是受人尊敬的以色列公民时,他个人能表达什么样的“纪念”? — 猜猜 Danny Danon 不介意“有用的”新纳粹分子,尤其是在涉及大笔资金时。
    ziocon Kagans 家族领导了基辅的政变,由于在那里与乌克兰新纳粹分子携手开展的这些“令人难忘”的活动,乌克兰成为了最反犹太主义的国家在欧洲。 https://madhousenews.com/2018/01/israel-announces-ukraine-as-the-most-anti-semitic-country/
    包括丹尼·达农 (Danny Danon) 在内的 ziocon 流氓对二战的受害者毫无敬意。 他们是利用正派人的正派情绪的无耻操纵者。
    大厅、ADL 和其他以色列之友对乌克兰的丑闻发展完全保持沉默。 国际大屠杀纪念日是纪念犹太教徒与乌克兰新纳粹分子合作以及以色列与伊斯兰国再次合作叙利亚主权国家的适当日子。

  409. helena 说:



    • 回复: @Talha
  410. Talha 说:

    是的——现在他们肯定有一些蒙古人和突厥人的血统。 同样来自高加索地区,查找萨法维人的起源。


    • 回复: @helena
  411. Stealth 说:



  412. RobinG 说:

    Someone has pointed out that moonfalabama.org is based in Berlin, where German law mandates this censorship.

    • 回复: @tac
  413. helena 说:

    哈! 有很多东西需要学习,但毫无疑问,随着时间的推移,我会阅读更多。 Shah Ismail 1 看起来像我最喜欢的美女之一,摩洛哥的萨尔玛公主——红头发,鹰钩鼻。 我认识另一个网站上的一位评论者,他有一个宠物理论,即红发起源于高加索地区。 鹰钩鼻很有趣,因为它似乎符合 I 和 J 单倍群的路径——I-hg 被认为已经到达斯堪的纳维亚,被认为是北欧单倍群,而 J-hg 是主要的阿拉伯/犹太单倍群。 例如,大卫·丁布尔比(David Dimbleby)声称北欧血统与梅丽尔·斯特里普(Meryl Streep)和约瑟夫斯(Josephus)拥有相同的鹰钩鼻。 都是猜想,但无论如何都很有趣。

    我发现了一种新的美——Asra Nomani。 我怎么才刚遇到她? 她冷静的高智商让我大吃一惊。

    • 回复: @Talha
  414. Talha 说:

    I-hg 被认为已经到过斯堪的纳维亚,被认为是北欧单倍群,而 J-hg 是主要的阿拉伯/犹太单倍群

    有趣……我的妻子(斯堪的纳维亚背景)有一个鹰钩鼻。 它还报告了先知(pbuh)。 我的孩子还年轻,所以谁知道他们是否会得到它。

    我什至没有想到鹰鼻有起源——我只是认为随机的人有它。 但是,我想你是对的,在亚洲人或大多数非洲人(也许只是真正的东方人)中并没有真正看到它。 如果我没记错的话,这不是许多美洲原住民的标志吗? 我记得有很多部落酋长用它来描绘。




    • 回复: @helena
  415. helena 说:

    是的,确实是北部的美洲原住民,我认为不是在美国南部。 几乎所有美洲原住民雄性都是 Q 单倍群,它带着 4 个雌性单倍群前往美国。 我的猜测是,其中一个女性单倍群,可能是 X,长了鹰鼻,其他的长了东亚鼻子。 我认为 Q 本身可能与印欧人有相同的鼻子,长直。

    我想,如果在很久以前就出现了一群有着不同鼻子的人类,那会很奇怪。 似乎更有可能的是,不同群体的人有不同的鼻子,然后这些群体混合在一起。 据我估计,为了解释所有的高加索变体,大约需要 4-6 个变体——长直(+“希腊”)、短直、aquiline(+“罗马尼亚”)、“格鲁吉亚”。 格鲁吉亚语是最早的“桥接”形式,可以在奥兹和苏格拉底身上看到。 我称它为格鲁吉亚语,因为 Otzi 是 G 单倍群,尽管早期它在整个欧洲无处不在,但主要仅在格鲁吉亚发现。


    • 回复: @Talha
    , @Talha
  416. Talha 说:








    • 回复: @iffen
  417. iffen 说:


    哈! 出以色列。


    让我们看看你们 Muzzies 提出了比这更早的声明。


    • 回复: @Talha
  418. tac [又名“ jsb”] 说:

    我只是提出了一个简单的问题:为什么 Alexandr Solzehitsyn 的 一起200年,在用他的母语俄语出版了将近 20 年后,它才被完全翻译成德语和法语,而不是英语。

    然而他的诺贝尔奖得主 古拉格群岛 设法被翻译成超过 35 种语言,其中大部分是在几年内完成的。




    因此,最终,任何“冒犯”某些人的事情,他们的任务是监控网站上的话语,然后将其报告回来,以便在清理某些人提出的想法时施加压力。 真相真的需要压制吗? (修辞)

    • 回复: @snag
  419. Talha 说:

    哈哈! 请记住,我们声称所有过去的先知(不分种族)及其追随者都是穆斯林(包括犹太先知 [pbut])。 亚当(pbuh)是一名穆斯林——我们可以追溯到人类本身。

    我们并不是什么新鲜事物——我们只是对 hanif(纯粹的超验一神论)传统的恢复——在最终的插头被整个企业拉动之前,一切都在循环。
    “的确,我和我之前的先知的比喻是一个人建造房屋、完善并美化它的比喻,只是在房角石上放了一块砖。 众人围观其间,惊叹不已,曰:‘此砖何不放? 因此,我是砖,我是先知的印记。” – 在布哈里和穆斯林中报道

    特别是我们父亲亚伯拉罕 (pbuh) 的 hanif 传统:
    “亚伯拉罕既不是犹太人也不是基督徒,而是哈尼夫穆斯林; 而且他不是多神论者。” (3:67)

    很难跳到我们身上,因为我们只会占用你的先知 - 就是我们如何滚动。



    • 回复: @iffen
    , @Seraphim
  420. iffen 说:

    请记住,我们声称所有过去的先知(不分种族)及其追随者都是穆斯林(包括犹太先知 [pbut])。 亚当(pbuh)是一名穆斯林——我们可以追溯到人类本身。




    • 回复: @Talha
  421. Talha 说:



    如果你的意思是谁可以说先知制度的封印何时被封,那么我们真的不在乎纠正其他宗教。 要么和他们在一起,要么和我们在一起,无论对你来说更有意义。 我们对 Ahmadis 也有同样的问题; 这就是为什么他们不是穆斯林——尽管他们强烈声称自己是。


    不,但是,据我所知,犹太人并不声称犹太人的身份早于十二个部落。 而且肯定不会回到 200,00+ 年前。 他们的身份、宗教或种族在人类历史上有一个起源点,他们自己也承认这一点。 我们声称我们的身份是人类历史本身的一部分(这很容易,因为我们的身份与种族无关):
    “作为好消息的传播者和警告者,我们确实向您发送了真相——并且没有警告者在他们中间经过的人(乌玛)。” (35:24)


    • 回复: @iffen
  422. iffen 说:


    哇! 原始人类。

    难怪你们在与非穆斯林相处时遇到这么多麻烦。 🙂

    • 回复: @Talha
    , @Talha
  423. Talha 说:



  424. Seraphim 说:

    Applebaum 听起来与 Apfelbaum 很接近。
    Hirsch Apfelbaum,化名 Grigory Yevsevich Zinoviev,是 1917 年为管理布尔什维克革命而成立的第一届政治局的七名成员之一:列宁、季诺维也夫、加米涅夫、托洛茨基、斯大林、索科尔尼科夫和布布诺夫。 季诺维也夫最令人难忘的是作为共产国际的长期领导人和 1920 年代初期将德国转变为共产主义国家的几次失败尝试的策划者。 他与约瑟夫斯大林竞争,后者于 1926 年将他从苏联政治领导层中除名”,并于 1936 年以间谍、投毒、破坏等罪名将他处决,理由是他属于“托洛茨基-季诺维也夫恐怖中心”。

  425. snag 说:



    希尔伯格不愿妥协,在接下来的六年里将完整的手稿提交给了几家主要的出版社,但没有运气。 在汉娜·阿伦特的建议下,普林斯顿大学出版社在短短两周内迅速审核后拒绝了这份手稿。 在连续遭到五家著名出版商的拒绝后,它终于在 1961 年以一个小印记,总部位于芝加哥的出版商 Quadrangle Books 出版。 幸运的是,一位富有的赞助人弗兰克·佩茨切克(Frank Petschek)是一位德国-捷克犹太人,他的家族煤炭企业遭受了纳粹雅利安化计划的影响,[29] 拿出了 15,000 美元,这在当时是一笔巨款,用于支付印刷费用5,500 册,[30] 其中约 1,300 册被留出分发给图书馆。 [13]

    希尔伯格的作品遭到抵制,他在寻找美国编辑时遇到的困难,以及随后的德文版延误,很大程度上要归功于当时的冷战氛围。 诺曼芬克尔斯坦观察到,

    现在很难记住纳粹大屠杀曾经是一个禁忌话题。 在冷战初期,提及纳粹大屠杀被视为破坏了关键的美国-西德联盟。 它正在传播几乎没有去纳粹化的西德精英的脏衣服,从而落入苏联的手中,苏联并不厌倦记住西德“复仇主义者”的罪行。 [31]


  426. Seraphim 说:


    “希尔伯格的作品受到了犹太大屠杀纪念馆的敌视,特别是他在本书的最后一章中对犹太人对大屠杀肇事者的抵抗的处理方式。 希尔伯格认为,“犹太人的反应模式的特点是几乎完全没有抵抗……犹太人抵抗的文件证据,无论是公开的还是淹没的,都是非常轻微的”。 希尔伯格将这种缺乏抵抗的现象归咎于少数犹太人的经历:“在流亡中,犹太人……了解到他们可以通过安抚和安抚敌人来避免危险并在毁灭中幸存下来……因此,在几个世纪的时间里,犹太人了解到,在为了生存,他们不得不克制抵抗”。 Yad Vashem 的学者,包括 Josef Melkman 和 Nathan Eck,并不认为 Hilberg 对犹太历史的描述是正确的,但他们也认为,通过使用犹太历史来解释犹太社区对大屠杀的反应,Hilberg 暗示了某种责任因为毁灭的程度落在了犹太人身上,他们认为这种立场是不可接受的。 1961 年对阿道夫·艾希曼的审判,以及汉娜·阿伦特和布鲁诺·贝特尔海姆随后出版的作品,比希尔伯格更批评犹太人在大屠杀期间的行为,激起了争议。 1967 年,内森·埃克 (Nathan Eck) 在该组织的研究期刊 Yad Vashem Studies 上对希尔伯格、阿伦特和贝特尔海姆的主张进行了尖锐的批判性评论,题为“历史研究或诽谤”。

    原因之一是“大屠杀的独特性”的神话尚未完全阐明。 实际上,“大屠杀”就是这样。 希尔伯格和其他人无处使用这个仅在 60 年代后期才出现的术语。
    “大屠杀一词在 1950 年代被历史学家用作大屠杀的翻译,1968 年,美国国会图书馆创建了一个新类别,“犹太人大屠杀(1939-1945)”。 NBC 电视迷你剧《大屠杀》(1978 年)被认为有助于在美国普及这个词。” 圣经术语 shoah(שואה;也译为 sho'ah 和 shoa),意思是“毁灭”,成为标准的希伯来语术语,1940 年首次在小册子中用于谋杀欧洲犹太人。 这正是希尔伯格使用的术语。
    另一个原因可能是希尔伯格给出的数字低于神圣的 6 万。
    但争议背后的主要原因可能是“抵抗”。 可以参考 Lucien Steinberg 的书《Not as a Lamb》(译自法语原版“La Revolte des Justes”,1970 年),获益匪浅,这似乎是对“大屠杀/大屠杀”发展的第一反应神话。 他证实(并一直吹嘘)从许多其他来源一直知道的东西,一大类犹太人(左倾或彻头彻尾的共产党人)将自己视为反对“法西斯主义”的积极战斗人员,并在所有“抵抗”运动中发挥了核心作用接受犹太反法西斯委员会(JAC,俄语:Еврейский антифашистский комитет Yevreysky antifashistsky komitet, ЕАК)的游行命令1941 年(1942 年 XNUMX 月,在苏联当局的官方支持下,根据约瑟夫·斯大林的命令进行了改革。它旨在影响国际舆论,并为苏联对抗纳粹德国的斗争组织政治和物质支持,特别是来自西方的支持)。 他们的待遇是适用于战斗敌人的,他们越是游击队员。
    阅读威廉·鲁宾斯坦 (William D. Rubinstein) 的书(历史/威尔士大学,阿伯里斯特威斯)可能会带来同样的好处:“救援神话:为什么民主国家无法从纳粹手中拯救更多犹太人”,1997 年。

    • 回复: @snag
  427. snag 说:

    最有名、最有成就的大屠杀学者在出版他的书时遇到问题的主要原因是因为他找不到 6 甚至 5 万大屠杀死者,他拒绝改变它,并指出 Yad Vashem 有一个清单,几乎没有超过 3 万,许多名字被计算了两次。

  428. Seraphim 说:


    “1那时,耶和华(YHVH,ὁ Θεὸς)在幔利的橡树旁向他显现,那时他正坐在帐棚门口,正值大热天。 2他举目观看,不料,对面站着三个人; 他看见他们,就从帐棚门口跑出来迎接他们,向地鞠躬, 3 说:“我的主(阿顿,κύριε,),如果我现在在你眼前蒙恩,请不要越过你的仆人……”(创世记 18:2-4)。
    这是现存的塔纳赫希伯来文本,与死海古卷的希伯来文本一致。 不像被称为古兰经的 ʾAlflayla wa-layla 中的“Ṣuḥuf ʾIbrāhīm”,它只存在于穆罕默德的狂热想象中。

    “房角石”是耶稣。 布哈里和穆斯林盗用圣保罗:

    “11因此要记住,你们在时间上已经过去了在肉身中的外邦人,他们被称为未受割礼的人,在肉身中被称为人手所受的割礼; 12 那时你们与基督无关,在以色列国民之外,在所应许的诸约上是局外人,在世上没有指望,没有神: 13 但如今你们在基督耶稣里,有时远离靠着基督的宝血。 14 因为他是我们的和平,他使两者合而为一,拆毁了我们之间的隔墙; 15 在他的肉体上废除了仇恨,就是规条中的诫命律; 因为让两个人成为一个新人,所以和平; 16 并且他可以借着十字架与上帝在一个身体里与上帝和好,从而消除了仇恨: 17 他来向远方的你们和近处的人传讲和平。 18 因为通过他,我们都可以凭着一个灵来到父面前。 19因此,你们不再是外人和客旅,而是与圣徒同国,是神家里的人; 20 并且被建造在使徒和先知的根基上,耶稣自己是房角石; 21 靠着祂,各样的建筑都搭得合式,成为主里的圣殿:22 靠着祂,你们也靠着圣灵被建造起来,成为神的居所”(以弗所书 2:11-22)。
    “正如亚伯拉罕信神,这就算为他的义。 7 所以你们要知道,凡有信心的,都是亚伯拉罕的子孙。 8 圣经预见神会叫外邦人因信称义,就将福音预告给亚伯拉罕,说,万国都要因你得福。 9 这样,那以信为本的,就有了忠心的亚伯拉罕的福”(加拉太书 3:6-9)。 对基督的信仰,对三位一体的信仰。

    • 回复: @Talha
  429. helena 说:

    “大约 10% 的现代英国人血统来自早期 中石器时代 包括切达人在内的欧洲人口。 这 现代英国血统来自后来的移民”维基


    在过去的几千年里,在西欧的大部分地区(似乎)从零到绝大多数的 R-M269 后裔的爆炸可能是近代欧洲历史上最有趣的事件之一。 直到几年前,没有多少人会考虑到这种可能性,但事实往往比小说更离奇。

    • 回复: @Talha
  430. Talha 说:


    感谢您成为三位一体基督徒的更多令人敬畏的理由。 完全支持你的人,你做你的thang!

    • 回复: @Seraphim
  431. Talha 说:


    完全有道理; 欧洲(以及英国)绝对是部落征服和运动的场所。 人类历史上不变的一件事……就是变化!


    • 回复: @helena
  432. helena 说:

    但重点是塔尔哈,一个可以追溯到 5000 年前的同质种族与东亚人、东南亚人、印度人、西非人、西非人等一样真实。但是为了剥夺我们,我们被剥夺了我们的身份。

    • 回复: @Talha
    , @iffen
    , @Art
  433. Talha 说:

    啊好吧,我一开始没有得到那个角度,因为我通常不会沿着这些思路思考。 我认为种族谱系和家谱只是人类历史的一个有趣方面。 但我确实明白你的意思。


  434. iffen 说:


    “我们”没有被拒绝任何事情。 精英们已经决定“我们”不会以种族为前提。

    • 回复: @helena
  435. helena 说:

    啊。 我第一次在网上交流是和一个痴迷于内涵陈述的人。 我想我可能已经绕了一圈。

    真的,我很乐意让每个人都明白,在西方,公共空间属于每个人,应该受到尊重。 🙂

  436. Art 说:





    这将带来和平与繁荣——它不可能两者兼而有之。 皮肤还是大脑?



    • 回复: @iffen
    , @helena
  437. iffen 说:

    怎么了,艺术。 您的 Cheddar Man 基因是否完全表达?

    • 回复: @helena
  438. Seraphim 说:

    我很高兴你开始看到一些曙光。 有些鳞片似乎从你的眼睛里掉了下来,但还不够。 你有更多的工作要做,但这应该是你的'thang'。 您必须了解我们不能成为“哈尼夫”并且永远不会成为“伊斯兰国”与否的同样令人敬畏的原因。 盲人无法引导看得见的人。 盲人只有通过基督才能恢复视力(“三位一体”的基督徒之一,非三位一体的基督徒即使这样称呼自己也不是基督徒)。 请注意,没有比自愿失明更严重的失明了。

    • 回复: @Talha
  439. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:


  440. Talha 说:


    • 回复: @Seraphim
  441. Seraphim 说:

    如果您认为我(或任何人,就此而言)可能需要您的指导,那您就严重妄想了,但正如我所说,没有比自愿造成的失明更糟糕的失明了。 这相当于对圣灵犯的罪:
    “世人一切的罪和亵渎的话,都可得赦免;但对圣灵的亵渎,不可赦免。 32 凡说话得罪人子的,必蒙赦免;凡说话得罪圣灵的,在今世,来世,总不得赦免”(马太福音 12:31) -32)。

  442. helena 说:

    一段时间以来,我一直认为 Art 可能是非裔美国人,我对此没有意见。 思想 is 比种族更重要。 但切达人不是非洲人,看看颅骨结构,下巴线。 令人担忧的是 滥用 的科学和知识,以适应叙事。

    • 回复: @iffen
  443. helena 说:

    我不明白为什么不能两者兼而有之。 上帝创造了进化,进化产生了一些奇妙的族群。 在马克思主义者将多元文化主义强加给欧洲人之前,多元种族主义一直运作良好。 肤色被当做斗篷来隐藏真正的目的,即摧毁耶稣、牛顿、达尔文的思想。 欧洲人抱怨的是行为,而不是肤色。 马克思主义者立即谴责这些抱怨完全基于肤色。

  444. Talha 说:

    “一名黎巴嫩法官命令三名侮辱基督教的穆斯林年轻人背诵古兰经的 Al-Omran surah 中赞美圣母玛利亚和耶稣基督的经文。”

    哈! 喜欢它——这是第二大章——应该教他们礼貌!


    • 回复: @Seraphim
  445. Seraphim 说:


    • 回复: @Talha
  446. Talha 说:

    你是对的; 应该命令所有年轻的穆斯林男子记住 Siraj Ale Imran 作为惩罚。 这是我们至少能做的。

    • 回复: @Seraphim
    , @iffen
  447. iffen 说:


    • 回复: @Talha
  448. iffen 说:



    • 回复: @helena
  449. Paulus 说:



    我应该提到特朗普和普京之间的一些使者是犹太人吗? Jared Kushner、Michael Cohen……名单太长,我只提供一个链接: https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2017/04/the-happy-go-lucky-jewish-group-that-connects-trump-and-putin-215007


  450. Talha 说:


    我不知道您是否像我在我们的社区中一样紧跟潮流,但有一些非常积极的事情正在发生。 传统穆斯林开始与保守的天主教徒甚至福音派就我们各自社区的一些趋势进行更严肃的对话。 兄弟Ismail Royer(我经常关注他)写了一篇关于这个的很棒的文章:

    是时候了——穆斯林一直太舒服地站在不是我们天然盟友的左翼一边。 我们各自社区中睁大眼睛的狂热分子将继续吠叫……大篷车将继续前进。


    • 回复: @RobinG
    , @John55
  451. iffen 说:


    认识到共同点比与 Terry Joneses 和 John Hagees 打交道容易得多。 真的不在同一个宇宙中,更不用说棒球场了。

    • 回复: @Talha
  452. Talha 说:


    我真的很想设立一个基金来购买一个岛屿,在那里这些人可以去见我们的疯子,然后——咳咳——解决他们的分歧。 我们可以通过空投……或链锯提供铅笔和纸。

  453. RobinG 说:

    传统穆斯林与伊斯兰民族之间的交流是什么? 有没有? 我们刚看了 1992 年的马尔科姆 X。感觉就像我以前看过它的一部分一样。 也许是在电视上。 斯派克·李拍了一部好电影。

    • 回复: @Talha
    , @iffen
  454. Talha 说:


    一旦以利亚·穆罕默德的儿子、已故的瓦利斯·迪恩·穆罕默德成为逊尼派并帮助指导他的羊群,NOI 的大多数追随者就开始接受正常的逊尼派伊斯兰教。

    在这一点上,NOI 是一个非常边缘的群体; 最多几万。 我怀疑在像 Farrakhan 这样的老卫死后他们会做很多事情。

    我所看到的对话不多。 他们是一个种族主义团体(更不用说非常不同的信仰了)——我们不能很好地与他们合作。

    Malcolm-X (ra) 是另一回事,他是一个非常好的兄弟——朝觐改变了他:


    他是美国伊斯兰教最清晰的声音之一,我们深深怀念他。 斯派克·李 (Spike Lee) 的电影很棒——对我在高中时形成的身份产生了重大影响。


    • 回复: @RobinG
  455. iffen 说:


    做正确的事 是顶级的。

  456. RobinG 说:

    “在这一点上,NOI 是一个非常边缘化的群体; 最多几万。”

    当我有机会时,我会与我的 NOI 联系人一起检查一下,但这似乎不对。 2015 年,他们制作了 MMM 20 周年纪念日“Justice or Else”。 他们没有得到 1 万,但在 Mall 上得到的远远不止几万,加上所有留在家里观看直播的人。 [这有点像特朗普拥有有史以来最多的人群......大声笑。]

    NOI 介绍了他们的年轻干部,特别强调女性。 上帝以完美的天气和温馨的家庭氛围向他们微笑。 这里有很多好照片——

    • 回复: @Talha
  457. Talha 说:


    没错,他们在那次游行中接近一百万; 事情发生后,我们在加州大学洛杉矶分校的论文中写了一篇文章。 许多逊尼派穆斯林和许多基督徒也去了那里。 NOI 绝对是主要的组织者,但这是对非裔美国人的总体呼吁,而不仅仅是他们的团体。


    请与您的联系人核对,我很想知道他们自己对自己数字的估计是多少。 Britannica 估计它们在 10k-50k 之间:


    • 回复: @RobinG
  458. RobinG 说:

    “没错,他们在那次游行中接近一百万; 事情发生后,我们在加州大学洛杉矶分校的论文中写了一篇文章。 ”

    Talha,我们的电线交叉了吗? 我说的不是 23 年前的第一个 MMM,而是 2015 年、2 或 3 年前。 是的,当然,不仅仅是 NOI,还有很多朋友和盟友(像我一样)。 无论如何,我可能需要一段时间才能与任何人交谈。 我很少出去了。

    • 回复: @Talha
    , @helena
  459. Talha 说:


  460. helena 说:

    昨晚我看到一位新闻记者采访了一位机器人科学家关于一个行为像狗的新机器人。 记者无法摆脱狗的形象。




    – 两个大脑像陌生人一样在夜晚擦肩而过。


    • 回复: @iffen
  461. helena 说:




    女性在与更对称的男性发生性关系时有更多的性高潮。 https://www.livescience.com/4002-symmetry-nature-fundamental-fact-human-bias.html


    任何结构的进化都是从对称到不对称……三轴不对称型应该是进化最高级的【人类】(图3) http://geodakian.com/en/70_Asymmetry_en.htm

    这不是我熟悉的假设。 不管怎样,至少有一个人同意你的看法。

    Livio 认为,随着时间的推移,科学家们或许能够超越我们对对称性的生物学偏好。 与 ref.1 相同

    现在,如果有一个理论 a,就会有一个相等和相反的理论 not-a。 所以人们可以选择相信什么。 (她试探性地建议)。

    • 回复: @iffen
  462. iffen 说:


    • 回复: @helena
  463. helena 说:


    “吉尔摩的歌迷很欣赏他的男高音,这种嗓音富有表现力、纯净、 受国家影响的 唱歌”


    “吉尔摩在 1970 年代的大部分时间里都在科罗拉多州丹佛的一个修行场所,与年轻的印度大师 Prem Rawat(也被称为 Maharaji)一起研究形而上学。”

    我在 80 年代和一群“Premies”闲逛。 他们比我大一代,但我孩子的父亲决定学习知识,这当然是我们分手的一个因素。 我怀了重身孕,但发现自己开车带他去开会,试图获取知识。 整个过程,'哦,我们不能告诉你它是什么' 把我逼疯了,直到最终我们的一个严肃的年轻爱尔兰女朋友告诉我,'啊,知识只是一些冥想技巧'。 我相信,他仍然这样做,与他的年轻女士幸福地结婚了!

    • 回复: @iffen
  464. dcite 说:

    问题是,辩论解决不了任何问题。 他们毫无意义。

    更糟糕的是,它们只是试图通过“逻辑”将您的意志强加于某人。 这是一种战斗形式,它永远不会到达任何地方。

    嗯,呵呵。 辩论不是为了改变辩论者的观点。 对于其他人来说,这是一种智力表演,其中一些人要么选择一边,要么看到双方的观点,要么无动于衷。 整个国家都被辩论所左右。 发生了大规模的转变。

  465. iffen 说:

    我的印象是冥想、深呼吸等是真实的,似乎对某些人有益。 我不知道对照研究显示对任何可能使您感到不适的治疗效果。


  466. helena 说:

    意思是你不相信超自然现象? 你是人道主义者吗?

    • 回复: @Talha
    , @Seraphim
  467. Talha 说:



    • 回复: @helena
  468. helena 说:

    啊。 谢谢。 像辩证法一样?


    • 回复: @Talha
  469. Talha 说:

    我认为更多的是希腊唯物主义者的脉络。 我喜欢称人们为唯物主义者,因为它告诉我们人们相信什么——从积极的意义上说。 无神论者告诉你这个人不相信什么,但唯物主义者确定他们相信(只)存在的东西。

    是的,人文主义似乎是唯物主义者提出的道德框架。 我不太确定这究竟意味着什么,因为所有意识形态和框架都是由人类制定的,并且是为了人类的利益,但那是另一个主题。


    • 回复: @iffen
    , @John55
  470. iffen 说:







    美德的培养是它的所在。 我认为宗教是有道德的。

    我们无法超越; 我们只能尝试。


  471. Talha 说:


    这毕竟是问题的关键; 是上帝创造了人还是人创造了“上帝”。



    “不是有段时间,人是一文不值的吗?” (76:1)


    • 回复: @RobinG
  472. RobinG 说:



    • 回复: @Talha
    , @Cloak And Dagger
  473. helena 说:

    我不认为我同意。 AI 是由人性创造的,所以它存在于人性之中,但如果它是自我学习的*,那么它就是它自己的天性——有点像丹麦人迁移到英格兰,然后迁移到北爱尔兰,然后到阿巴拉契亚。 人工文化。

    *只能在原本赋予的性质内自学吗? 实证主义者是否与建构主义者创造了相同的人工智能?

    • 回复: @iffen
  474. iffen 说:

    哇! 哇! 哇! 你说谁是人造的? 🙂

    AI 诉诸茎端。 这是他们超越人性的尝试。 他们中的大多数人都拒绝白板,但他们马上带着自由主义 2.0 回来并称其为人工智能。



  475. @RobinG


    有些人认为“我们”是复数。 维里科夫斯基在他的 12th星球 人类是由来自第 12 颗行星(Nibiru)的外星人在这个星球的猿类上通过基因工程产生的,苏美尔神话应该从字面上理解。 这些外星人被原始人类视为神灵,因此他们作为“我们”的宣言实际上是众神的声音。

    虽然从科学的角度来看,维利科夫斯基对尼比鲁(又名 X 行星)及其即将回归的描述有点难以接受,但他对苏美尔神话的翻译是无与伦比的。 人们可以在那些古代著作中看到许多旧约故事的起源。

    • 回复: @Seraphim
  476. Seraphim 说:
    @Cloak And Dagger

    Velikovsky 和 ​​Sitchin 制作的所有 BS 都难以下咽。

  477. Seraphim 说:

    “自然与超自然”的整个伪问题是由于犹太教和伊斯兰教等“一神论”宗教的头脑简单的创造者拒绝三位一体和道成肉身而造成的,这些宗教退化为一神论、自然神论和最后的唯物主义。 也是通过“自然”对“宇宙/世界”概念的欺诈性替换。

  478. John55 说:

    人文主义是这样一种理论,即我们当中最小的人的利益高于一切。 由于我们中的任何人都绝对堕落(在道德、行为等方面),因此社会消除了其更高的法律和原则,以使他们的生活更轻松。 当然,头条新闻是对饥饿等的关注,但最终的结果是破坏了正常的人类社会。 换句话说,它是对机器的崇拜(对“人文主义”命名法具有讽刺意味)。 作为没有适当的人类道德准则的人类,他们被鼓励屈服于每一种冲动,类似于本能(程序化)昆虫(它们是机器的动物版本)。

    与所有传统宗教的基础相反的是,社会应该被命令促进人类(道德、行为等)的最高表达:最高原型由部落神代表。 这种类型的社会禁止除凶手之外的所有谋杀,支持一种文化,甚至一些法律,这些法律强制执行更高的道德行为(婚姻等),并惩罚那些无视这些法律的人,因为有人恳求成为受害者。

  479. John55 说:

    问题是穆斯林不会对我们收回安纳托利亚和中亚感到冷静。 哪个会发生(正在发生),所以……也许不要太舒服。 我认为你会在未来一段时间与左派在一起,他们是唯一愿意代表任何人解构我们的根深蒂固的元素(只要有人反对我们)。 但是,它们也受到控制,因此也是如此。 他们永远无法有效地阻止我们进行上述努力。 最终的成功是注定的。

  480. John55 说:


    你发现了一个 真实 具有很大地缘政治意义的问题。 这不是一个被禁止的问题,而只是在另一方面。

    谁是波斯人, 恰恰?


  481. John55 说:



  482. John55 说:

    犹太“合作者”? 我不这么认为。







  483. John55 说:

    你的意思是“大屠杀”从未公开过历史检查、法医(科学)检查和由此产生的同行评审(辩论)? 那个“大屠杀”?

    不幸的是,当可靠的犹太消息来源最近承认,声称的 5 万死者中有 11 人是凭空捏造出来的,目的是为了增加对犹太人的同情,而你对这一声称的事件所要求的全球信仰失去了立足点。

    没有因信任破裂而消散的信仰,您将需要公开大屠杀以进行自由的法医调查和辩论。 虽然我对犹太人的结果并不乐观,但这是他们目前重新确立可信度的唯一选择。


  484. John55 说:

    天啊,是的,我的意思是谁会想到人们会认为自己有种族利益? 我们都那么像。 惊人的。

  485. John55 说:

    纳粹想要彻底消灭所有斯拉夫人的愿望不仅对日耳曼人来说并不新鲜。 我断言,就像彻底摧毁凯尔特人的动力一样(另一种是在试图征服罗马/意大利和法国的同时尽可能多地猿猴)是日耳曼文化的特有现象。

    大多数德国人(以及荷兰人、北欧人等)是凯尔特人的单倍型 (R1b),天才。 仅因子分支而异。 I1 和 I2 的北欧单倍型仅占大多数人口的 10%,撒克逊人和瑞典人除外。

    所有的“凯尔特人”都不一样。 伊比利亚爱尔兰人在种族上与凯尔特苏格兰人或非伊比利亚爱尔兰人不同。




  486. John55 说:


    如果你真的认为反对普京主要是犹太人的现象,那你就大错特错了。 普京受到所有宗教人士(以及不可知论者和无神论者)的广泛憎恶。

    从我的姓应该可以看出,我是外邦人,我深深鄙视他。 绝大多数对普京有任何看法的非俄罗斯人都认为他是一个可怕的人。 大多数人也觉得他很荒谬(但我们害怕他的武器,即使他看起来是个小丑)。


    我可能恨你们比有意识的肇事者更糟糕。 无论犹太媒体告诉你相信什么,你对美德的无尽渴望都在很大程度上导致我们参与了我们失去了这么多人的冲突,更不用说我们肮脏的犹太化文化了。


  487. @Joji Cherian

    根据犹太人自己的说法,博尔顿实际上是 1/8 的犹太人(这并不奇怪,因为他是一个巨大的犹太复国主义者!)



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